#!/usr/local/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Jeffrey Roberson # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice unmodified, this list of conditions, and the following # disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # $FreeBSD$ import sys import re from Tkinter import * # To use: # - Install the ports/x11-toolkits/py-tkinter package. # - Add KTR_SCHED to KTR_COMPILE and KTR_MASK in your KERNCONF # - It is encouraged to increase KTR_ENTRIES size to 32768 to gather # enough information for analysis. # - Rebuild kernel with proper changes to KERNCONF. # - Run ktrace(1) with whatever workload you wish to use. # - Dump the trace to a file: 'ktrdump -ct > ktr.out' # - Run the python script: 'python schedgraph.py ktr.out' # # To do: # 1) Add a per-thread summary display # 2) Add bounding box style zoom. # 3) Click to center. # 4) Implement some sorting mechanism. ticksps = None status = None configtypes = [] def ticks2sec(ticks): ns = ticksps / 1000000000 ticks /= ns if (ticks < 1000): return (str(ticks) + "ns") ticks /= 1000 if (ticks < 1000): return (str(ticks) + "us") ticks /= 1000 if (ticks < 1000): return (str(ticks) + "ms") ticks /= 1000 return (str(ticks) + "s") class Scaler(Frame): def __init__(self, master, target): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.scale = Scale(self, command=self.scaleset, from_=1000, to_=1000000, orient=HORIZONTAL, resolution=1000) self.label = Label(self, text="Ticks per pixel") self.label.pack(side=LEFT) self.scale.pack(fill="both", expand=1) self.target = target self.scale.set(target.scaleget()) self.initialized = 1 def scaleset(self, value): self.target.scaleset(int(value)) def set(self, value): self.scale.set(value) class Status(Frame): def __init__(self, master): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.label = Label(self, bd=1, relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W) self.label.pack(fill="both", expand=1) self.clear() def set(self, str): self.label.config(text=str) def clear(self): self.label.config(text="") def startup(self, str): self.set(str) root.update() class EventConf(Frame): def __init__(self, master, name, color, enabled): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.name = name self.color = StringVar() self.color_default = color self.color_current = color self.color.set(color) self.enabled = IntVar() self.enabled_default = enabled self.enabled_current = enabled self.enabled.set(enabled) self.draw() def draw(self): self.label = Label(self, text=self.name, anchor=W) self.sample = Canvas(self, width=24, height=24, bg='grey') self.rect = self.sample.create_rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24, fill=self.color.get()) self.list = OptionMenu(self, self.color, "dark red", "red", "pink", "dark orange", "orange", "yellow", "light yellow", "dark green", "green", "light green", "dark blue", "blue", "light blue", "dark violet", "violet", "purple", "dark grey", "light grey", "white", "black", command=self.setcolor) self.checkbox = Checkbutton(self, text="enabled", variable=self.enabled) self.label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.sample.grid(row=0, column=1) self.list.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=E+W) self.checkbox.grid(row=0, column=3) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(2, minsize=110) def setcolor(self, color): self.color.set(color) self.sample.itemconfigure(self.rect, fill=color) def apply(self): cchange = 0 echange = 0 if (self.color_current != self.color.get()): cchange = 1 if (self.enabled_current != self.enabled.get()): echange = 1 self.color_current = self.color.get() self.enabled_current = self.enabled.get() if (echange != 0): if (self.enabled_current): graph.setcolor(self.name, self.color_current) else: graph.hide(self.name) return if (cchange != 0): graph.setcolor(self.name, self.color_current) def revert(self): self.setcolor(self.color_current) self.enabled.set(self.enabled_current) def default(self): self.setcolor(self.color_default) self.enabled.set(self.enabled_default) class EventConfigure(Toplevel): def __init__(self): Toplevel.__init__(self) self.resizable(0, 0) self.title("Event Configuration") self.items = LabelFrame(self, text="Event Type") self.buttons = Frame(self) self.drawbuttons() self.items.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.buttons.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.types = [] self.irow = 0 for type in configtypes: self.additem(type.name, type.color, type.enabled) def additem(self, name, color, enabled=1): item = EventConf(self.items, name, color, enabled) self.types.append(item) item.grid(row=self.irow, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.irow += 1 def drawbuttons(self): self.apply = Button(self.buttons, text="Apply", command=self.apress) self.revert = Button(self.buttons, text="Revert", command=self.rpress) self.default = Button(self.buttons, text="Default", command=self.dpress) self.apply.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.revert.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=E+W) self.default.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=E+W) self.buttons.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.buttons.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.buttons.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) def apress(self): for item in self.types: item.apply() def rpress(self): for item in self.types: item.revert() def dpress(self): for item in self.types: item.default() class EventView(Toplevel): def __init__(self, event, canvas): Toplevel.__init__(self) self.resizable(0, 0) self.title("Event") self.event = event self.frame = Frame(self) self.frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N+S+E+W) self.buttons = Frame(self) self.buttons.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.canvas = canvas self.drawlabels() self.drawbuttons() event.displayref(canvas) self.bind("", self.destroycb) def destroycb(self, event): self.unbind("") if (self.event != None): self.event.displayunref(self.canvas) self.event = None self.destroy() def clearlabels(self): for label in self.frame.grid_slaves(): label.grid_remove() def drawlabels(self): ypos = 0 labels = self.event.labels() while (len(labels) < 7): labels.append(("", "", 0)) for label in labels: name, value, linked = label l = Label(self.frame, text=name, bd=1, width=15, relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W) if (linked): fgcolor = "blue" else: fgcolor = "black" r = Label(self.frame, text=value, bd=1, relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W, fg=fgcolor) l.grid(row=ypos, column=0, sticky=E+W) r.grid(row=ypos, column=1, sticky=E+W) if (linked): r.bind("", self.linkpress) ypos += 1 self.frame.columnconfigure(1, minsize=80) def drawbuttons(self): self.back = Button(self.buttons, text="<", command=self.bpress) self.forw = Button(self.buttons, text=">", command=self.fpress) self.new = Button(self.buttons, text="new", command=self.npress) self.back.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) self.forw.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=E+W) self.new.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=E+W) self.buttons.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) def newevent(self, event): self.event.displayunref(self.canvas) self.clearlabels() self.event = event self.event.displayref(self.canvas) self.drawlabels() def npress(self): EventView(self.event, self.canvas) def bpress(self): prev = self.event.prev() if (prev == None): return while (prev.real == 0): prev = prev.prev() if (prev == None): return self.newevent(prev) def fpress(self): next = self.event.next() if (next == None): return while (next.real == 0): next = next.next() if (next == None): return self.newevent(next) def linkpress(self, wevent): event = self.event.getlinked() if (event != None): self.newevent(event) class Event: name = "none" color = "grey" def __init__(self, source, cpu, timestamp, last=0): self.source = source self.cpu = cpu self.timestamp = int(timestamp) self.entries = [] self.real = 1 self.idx = None self.state = 0 self.item = None self.dispcnt = 0 self.linked = None if (last): source.lastevent(self) else: source.event(self) def status(self): statstr = self.name + " " + self.source.name statstr += " on: cpu" + str(self.cpu) statstr += " at: " + str(self.timestamp) statstr += self.stattxt() status.set(statstr) def stattxt(self): return "" def textadd(self, tuple): pass self.entries.append(tuple) def labels(self): return [("Source:", self.source.name, 0), ("Event:", self.name, 0), ("CPU:", self.cpu, 0), ("Timestamp:", self.timestamp, 0)] + self.entries def mouseenter(self, canvas, item): self.displayref(canvas) self.status() def mouseexit(self, canvas, item): self.displayunref(canvas) status.clear() def mousepress(self, canvas, item): EventView(self, canvas) def next(self): return self.source.eventat(self.idx + 1) def prev(self): return self.source.eventat(self.idx - 1) def displayref(self, canvas): if (self.dispcnt == 0): canvas.itemconfigure(self.item, width=2) self.dispcnt += 1 def displayunref(self, canvas): self.dispcnt -= 1 if (self.dispcnt == 0): canvas.itemconfigure(self.item, width=0) canvas.tag_raise("point", "state") def getlinked(self): return self.linked.findevent(self.timestamp) class PointEvent(Event): def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, last=0): Event.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, last) def draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos): l = canvas.create_oval(xpos - 6, ypos + 1, xpos + 6, ypos - 11, fill=self.color, tags=("all", "point", "event") + (self.name,), width=0) canvas.events[l] = self self.item = l if (self.enabled == 0): canvas.itemconfigure(l, state="hidden") return (xpos) class StateEvent(Event): def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, last=0): Event.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, last) self.duration = 0 self.skipnext = 0 self.skipself = 0 self.state = 1 def draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos): next = self.nextstate() if (self.skipself == 1 or next == None): return (xpos) while (self.skipnext): skipped = next next.skipself = 1 next.real = 0 next = next.nextstate() if (next == None): next = skipped self.skipnext -= 1 self.duration = next.timestamp - self.timestamp delta = self.duration / canvas.ratio l = canvas.create_rectangle(xpos, ypos, xpos + delta, ypos - 10, fill=self.color, width=0, tags=("all", "state", "event") + (self.name,)) canvas.events[l] = self self.item = l if (self.enabled == 0): canvas.itemconfigure(l, state="hidden") return (xpos + delta) def stattxt(self): return " duration: " + ticks2sec(self.duration) def nextstate(self): next = self.next() while (next != None and next.state == 0): next = next.next() return (next) def labels(self): return [("Source:", self.source.name, 0), ("Event:", self.name, 0), ("Timestamp:", self.timestamp, 0), ("CPU:", self.cpu, 0), ("Duration:", ticks2sec(self.duration), 0)] \ + self.entries class Count(Event): name = "Count" color = "red" enabled = 1 def __init__(self, source, cpu, timestamp, count): self.count = int(count) Event.__init__(self, source, cpu, timestamp) self.duration = 0 self.textadd(("count:", self.count, 0)) def draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos): next = self.next() self.duration = next.timestamp - self.timestamp delta = self.duration / canvas.ratio yhight = self.source.yscale() * self.count l = canvas.create_rectangle(xpos, ypos - yhight, xpos + delta, ypos, fill=self.color, width=0, tags=("all", "count", "event") + (self.name,)) canvas.events[l] = self self.item = l if (self.enabled == 0): canvas.itemconfigure(l, state="hidden") return (xpos + delta) def stattxt(self): return " count: " + str(self.count) configtypes.append(Count) class Running(StateEvent): name = "running" color = "green" enabled = 1 def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio): StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) self.prio = prio self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0)) configtypes.append(Running) class Idle(StateEvent): name = "idle" color = "grey" enabled = 0 def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio): StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) self.prio = prio self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0)) configtypes.append(Idle) class Yielding(StateEvent): name = "yielding" color = "yellow" enabled = 1 def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio): StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) self.skipnext = 2 self.prio = prio self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0)) configtypes.append(Yielding) class Swapped(StateEvent): name = "swapped" color = "violet" enabled = 1 def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio): StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) self.prio = prio self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0)) configtypes.append(Swapped) class Suspended(StateEvent): name = "suspended" color = "purple" enabled = 1 def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio): StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) self.prio = prio self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0)) configtypes.append(Suspended) class Iwait(StateEvent): name = "iwait" color = "grey" enabled = 0 def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio): StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) self.prio = prio self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0)) configtypes.append(Iwait) class Preempted(StateEvent): name = "preempted" color = "red" enabled = 1 def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, bythread): StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) self.skipnext = 2 self.prio = prio self.linked = bythread self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0)) self.textadd(("by thread:", self.linked.name, 1)) configtypes.append(Preempted) class Sleep(StateEvent): name = "sleep" color = "blue" enabled = 1 def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, wmesg): StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) self.prio = prio self.wmesg = wmesg self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0)) self.textadd(("wmesg:", self.wmesg, 0)) def stattxt(self): statstr = StateEvent.stattxt(self) statstr += " sleeping on: " + self.wmesg return (statstr) configtypes.append(Sleep) class Blocked(StateEvent): name = "blocked" color = "dark red" enabled = 1 def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, lock): StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) self.prio = prio self.lock = lock self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0)) self.textadd(("lock:", self.lock, 0)) def stattxt(self): statstr = StateEvent.stattxt(self) statstr += " blocked on: " + self.lock return (statstr) configtypes.append(Blocked) class KsegrpRunq(StateEvent): name = "KsegrpRunq" color = "orange" enabled = 1 def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, bythread): StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) self.prio = prio self.linked = bythread self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0)) self.textadd(("by thread:", self.linked.name, 1)) configtypes.append(KsegrpRunq) class Runq(StateEvent): name = "Runq" color = "yellow" enabled = 1 def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, bythread): StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) self.prio = prio self.linked = bythread self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0)) self.textadd(("by thread:", self.linked.name, 1)) configtypes.append(Runq) class Sched_exit(StateEvent): name = "exit" color = "grey" enabled = 0 def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio): StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) self.name = "sched_exit" self.prio = prio self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0)) configtypes.append(Sched_exit) class Padevent(StateEvent): def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, last=0): StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, last) self.name = "pad" self.real = 0 def draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos): next = self.next() if (next == None): return (xpos) self.duration = next.timestamp - self.timestamp delta = self.duration / canvas.ratio return (xpos + delta) class Tick(PointEvent): name = "tick" color = "black" enabled = 0 def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, stathz): PointEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) self.prio = prio self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0)) configtypes.append(Tick) class Prio(PointEvent): name = "prio" color = "black" enabled = 0 def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, newprio, bythread): PointEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) self.prio = prio self.newprio = newprio self.linked = bythread self.textadd(("new prio:", self.newprio, 0)) self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0)) if (self.linked != self.source): self.textadd(("by thread:", self.linked.name, 1)) else: self.textadd(("by thread:", self.linked.name, 0)) configtypes.append(Prio) class Lend(PointEvent): name = "lend" color = "black" enabled = 0 def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, tothread): PointEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) self.prio = prio self.linked = tothread self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0)) self.textadd(("to thread:", self.linked.name, 1)) configtypes.append(Lend) class Wokeup(PointEvent): name = "wokeup" color = "black" enabled = 0 def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, ranthread): PointEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) self.linked = ranthread self.textadd(("ran thread:", self.linked.name, 1)) configtypes.append(Wokeup) class EventSource: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.events = [] self.cpu = 0 self.cpux = 0 def fixup(self): pass def event(self, event): self.events.insert(0, event) def remove(self, event): self.events.remove(event) def lastevent(self, event): self.events.append(event) def draw(self, canvas, ypos): xpos = 10 self.cpux = 10 self.cpu = self.events[1].cpu for i in range(0, len(self.events)): self.events[i].idx = i for event in self.events: if (event.cpu != self.cpu and event.cpu != -1): self.drawcpu(canvas, xpos, ypos) self.cpux = xpos self.cpu = event.cpu xpos = event.draw(canvas, xpos, ypos) self.drawcpu(canvas, xpos, ypos) def drawname(self, canvas, ypos): ypos = ypos - (self.ysize() / 2) canvas.create_text(10, ypos, anchor="w", text=self.name) def drawcpu(self, canvas, xpos, ypos): cpu = int(self.cpu) if (cpu == 0): color = 'light grey' elif (cpu == 1): color = 'dark grey' elif (cpu == 2): color = 'light blue' elif (cpu == 3): color == 'light green' else: color == "white" l = canvas.create_rectangle(self.cpux, ypos - self.ysize() - canvas.bdheight, xpos, ypos + canvas.bdheight, fill=color, width=0, tags=("all", "cpuinfo")) def ysize(self): return (None) def eventat(self, i): if (i >= len(self.events)): return (None) event = self.events[i] return (event) def findevent(self, timestamp): for event in self.events: if (event.timestamp >= timestamp and event.real): return (event) return (None) class Thread(EventSource): names = {} def __init__(self, td, pcomm): EventSource.__init__(self, pcomm) self.str = td try: cnt = Thread.names[pcomm] except: Thread.names[pcomm] = 0 return Thread.names[pcomm] = cnt + 1 def fixup(self): cnt = Thread.names[self.name] if (cnt == 0): return cnt -= 1 Thread.names[self.name] = cnt self.name += " td" + str(cnt) def ysize(self): return (10) class Counter(EventSource): max = 0 def __init__(self, name): EventSource.__init__(self, name) def event(self, event): EventSource.event(self, event) try: count = event.count except: return count = int(count) if (count > Counter.max): Counter.max = count def ysize(self): return (80) def yscale(self): return (self.ysize() / Counter.max) class KTRFile: def __init__(self, file): self.timestamp_first = None self.timestamp_last = None self.lineno = -1 self.threads = [] self.sources = [] self.ticks = {} self.load = {} self.parse(file) self.fixup() global ticksps ticksps = self.ticksps() def parse(self, file): try: ifp = open(file) except: print "Can't open", file sys.exit(1) ktrhdr = "\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+" tdname = "(\S+)\(([^)]*)\)" ktrstr = "mi_switch: " + tdname ktrstr += " prio (\d+) inhibit (\d+) wmesg (\S+) lock (\S+)" switchout_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr) ktrstr = "mi_switch: " + tdname + " prio (\d+) idle" idled_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr) ktrstr = "mi_switch: " + tdname + " prio (\d+) preempted by " ktrstr += tdname preempted_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr) ktrstr = "mi_switch: running " + tdname + " prio (\d+)" switchin_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr) ktrstr = "sched_add: " + tdname + " prio (\d+) by " + tdname sched_add_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr) ktrstr = "setrunqueue: " + tdname + " prio (\d+) by " + tdname setrunqueue_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr) ktrstr = "sched_rem: " + tdname + " prio (\d+) by " + tdname sched_rem_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr) ktrstr = "sched_exit_thread: " + tdname + " prio (\d+)" sched_exit_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr) ktrstr = "statclock: " + tdname + " prio (\d+)" ktrstr += " stathz (\d+)" sched_clock_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr) ktrstr = "sched_prio: " + tdname + " prio (\d+)" ktrstr += " newprio (\d+) by " + tdname sched_prio_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr) cpuload_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + "load: (\d+)") loadglobal_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + "global load: (\d+)") parsers = [[cpuload_re, self.cpuload], [loadglobal_re, self.loadglobal], [switchin_re, self.switchin], [switchout_re, self.switchout], [sched_add_re, self.sched_add], [setrunqueue_re, self.sched_rem], [sched_prio_re, self.sched_prio], [preempted_re, self.preempted], [sched_rem_re, self.sched_rem], [sched_exit_re, self.sched_exit], [sched_clock_re, self.sched_clock], [idled_re, self.idled]] for line in ifp.readlines(): self.lineno += 1 if ((self.lineno % 1024) == 0): status.startup("Parsing line " + str(self.lineno)) for p in parsers: m = p[0].match(line) if (m != None): p[1](*m.groups()) break # if (m == None): # print line, def checkstamp(self, timestamp): timestamp = int(timestamp) if (self.timestamp_first == None): self.timestamp_first = timestamp if (timestamp > self.timestamp_first): print "Bad timestamp on line ", self.lineno return (0) self.timestamp_last = timestamp return (1) def timespan(self): return (self.timestamp_first - self.timestamp_last); def ticksps(self): return (self.timespan() / self.ticks[0]) * int(self.stathz) def switchout(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio, inhibit, wmesg, lock): TDI_SUSPENDED = 0x0001 TDI_SLEEPING = 0x0002 TDI_SWAPPED = 0x0004 TDI_LOCK = 0x0008 TDI_IWAIT = 0x0010 if (self.checkstamp(timestamp) == 0): return inhibit = int(inhibit) thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm) if (inhibit & TDI_SWAPPED): Swapped(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio) elif (inhibit & TDI_SLEEPING): Sleep(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, wmesg) elif (inhibit & TDI_LOCK): Blocked(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, lock) elif (inhibit & TDI_IWAIT): Iwait(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio) elif (inhibit & TDI_SUSPENDED): Suspended(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio) elif (inhibit == 0): Yielding(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio) else: print "Unknown event", inhibit sys.exit(1) def idled(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio): if (self.checkstamp(timestamp) == 0): return thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm) Idle(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio) def preempted(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio, bytd, bypcomm): if (self.checkstamp(timestamp) == 0): return thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm) Preempted(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, self.findtd(bytd, bypcomm)) def switchin(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio): if (self.checkstamp(timestamp) == 0): return thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm) Running(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio) def sched_add(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio, bytd, bypcomm): if (self.checkstamp(timestamp) == 0): return thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm) bythread = self.findtd(bytd, bypcomm) Runq(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, bythread) Wokeup(bythread, cpu, timestamp, thread) def sched_rem(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio, bytd, bypcomm): if (self.checkstamp(timestamp) == 0): return thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm) KsegrpRunq(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, self.findtd(bytd, bypcomm)) def sched_exit(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio): if (self.checkstamp(timestamp) == 0): return thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm) Sched_exit(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio) def sched_clock(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio, stathz): if (self.checkstamp(timestamp) == 0): return self.stathz = stathz cpu = int(cpu) try: ticks = self.ticks[cpu] except: self.ticks[cpu] = 0 self.ticks[cpu] += 1 thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm) Tick(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, stathz) def sched_prio(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio, newprio, bytd, bypcomm): if (prio == newprio): return if (self.checkstamp(timestamp) == 0): return thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm) bythread = self.findtd(bytd, bypcomm) Prio(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, newprio, bythread) Lend(bythread, cpu, timestamp, newprio, thread) def cpuload(self, cpu, timestamp, count): if (self.checkstamp(timestamp) == 0): return cpu = int(cpu) try: load = self.load[cpu] except: load = Counter("cpu" + str(cpu) + " load") self.load[cpu] = load self.sources.insert(0, load) Count(load, cpu, timestamp, count) def loadglobal(self, cpu, timestamp, count): if (self.checkstamp(timestamp) == 0): return cpu = 0 try: load = self.load[cpu] except: load = Counter("CPU load") self.load[cpu] = load self.sources.insert(0, load) Count(load, cpu, timestamp, count) def findtd(self, td, pcomm): for thread in self.threads: if (thread.str == td and thread.name == pcomm): return thread thread = Thread(td, pcomm) self.threads.append(thread) self.sources.append(thread) return (thread) def fixup(self): for source in self.sources: Padevent(source, -1, self.timestamp_last) Padevent(source, -1, self.timestamp_first, last=1) source.fixup() class SchedDisplay(Canvas): def __init__(self, master): self.ratio = 1 self.ktrfile = None self.sources = None self.bdheight = 10 self.events = {} Canvas.__init__(self, master, width=800, height=500, bg='grey', scrollregion=(0, 0, 800, 500)) def setfile(self, ktrfile): self.ktrfile = ktrfile self.sources = ktrfile.sources def draw(self): ypos = 0 xsize = self.xsize() for source in self.sources: status.startup("Drawing " + source.name) self.create_line(0, ypos, xsize, ypos, width=1, fill="black", tags=("all",)) ypos += self.bdheight ypos += source.ysize() source.draw(self, ypos) ypos += self.bdheight try: self.tag_raise("point", "state") self.tag_lower("cpuinfo", "all") except: pass self.create_line(0, ypos, xsize, ypos, width=1, fill="black", tags=("all",)) self.tag_bind("event", "", self.mouseenter) self.tag_bind("event", "", self.mouseexit) self.tag_bind("event", "", self.mousepress) def mouseenter(self, event): item, = self.find_withtag(CURRENT) event = self.events[item] event.mouseenter(self, item) def mouseexit(self, event): item, = self.find_withtag(CURRENT) event = self.events[item] event.mouseexit(self, item) def mousepress(self, event): item, = self.find_withtag(CURRENT) event = self.events[item] event.mousepress(self, item) def drawnames(self, canvas): status.startup("Drawing names") ypos = 0 canvas.configure(scrollregion=(0, 0, canvas["width"], self.ysize())) for source in self.sources: canvas.create_line(0, ypos, canvas["width"], ypos, width=1, fill="black", tags=("all",)) ypos += self.bdheight ypos += source.ysize() source.drawname(canvas, ypos) ypos += self.bdheight canvas.create_line(0, ypos, canvas["width"], ypos, width=1, fill="black", tags=("all",)) def xsize(self): return ((self.ktrfile.timespan() / self.ratio) + 20) def ysize(self): ysize = 0 for source in self.sources: ysize += source.ysize() + (self.bdheight * 2) return (ysize) def scaleset(self, ratio): if (self.ktrfile == None): return oldratio = self.ratio xstart, ystart = self.xview() length = (float(self["width"]) / self.xsize()) middle = xstart + (length / 2) self.ratio = ratio self.configure(scrollregion=(0, 0, self.xsize(), self.ysize())) self.scale("all", 0, 0, float(oldratio) / ratio, 1) length = (float(self["width"]) / self.xsize()) xstart = middle - (length / 2) self.xview_moveto(xstart) def scaleget(self): return self.ratio def setcolor(self, tag, color): self.itemconfigure(tag, state="normal", fill=color) def hide(self, tag): self.itemconfigure(tag, state="hidden") class GraphMenu(Frame): def __init__(self, master): Frame.__init__(self, master, bd=2, relief=RAISED) self.view = Menubutton(self, text="Configure") self.viewmenu = Menu(self.view, tearoff=0) self.viewmenu.add_command(label="Events", command=self.econf) self.view["menu"] = self.viewmenu self.view.pack(side=LEFT) def econf(self): EventConfigure() class SchedGraph(Frame): def __init__(self, master): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.menu = None self.names = None self.display = None self.scale = None self.status = None self.pack(expand=1, fill="both") self.buildwidgets() self.layout() self.draw(sys.argv[1]) def buildwidgets(self): global status self.menu = GraphMenu(self) self.display = SchedDisplay(self) self.names = Canvas(self, width=100, height=self.display["height"], bg='grey', scrollregion=(0, 0, 50, 100)) self.scale = Scaler(self, self.display) status = self.status = Status(self) self.scrollY = Scrollbar(self, orient="vertical", command=self.display_yview) self.display.scrollX = Scrollbar(self, orient="horizontal", command=self.display.xview) self.display["xscrollcommand"] = self.display.scrollX.set self.display["yscrollcommand"] = self.scrollY.set self.names["yscrollcommand"] = self.scrollY.set def layout(self): self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) self.menu.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=E+W) self.names.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=N+S) self.display.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W+E+N+S) self.scrollY.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=N+S) self.display.scrollX.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=E+W) self.scale.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=E+W) self.status.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=E+W) def draw(self, file): self.master.update() ktrfile = KTRFile(file) self.display.setfile(ktrfile) self.display.drawnames(self.names) self.display.draw() self.scale.set(250000) self.display.xview_moveto(0) def display_yview(self, *args): self.names.yview(*args) self.display.yview(*args) def setcolor(self, tag, color): self.display.setcolor(tag, color) def hide(self, tag): self.display.hide(tag) if (len(sys.argv) != 2): print "usage:", sys.argv[0], "" sys.exit(1) root = Tk() root.title("Scheduler Graph") graph = SchedGraph(root) root.mainloop()