The log message for rev.1.160 of kern/uipc_syscalls.c and associated
changes only claimed to add restrict qualifiers (which have no effect in
the kernel so they probably shouldn't be added), but the following
interface changes were also made:
- caddr_t to `void *' and `struct sockaddr_t *'
- `int *' to `socklen_t *'.
These interface changes are not quite null, and this fix is quick (like
the changes in uipc_syscalls 1.160) because it uses bogus casts instead
of complete bounds-checked conversions.
Things should be fixed better when the conversions can be done without
using the stack gap. linux_check_hdrincl() already uses the stack gap
and is fixed completely though the type mismatches in it were not fatal
(there were only fatal type mismatches from unopaquing pointers to
[o]sockaddr't's -- the difference between accept()'s args and oaccept()'s
args is now non-opaque, but this is not reflected in their args structs).