.\" Copyright (c) 2011 Ed Schouten <ed@FreeBSD.org> .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions .\" are met: .\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. .\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the .\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. .\" .\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND .\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE .\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE .\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE .\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL .\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS .\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) .\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT .\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY .\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF .\" SUCH DAMAGE. .\" .\" $FreeBSD$ .\" .Dd December 26, 2011 .Dt THRD_CREATE 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm call_once , .Nm cnd_broadcast , .Nm cnd_destroy , .Nm cnd_init , .Nm cnd_signal , .Nm cnd_timedwait , .Nm cnd_wait , .Nm mtx_destroy , .Nm mtx_init , .Nm mtx_lock , .Nm mtx_timedlock , .Nm mtx_trylock , .Nm mtx_unlock , .Nm thrd_create , .Nm thrd_current , .Nm thrd_detach , .Nm thrd_equal , .Nm thrd_exit , .Nm thrd_join , .Nm thrd_sleep , .Nm thrd_yield , .Nm tss_create , .Nm tss_delete , .Nm tss_get , .Nm tss_set .Nd C11 threads interface .Sh LIBRARY .Lb libstdthreads .Sh SYNOPSIS .In threads.h .Ft void .Fn call_once "once_flag *flag" "void (*func)(void)" .Ft int .Fn cnd_broadcast "cnd_t *cond" .Ft void .Fn cnd_destroy "cnd_t *cond" .Ft int .Fn cnd_init "cnd_t *cond" .Ft int .Fn cnd_signal "cnd_t *cond" .Ft int .Fn cnd_timedwait "cnd_t * restrict cond" "mtx_t * restrict mtx" "const struct timespec * restrict ts" .Ft int .Fn cnd_wait "cnd_t *cond" "mtx_t *mtx" .Ft void .Fn mtx_destroy "mtx_t *mtx" .Ft int .Fn mtx_init "mtx_t *mtx" "int type" .Ft int .Fn mtx_lock "mtx_t *mtx" .Ft int .Fn mtx_timedlock "mtx_t * restrict mtx" "const struct timespec * restrict ts" .Ft int .Fn mtx_trylock "mtx_t *mtx" .Ft int .Fn mtx_unlock "mtx_t *mtx" .Ft int .Fn thrd_create "thrd_t *thr" "int (*func)(void *)" "void *arg" .Ft thrd_t .Fn thrd_current "void" .Ft int .Fn thrd_detach "thrd_t thr" .Ft int .Fn thrd_equal "thrd_t thr0" "thrd_t thr1" .Ft _Noreturn void .Fn thrd_exit "int res" .Ft int .Fn thrd_join "thrd_t thr" "int *res" .Ft int .Fn thrd_sleep "const struct timespec *duration" "struct timespec *remaining" .Ft void .Fn thrd_yield "void" .Ft int .Fn tss_create "tss_t *key" "void (*dtor)(void *)" .Ft void .Fn tss_delete "tss_t key" .Ft void * .Fn tss_get "tss_t key" .Ft int .Fn tss_set "tss_t key" "void *val" .Sh DESCRIPTION As of .St -isoC-2011 , the C standard includes an API for writing multithreaded applications. Since POSIX.1 already includes a threading API that is used by virtually any multithreaded application, the interface provided by the C standard can be considered superfluous. .Pp In this implementation, the threading interface is therefore implemented as a light-weight layer on top of existing interfaces. The functions to which these routines are mapped, are listed in the following table. Please refer to the documentation of the POSIX equivalent functions for more information. .Bl -column ".Fn mtx_timedlock" ".Xr pthread_mutex_timedlock 3" -offset indent .It Em Function Ta Em POSIX equivalent .It Fn call_once Ta Xr pthread_once 3 .It Fn cnd_broadcast Ta Xr pthread_cond_broadcast 3 .It Fn cnd_destroy Ta Xr pthread_cond_destroy 3 .It Fn cnd_init Ta Xr pthread_cond_init 3 .It Fn cnd_signal Ta Xr pthread_cond_signal 3 .It Fn cnd_timedwait Ta Xr pthread_cond_timedwait 3 .It Fn cnd_wait Ta Xr pthread_cond_wait 3 .It Fn mtx_destroy Ta Xr pthread_mutex_destroy 3 .It Fn mtx_init Ta Xr pthread_mutex_init 3 .It Fn mtx_lock Ta Xr pthread_mutex_lock 3 .It Fn mtx_timedlock Ta Xr pthread_mutex_timedlock 3 .It Fn mtx_trylock Ta Xr pthread_mutex_trylock 3 .It Fn mtx_unlock Ta Xr pthread_mutex_unlock 3 .It Fn thrd_create Ta Xr pthread_create 3 .It Fn thrd_current Ta Xr pthread_self 3 .It Fn thrd_detach Ta Xr pthread_detach 3 .It Fn thrd_equal Ta Xr pthread_equal 3 .It Fn thrd_exit Ta Xr pthread_exit 3 .It Fn thrd_join Ta Xr pthread_join 3 .It Fn thrd_sleep Ta Xr nanosleep 2 .It Fn thrd_yield Ta Xr pthread_yield 3 .It Fn tss_create Ta Xr pthread_key_create 3 .It Fn tss_delete Ta Xr pthread_key_delete 3 .It Fn tss_get Ta Xr pthread_getspecific 3 .It Fn tss_set Ta Xr pthread_setspecific 3 .El .Sh DIFFERENCES WITH POSIX EQUIVALENTS The .Fn thrd_exit function returns an integer value to the thread calling .Fn thrd_join , whereas the .Fn pthread_exit function uses a pointer. .Pp The mutex created by .Fn mtx_init can be of .Fa type .Dv mtx_plain or .Dv mtx_timed to distinguish between a mutex that supports .Fn mtx_timedlock . This type can be .Em or'd with .Dv mtx_recursive to create a mutex that allows recursive acquisition. These properties are normally set using .Fn pthread_mutex_init Ns 's .Fa attr parameter. .Sh RETURN VALUES If successful, the .Fn cnd_broadcast , .Fn cnd_init , .Fn cnd_signal , .Fn cnd_timedwait , .Fn cnd_wait , .Fn mtx_init , .Fn mtx_lock , .Fn mtx_timedlock , .Fn mtx_trylock , .Fn mtx_unlock , .Fn thrd_create , .Fn thrd_detach , .Fn thrd_equal , .Fn thrd_join , .Fn thrd_sleep , .Fn tss_create and .Fn tss_set functions return .Dv thrd_success . Otherwise an error code will be returned to indicate the error. .Pp The .Fn thrd_current function returns the thread ID of the calling thread. .Pp The .Fn tss_get function returns the thread-specific data value associated with the given .Fa key . If no thread-specific data value is associated with .Fa key , then the value NULL is returned. .Sh ERRORS The .Fn cnd_init and .Fn thrd_create functions will fail if: .Bl -tag -width thrd_timedout .It Dv thrd_nomem The system has insufficient memory. .El .Pp The .Fn cnd_timedwait and .Fn mtx_timedlock functions will fail if: .Bl -tag -width thrd_timedout .It Dv thrd_timedout The system time has reached or exceeded the time specified in .Fa ts before the operation could be completed. .El .Pp The .Fn mtx_trylock function will fail if: .Bl -tag -width thrd_timedout .It Dv thrd_busy The mutex is already locked. .El .Pp In all other cases, these functions may fail by returning general error code .Dv thrd_error . .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr nanosleep 2 , .Xr pthread 3 .Sh STANDARDS These functions are expected to conform to .St -isoC-2011 . .Sh HISTORY These functions appeared in .Fx 10.0 . .Sh AUTHORS .An Ed Schouten Aq ed@FreeBSD.org