Andrey A. Chernov b7b69dce5b ncftp 1.8.5
1994-09-22 23:45:37 +00:00

283 lines
11 KiB

/* cmdtab.c */
/* $RCSfile: cmdtab.c,v $
* $Revision: 14020.11 $
* $Date: 93/07/09 11:04:56 $
#include "sys.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "cmds.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "ftp.h"
#include "ftprc.h"
#include "glob.h"
#include "open.h"
#include "set.h"
#include "copyright.h"
#define REMOTEFILE " remote-file-name"
#define REMOTEFILES " remote-file-names and/or UNIX-style-wildcards"
#define LOCALFILE " local-file-name"
#define LOCALFILES " local-file-names and/or UNIX-style-wildcards"
#define LDIRNAME " local-directory-name"
#define RMTDIRNAME " remote-directory-name"
#define EMPTYSTR ""
#define TOGGLE " [on | off] (no argument toggles the switch)"
#define BINARYHELP "transfer files as binary files, without CR/LF translation"
#define CHDIRHELP "changes the current remote working directory"
#define CLOSEHELP "closes FTP connection to current remote host"
#define DELETEHELP "deletes the specified file on the remote host"
#define DIRUSAGE " \
[flags] [remote-items] [>outfile or \"|pipecmd [cmd-args]\"]\n\
Note that there must be no whitespace between > and outfile, or | and\n\
pipecmd, and if the pipe-command needs arguments, you must enclose the\n\
whole thing with double quotes.\n\
dir -s\n\
dir remoteFile\n\
dir /pub/mac \"|head -20\"\n\
dir -rtR file1 file2 dir1 >contents.txt"
#define GETUSAGE " remote-file-name [local-file-name or |pipecommand]\n\
get myfile.txt\n\
get myfile.txt |head\n\
get myfile.txt \"|head -20\"\n\
get ./help/newuser.txt (./newuser.txt will be local-file-name)\n\
get ./help/newuser.txt ./docs/\n\
get my*.txt (pseudo-filename-completion if match is unique, i.e. myfile.txt)"
#define HELPHELP "shows commands, and optionally tell you how to use a specific one"
#define HELPUSAGE " [command-name | showall (shows hidden commands) | helpall"
#define LSHELP "prints remote directory contents (short-mode)"
#define LSUSAGE " \
[flags] [remote-items] [>outfile or \"|pipecmd [cmd-args]\"]\n\
Note that there must be no whitespace between > and outfile, or | and\n\
pipecmd, and if the pipe-command needs arguments, you must enclose the\n\
whole thing with double quotes.\n\
ls -s\n\
ls remoteFile\n\
ls /pub/mac \"|head -20\"\n\
ls -lrtR file1 file2 dir1 >contents.txt"
#define OPENHELP "connects to a new remote host, and optionally fetches a file\n\
or sets the current remote working directory"
#define OPENUSAGE " \
[-a | -u] [-i] [-p N] [-r [-d N] [-g N]] hostname[:pathname]\n\
-a : Open anonymously (this is the default).\n\
-u : Open, specify user/password.\n\
-i : Ignore machine entry in your .netrc.\n\
-p N : Use port #N for connection.\n\
-r : \"Redial\" until connected.\n\
-d N : Redial, pausing N seconds between tries.\n\
-g N : Redial, giving up after N tries.\n\
:path : Open site, then retrieve file \"path.\" WWW-style paths are\n\
also acceptable, i.e. ''"
#define PAGEHELP "view a file on the remote host with your $PAGER"
#define PASSIVEHELP "enter passive transfer mode"
#define PDIRUSAGE " [flags] [remote-files]"
#define PUTHELP "sends a local file to the current remote host"
#define PUTUSAGE " local-file-name [remote-file-name]"
#define QUITHELP "quits the program"
#define RHELPHELP "asks the remote-server for help"
#define RHELPUSAGE " [help-topic (i.e. FTP command)]"
#define UNIMPLHELP "this command is not supported"
struct cmd cmdtab[] = {
/* name ; must-be-connected ; hidden ; help-string ; usage-string */
{ "!", 0, 0, shell,
"spawns a shell for you to run other commands",
" [single-command-and-arguments]" },
{ "$", 0, 0, domacro,
"runs a macro previously defined in your NETRC, or with the macdef cmd",
"macro-number" },
{ "account", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "append", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "ascii", 1, 1, setascii,
"transfer files as text files, with proper CR/LF translation",
"" },
{ "bell", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "binary", 1, 1, setbinary, BINARYHELP, BINARYUSAGE },
{ "bye", 0, 1, quit, QUITHELP, QUITUSAGE },
{ "case", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "cd", 1, 0, cd, CHDIRHELP, CHDIRUSAGE },
{ "cdup", 1, 0, cdup,
"changes the current remote working directory to it's parent",
"" },
{ "chdir", 1, 1, cd, CHDIRHELP, CHDIRUSAGE },
{ "close", 1, 1, disconnect, CLOSEHELP, CLOSEUSAGE },
{ "connect", 0, 1, cmdOpen, OPENHELP, OPENUSAGE },
{ "cr", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "create", 1, 0, create,
"create an empty file on the remote host",
{ "delete", 1, 0, do_delete, DELETEHELP, DELETEUSAGE },
{ "debug", 0, 1, setdebug,
"to print debugging messages during execution of the program",
{ "dir", 1, 0, ls,
"prints remote directory contents (long-mode)",
{ "erase", 1, 1, do_delete, DELETEHELP, DELETEUSAGE },
{ "exit", 0, 1, quit, QUITHELP, QUITUSAGE },
{ "form", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "get", 1, 0, get,
"fetches a file from the current remote host", GETUSAGE },
{ "glob", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "hash", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "help", 0, 0, help, HELPHELP, HELPUSAGE },
{ "idle", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "image", 1, 1, setbinary, BINARYHELP, BINARYUSAGE },
{ "lcd", 0, 0, lcd,
"changes the current local directory", LDIRNAME },
{ "lookup", 0, 0, lookup,
"uses the name-server to tell you a host's IP number given it's\n\
name, or it's name given it's IP number",
" hostname | host-IP-number" },
{ "ls", 1, 0, ls, LSHELP, LSUSAGE },
{ "macdef", 0, 0, macdef,
"defines a macro which is expanded when you use the $ command",
" new-macro-name" },
{ "mdelete", 1, 0, mdelete,
"deletes multiple files on the remote host", REMOTEFILES },
{ "mdir", 1, 1, ls, LSHELP, LSUSAGE },
{ "memchk", 0, 0, MallocStatusCmd,
"show debugging information about memory usage.", EMPTYSTR },
{ "mget", 1, 0, mget,
"fetches multiple files from the remote host", REMOTEFILES },
{ "mkdir", 1, 0, makedir,
"creates a new sub-directory on the current remote host",
{ "mls", 1, 0, ls, LSHELP, LSUSAGE },
{ "mode", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "modtime", 1, 0, modtime,
"shows the last modification date for a remote file",
{ "more", 1, 1, get, PAGEHELP, PAGEUSAGE },
{ "mput", 1, 0, mput,
"sends multiple local files to the current remote host",
{ "newer", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "nlist", 1, 1, ls, LSHELP, LSUSAGE },
{ "nmap", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "ntrans", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "open", 0, 0, cmdOpen, OPENHELP, OPENUSAGE },
{ "p", 1, 1, get, PAGEHELP, PAGEUSAGE },
{ "passive", 0, 0, setpassive, PASSIVEHELP, EMPTYSTR },
{ "page", 1, 0, get, PAGEHELP, PAGEUSAGE },
{ "pdir", 1, 0, ls,
"view a remote directory listing (long mode) with your $PAGER",
{ "pls", 1, 0, ls,
"view a remote directory listing (short mode) with your $PAGER",
{ "predir", 1, 0, ShowLineBuffer,
"view the last remote directory listing with your $PAGER",
{ "prompt", 0, 1, setprompt,
"toggle interactive prompting on multiple commands",
{ "proxy", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "put", 1, 0, put, PUTHELP, PUTUSAGE },
{ "pwd", 1, 0, pwd,
"prints the name of the current remote directory",
{ "quit", 0, 0, quit, QUITHELP, QUITUSAGE },
{ "quote", 1, 0, quote,
"allows advanced users to directly enter FTP commands verbatim",
" FTP-commands" },
{ "redir", 1, 0, ShowLineBuffer,
"re-prints the last directory listing",
{ "reget", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "remotehelp", 1, 0, rmthelp, RHELPHELP, RHELPUSAGE },
{ "reset", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "restart", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "rm", 1, 1, do_delete, DELETEHELP, DELETEUSAGE },
{ "rstatus", 1, 0, rmtstatus,
"asks the remote-server for it's status",
{ "rhelp", 1, 1, rmthelp, RHELPHELP, RHELPUSAGE },
{ "rename", 1, 0, renamefile,
"changes the name of a file on the current remote host",
" old-name new-name" },
{ "rmdir", 1, 0, removedir,
"deletes a directory on the current remote host",
{ "runique", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "send", 1, 1, put, PUTHELP, PUTUSAGE },
{ "sendport", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "show", 0, 0, do_show,
"prints the value of some or all program variables",
" all | variable-names" },
{ "set", 0, 0, set,
"changes the value of a program variable; for numeric/boolean\n\
variables sets them to 1/true",
" variable-name [= new-value]" },
{ "site", 1, 0, quote,
"allows advanced users to send site-specific commands to the host",
" site-specific-commands\n\
Example (to try on\n\
site locate emacs" },
{ "size", 1, 0, sizecmd,
"shows the size of a remote file",
{ "struct", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "sunique", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "system", 1, 0, syst,
"tells you what type of machine the current remote host is",
{ "tenex", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "umask", 0, 1, unimpl, UNIMPLHELP, UNIMPLUSAGE },
{ "unset", 0, 0, set,
"resets the value of a program variable to it's default state, or for\n\
numeric/boolean variables, sets them to 0/false",
" variable-name" },
{ "user", 1, 0, do_user,
"lets you login as a new user (with appropriate password)",
" new-user-name [new-password]" },
{ "type", 1, 0, settype,
"changes the current file transfer method",
" ascii | binary | ebcdic | tenex" },
{ "verbose", 0, 0, setverbose,
"controls how many message the program prints in response to commands",
" -1 (quiet) | 0 (errs) | 1 (terse) | 2 (verbose)" },
{ "version", 0, 0, show_version,
"prints information about the program",
{ "?", 0, 1, help, HELPHELP, HELPUSAGE },
{ NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }
/* eof cmdtab.c */