79 lines
2.1 KiB
79 lines
2.1 KiB
"""Shared routines for the plotters."""
import fileinput
import collections
Record = collections.namedtuple('Record', 'variant function bytes loops src_alignment dst_alignment run_id elapsed rest')
def make_colours():
return iter('m b g r c y k pink orange brown grey'.split())
def parse_value(v):
"""Turn text into a primitive"""
if '.' in v:
return float(v)
return int(v)
except ValueError:
return v
def create_column_tuple(record, names):
cols = [getattr(record, name) for name in names]
return tuple(cols)
def unique(records, name, prefer=''):
"""Return the unique values of a column in the records"""
if type(name) == tuple:
values = list(set(create_column_tuple(x, name) for x in records))
values = list(set(getattr(x, name) for x in records))
if not values:
return values
elif type(values[0]) == str:
return sorted(values, key=lambda x: '%-06d|%s' % (-prefer.find(x), x))
return sorted(values)
def alignments_equal(alignments):
for alignment in alignments:
if alignment[0] != alignment[1]:
return False
return True
def parse_row(line):
return Record(*[parse_value(y) for y in line.split(':')])
def parse():
"""Parse a record file into named tuples, correcting for loop
overhead along the way.
records = [parse_row(x) for x in fileinput.input()]
# Pull out any bounce values
costs = {}
for record in [x for x in records if x.function=='bounce']:
costs[(record.bytes, record.loops)] = record.elapsed
# Fix up all of the records for cost
out = []
for record in records:
if record.function == 'bounce':
cost = costs.get((record.bytes, record.loops), None)
if not cost:
# Unfortunately you can't update a namedtuple...
values = list(record)
values[-2] -= cost
return out