r364166 converted echo -n `/bin/pwd` to a raw pwd invocation, leaving a trailing newline at the end of path. This caused a later stat() of it to erroneously fail and the fallback to MK_AUTO_OBJ=no logic proceeded as unexpected. Harry Schmalzbauer bissected the resulting build failure he experienced (stable/12 host, -HEAD build) down to r365887. This change is mostly unrelated, except it switches the build to bootstrapped crunchgen - clue! I then bissected recent crunchgen changes going back a bit since we wouldn't observe the failure immediately with -CURRENT in most configurations, which landed me on r364166. After many intense head-scratching minutes and printf debugging, I realized that the newline was the difference. This is where our tale ends. Reported by: Harry Schmalzbauer, O. Hartmann, Mike Tancsa, kevans MFC after: 3 days