/*- * Copyright (c) 2014 Ruslan Bukin <br@bsdpad.com> * All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by SRI International and the University of * Cambridge Computer Laboratory under DARPA/AFRL contract (FA8750-10-C-0237) * ("CTSRD"), as part of the DARPA CRASH research programme. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ /* * Register names were taken almost as is from the documentation. */ #ifndef __IF_DWC_H__ #define __IF_DWC_H__ #define MAC_CONFIGURATION 0x0 #define CONF_JD (1 << 22) /* jabber timer disable */ #define CONF_BE (1 << 21) /* Frame Burst Enable */ #define CONF_PS (1 << 15) /* GMII/MII */ #define CONF_FES (1 << 14) /* MII speed select */ #define CONF_DM (1 << 11) /* Full Duplex Enable */ #define CONF_ACS (1 << 7) #define CONF_TE (1 << 3) #define CONF_RE (1 << 2) #define MAC_FRAME_FILTER 0x4 #define FRAME_FILTER_RA (1U << 31) /* Receive All */ #define FRAME_FILTER_HPF (1 << 10) /* Hash or Perfect Filter */ #define FRAME_FILTER_PM (1 << 4) /* Pass multicast */ #define FRAME_FILTER_HMC (1 << 2) #define FRAME_FILTER_HUC (1 << 1) #define FRAME_FILTER_PR (1 << 0) /* All Incoming Frames */ #define GMAC_MAC_HTHIGH 0x08 #define GMAC_MAC_HTLOW 0x0c #define GMII_ADDRESS 0x10 #define GMII_ADDRESS_PA_MASK 0x1f /* Phy device */ #define GMII_ADDRESS_PA_SHIFT 11 #define GMII_ADDRESS_GR_MASK 0x1f /* Phy register */ #define GMII_ADDRESS_GR_SHIFT 6 #define GMII_ADDRESS_CR_MASK 0xf #define GMII_ADDRESS_CR_SHIFT 2 /* Clock */ #define GMII_ADDRESS_GW (1 << 1) /* Write operation */ #define GMII_ADDRESS_GB (1 << 0) /* Busy */ #define GMII_DATA 0x14 #define FLOW_CONTROL 0x18 #define GMAC_VLAN_TAG 0x1C #define VERSION 0x20 #define DEBUG 0x24 #define LPI_CONTROL_STATUS 0x30 #define LPI_TIMERS_CONTROL 0x34 #define INTERRUPT_STATUS 0x38 #define INTERRUPT_MASK 0x3C #define MAC_ADDRESS_HIGH(n) ((n > 15 ? 0x800 : 0x40) + 0x8 * n) #define MAC_ADDRESS_LOW(n) ((n > 15 ? 0x804 : 0x44) + 0x8 * n) #define SGMII_RGMII_SMII_CTRL_STATUS 0xD8 #define MMC_CONTROL 0x100 #define MMC_CONTROL_CNTRST (1 << 0) #define MMC_RECEIVE_INTERRUPT 0x104 #define MMC_TRANSMIT_INTERRUPT 0x108 #define MMC_RECEIVE_INTERRUPT_MASK 0x10C #define MMC_TRANSMIT_INTERRUPT_MASK 0x110 #define TXOCTETCOUNT_GB 0x114 #define TXFRAMECOUNT_GB 0x118 #define TXBROADCASTFRAMES_G 0x11C #define TXMULTICASTFRAMES_G 0x120 #define TX64OCTETS_GB 0x124 #define TX65TO127OCTETS_GB 0x128 #define TX128TO255OCTETS_GB 0x12C #define TX256TO511OCTETS_GB 0x130 #define TX512TO1023OCTETS_GB 0x134 #define TX1024TOMAXOCTETS_GB 0x138 #define TXUNICASTFRAMES_GB 0x13C #define TXMULTICASTFRAMES_GB 0x140 #define TXBROADCASTFRAMES_GB 0x144 #define TXUNDERFLOWERROR 0x148 #define TXSINGLECOL_G 0x14C #define TXMULTICOL_G 0x150 #define TXDEFERRED 0x154 #define TXLATECOL 0x158 #define TXEXESSCOL 0x15C #define TXCARRIERERR 0x160 #define TXOCTETCNT 0x164 #define TXFRAMECOUNT_G 0x168 #define TXEXCESSDEF 0x16C #define TXPAUSEFRAMES 0x170 #define TXVLANFRAMES_G 0x174 #define TXOVERSIZE_G 0x178 #define RXFRAMECOUNT_GB 0x180 #define RXOCTETCOUNT_GB 0x184 #define RXOCTETCOUNT_G 0x188 #define RXBROADCASTFRAMES_G 0x18C #define RXMULTICASTFRAMES_G 0x190 #define RXCRCERROR 0x194 #define RXALIGNMENTERROR 0x198 #define RXRUNTERROR 0x19C #define RXJABBERERROR 0x1A0 #define RXUNDERSIZE_G 0x1A4 #define RXOVERSIZE_G 0x1A8 #define RX64OCTETS_GB 0x1AC #define RX65TO127OCTETS_GB 0x1B0 #define RX128TO255OCTETS_GB 0x1B4 #define RX256TO511OCTETS_GB 0x1B8 #define RX512TO1023OCTETS_GB 0x1BC #define RX1024TOMAXOCTETS_GB 0x1C0 #define RXUNICASTFRAMES_G 0x1C4 #define RXLENGTHERROR 0x1C8 #define RXOUTOFRANGETYPE 0x1CC #define RXPAUSEFRAMES 0x1D0 #define RXFIFOOVERFLOW 0x1D4 #define RXVLANFRAMES_GB 0x1D8 #define RXWATCHDOGERROR 0x1DC #define RXRCVERROR 0x1E0 #define RXCTRLFRAMES_G 0x1E4 #define MMC_IPC_RECEIVE_INT_MASK 0x200 #define MMC_IPC_RECEIVE_INT 0x208 #define RXIPV4_GD_FRMS 0x210 #define RXIPV4_HDRERR_FRMS 0x214 #define RXIPV4_NOPAY_FRMS 0x218 #define RXIPV4_FRAG_FRMS 0x21C #define RXIPV4_UDSBL_FRMS 0x220 #define RXIPV6_GD_FRMS 0x224 #define RXIPV6_HDRERR_FRMS 0x228 #define RXIPV6_NOPAY_FRMS 0x22C #define RXUDP_GD_FRMS 0x230 #define RXUDP_ERR_FRMS 0x234 #define RXTCP_GD_FRMS 0x238 #define RXTCP_ERR_FRMS 0x23C #define RXICMP_GD_FRMS 0x240 #define RXICMP_ERR_FRMS 0x244 #define RXIPV4_GD_OCTETS 0x250 #define RXIPV4_HDRERR_OCTETS 0x254 #define RXIPV4_NOPAY_OCTETS 0x258 #define RXIPV4_FRAG_OCTETS 0x25C #define RXIPV4_UDSBL_OCTETS 0x260 #define RXIPV6_GD_OCTETS 0x264 #define RXIPV6_HDRERR_OCTETS 0x268 #define RXIPV6_NOPAY_OCTETS 0x26C #define RXUDP_GD_OCTETS 0x270 #define RXUDP_ERR_OCTETS 0x274 #define RXTCP_GD_OCTETS 0x278 #define RXTCPERROCTETS 0x27C #define RXICMP_GD_OCTETS 0x280 #define RXICMP_ERR_OCTETS 0x284 #define L3_L4_CONTROL0 0x400 #define LAYER4_ADDRESS0 0x404 #define LAYER3_ADDR0_REG0 0x410 #define LAYER3_ADDR1_REG0 0x414 #define LAYER3_ADDR2_REG0 0x418 #define LAYER3_ADDR3_REG0 0x41C #define L3_L4_CONTROL1 0x430 #define LAYER4_ADDRESS1 0x434 #define LAYER3_ADDR0_REG1 0x440 #define LAYER3_ADDR1_REG1 0x444 #define LAYER3_ADDR2_REG1 0x448 #define LAYER3_ADDR3_REG1 0x44C #define L3_L4_CONTROL2 0x460 #define LAYER4_ADDRESS2 0x464 #define LAYER3_ADDR0_REG2 0x470 #define LAYER3_ADDR1_REG2 0x474 #define LAYER3_ADDR2_REG2 0x478 #define LAYER3_ADDR3_REG2 0x47C #define L3_L4_CONTROL3 0x490 #define LAYER4_ADDRESS3 0x494 #define LAYER3_ADDR0_REG3 0x4A0 #define LAYER3_ADDR1_REG3 0x4A4 #define LAYER3_ADDR2_REG3 0x4A8 #define LAYER3_ADDR3_REG3 0x4AC #define HASH_TABLE_REG(n) 0x500 + (0x4 * n) #define VLAN_INCL_REG 0x584 #define VLAN_HASH_TABLE_REG 0x588 #define TIMESTAMP_CONTROL 0x700 #define SUB_SECOND_INCREMENT 0x704 #define SYSTEM_TIME_SECONDS 0x708 #define SYSTEM_TIME_NANOSECONDS 0x70C #define SYSTEM_TIME_SECONDS_UPDATE 0x710 #define SYSTEM_TIME_NANOSECONDS_UPDATE 0x714 #define TIMESTAMP_ADDEND 0x718 #define TARGET_TIME_SECONDS 0x71C #define TARGET_TIME_NANOSECONDS 0x720 #define SYSTEM_TIME_HIGHER_WORD_SECONDS 0x724 #define TIMESTAMP_STATUS 0x728 #define PPS_CONTROL 0x72C #define AUXILIARY_TIMESTAMP_NANOSECONDS 0x730 #define AUXILIARY_TIMESTAMP_SECONDS 0x734 #define PPS0_INTERVAL 0x760 #define PPS0_WIDTH 0x764 /* DMA */ #define BUS_MODE 0x1000 #define BUS_MODE_EIGHTXPBL (1 << 24) /* Multiplies PBL by 8 */ #define BUS_MODE_FIXEDBURST (1 << 16) #define BUS_MODE_PRIORXTX_SHIFT 14 #define BUS_MODE_PRIORXTX_41 3 #define BUS_MODE_PRIORXTX_31 2 #define BUS_MODE_PRIORXTX_21 1 #define BUS_MODE_PRIORXTX_11 0 #define BUS_MODE_PBL_SHIFT 8 /* Single block transfer size */ #define BUS_MODE_PBL_BEATS_8 8 #define BUS_MODE_SWR (1 << 0) /* Reset */ #define TRANSMIT_POLL_DEMAND 0x1004 #define RECEIVE_POLL_DEMAND 0x1008 #define RX_DESCR_LIST_ADDR 0x100C #define TX_DESCR_LIST_ADDR 0x1010 #define DMA_STATUS 0x1014 #define DMA_STATUS_NIS (1 << 16) #define DMA_STATUS_AIS (1 << 15) #define DMA_STATUS_FBI (1 << 13) #define DMA_STATUS_RI (1 << 6) #define DMA_STATUS_TI (1 << 0) #define DMA_STATUS_INTR_MASK 0x1ffff #define OPERATION_MODE 0x1018 #define MODE_RSF (1 << 25) /* RX Full Frame */ #define MODE_TSF (1 << 21) /* TX Full Frame */ #define MODE_FTF (1 << 20) /* Flush TX FIFO */ #define MODE_ST (1 << 13) /* Start DMA TX */ #define MODE_FUF (1 << 6) /* TX frames < 64bytes */ #define MODE_RTC_LEV32 0x1 #define MODE_RTC_SHIFT 3 #define MODE_OSF (1 << 2) /* Process Second frame */ #define MODE_SR (1 << 1) /* Start DMA RX */ #define INTERRUPT_ENABLE 0x101C #define INT_EN_NIE (1 << 16) /* Normal/Summary */ #define INT_EN_AIE (1 << 15) /* Abnormal/Summary */ #define INT_EN_ERE (1 << 14) /* Early receive */ #define INT_EN_FBE (1 << 13) /* Fatal bus error */ #define INT_EN_ETE (1 << 10) /* Early transmit */ #define INT_EN_RWE (1 << 9) /* Receive watchdog */ #define INT_EN_RSE (1 << 8) /* Receive stopped */ #define INT_EN_RUE (1 << 7) /* Recv buf unavailable */ #define INT_EN_RIE (1 << 6) /* Receive interrupt */ #define INT_EN_UNE (1 << 5) /* Tx underflow */ #define INT_EN_OVE (1 << 4) /* Receive overflow */ #define INT_EN_TJE (1 << 3) /* Transmit jabber */ #define INT_EN_TUE (1 << 2) /* Tx. buf unavailable */ #define INT_EN_TSE (1 << 1) /* Transmit stopped */ #define INT_EN_TIE (1 << 0) /* Transmit interrupt */ #define INT_EN_DEFAULT (INT_EN_TIE|INT_EN_RIE| \ INT_EN_NIE|INT_EN_AIE| \ INT_EN_FBE|INT_EN_UNE) #define MISSED_FRAMEBUF_OVERFLOW_CNTR 0x1020 #define RECEIVE_INT_WATCHDOG_TMR 0x1024 #define AXI_BUS_MODE 0x1028 #define AHB_OR_AXI_STATUS 0x102C #define CURRENT_HOST_TRANSMIT_DESCR 0x1048 #define CURRENT_HOST_RECEIVE_DESCR 0x104C #define CURRENT_HOST_TRANSMIT_BUF_ADDR 0x1050 #define CURRENT_HOST_RECEIVE_BUF_ADDR 0x1054 #define HW_FEATURE 0x1058 #define DWC_GMAC 0x1 #define DWC_GMAC_ALT_DESC 0x2 #define GMAC_MII_CLK_60_100M_DIV42 0x0 #define GMAC_MII_CLK_100_150M_DIV62 0x1 #define GMAC_MII_CLK_25_35M_DIV16 0x2 #define GMAC_MII_CLK_35_60M_DIV26 0x3 #define GMAC_MII_CLK_150_250M_DIV102 0x4 #define GMAC_MII_CLK_250_300M_DIV124 0x5 #define GMAC_MII_CLK_DIV4 0x8 #define GMAC_MII_CLK_DIV6 0x9 #define GMAC_MII_CLK_DIV8 0xa #define GMAC_MII_CLK_DIV10 0xb #define GMAC_MII_CLK_DIV12 0xc #define GMAC_MII_CLK_DIV14 0xd #define GMAC_MII_CLK_DIV16 0xe #define GMAC_MII_CLK_DIV18 0xf #endif /* __IF_DWC_H__ */