specified by passing the XCC, XCXX, and XCPP variables (corresponding to CC, CXX, and CPP) to buildworld/buildkernel. The compiler must be clang or be configured to target the appropriate architecture. To speed build times, if XCC is an absolute path or WITHOUT_CROSS_COMPILER is defined then no cross compiler will be built during the cross-tools stage. Limited documentation of this feature can currently be found at: https://wiki.freebsd.org/ExternalToolchain This functionality should be considered experimental and is subject to change without notice. Sponsored by: DARPA, AFRL Discussed with: imp, sjg
$FreeBSD$ This directory tree contains tools used for the maintenance and testing of FreeBSD. There is no toplevel Makefile structure since these tools are not meant to be built as part of the standard system, though there may be individual Makefiles in some of the subdirs. Please read the README files in the subdirs for further information.