1. All the suggestions earlier made by Bruce: renaming some symbols, stricter error checking, removing redundant code, etc. 2. The `psm' driver preserves the default counter resolution and report rate, whatever they are after reset. (Based on reports and suggestion from Nate and Rob Bolin). 3. The `psm' driver now does not check the so-called sync. bit in the first byte of the data packet by default, so that the tapping feature of ALPUS GlidePoint works (based on reports from Louis Mamakos). I tested the code with ALPUS Desktop GlidePoint (M/N GP101) and found no problem; tapping worked. It appears ALPUS produces several models of GlidePoint. I hope the other models are OK too. The check code can still be activated by defining the PSM_CHECKSYNC option in the config file. (The bit checking slightly reduces, if not completely eliminates, weird mouse behavior cased by unsynchronized mouse data packets. It also helps us to detect if the mouse interrupt can ever be lost. But, well, if there are devices which cannot be supported this way...) 4. The `psm' driver does not include the protocol emulation code by default. The code can still be compiled in if the PSM_EMULATION option is specified in the config file. Louis Mamakos suggests the emulation code is putting too much in the kernel, and `moused' works well. I will think about this later and decide if the entire emulation code should be removed. 5. And, of course, the fix in `scprobe()' from Bruce to cure the UserConfig problem. My code in `kbdio.c' is slightly different from his patch, but has the same effect. There still is a possibility that `scprobe()' gets confused, if, for whatever reasons, the user holds down a key for very long time during the boot process. But we cannot cope with everything, can we? Submitted by: Kazutaka YOKOTA (yokota@zodiac.mech.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp)
freebsd with flexible iflib nic queues