Matthew Dillon 182da8209d Stage-2 commit of the critical*() code. This re-inlines cpu_critical_enter()
and cpu_critical_exit() and moves associated critical prototypes into their
own header file, <arch>/<arch>/critical.h, which is only included by the
three MI source files that need it.

Backout and re-apply improperly comitted syntactical cleanups made to files
that were still under active development.  Backout improperly comitted program
structure changes that moved localized declarations to the top of two
procedures.  Partially re-apply one of the program structure changes to
move 'mask' into an intermediate block rather then in three separate
sub-blocks to make the code more readable.  Re-integrate bug fixes that Jake
made to the sparc64 code.

Note: In general, developers should not gratuitously move declarations out
of sub-blocks.  They are where they are for reasons of structure, grouping,
readability, compiler-localizability, and to avoid developer-introduced bugs
similar to several found in recent years in the VFS and VM code.

Reviewed by:	jake
2002-04-01 23:51:23 +00:00

266 lines
7.6 KiB

* from: vector.s, 386BSD 0.1 unknown origin
* $FreeBSD$
* modified for PC98 by Kakefuda
#ifdef PC98
#define ICU_IMR_OFFSET 2 /* IO_ICU{1,2} + 2 */
#define ICU_IMR_OFFSET 1 /* IO_ICU{1,2} + 1 */
#define ICU_EOI 0x20 /* XXX - define elsewhere */
#define IRQ_BIT(irq_num) (1 << ((irq_num) % 8))
#define IRQ_LBIT(irq_num) (1 << (irq_num))
#define IRQ_BYTE(irq_num) ((irq_num) >> 3)
#ifdef AUTO_EOI_1
#define ENABLE_ICU1 /* use auto-EOI to reduce i/o */
#define OUTB_ICU1
#define ENABLE_ICU1 \
movb $ICU_EOI,%al ; /* as soon as possible send EOI ... */ \
OUTB_ICU1 /* ... to clear in service bit */
#define OUTB_ICU1 \
outb %al,$IO_ICU1
#ifdef AUTO_EOI_2
* The data sheet says no auto-EOI on slave, but it sometimes works.
#define ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2 \
movb $ICU_EOI,%al ; /* as above */ \
outb %al,$IO_ICU2 ; /* but do second icu first ... */ \
OUTB_ICU1 /* ... then first icu (if !AUTO_EOI_1) */
#define PUSH_FRAME \
pushl $0 ; /* dummy error code */ \
pushl $0 ; /* dummy trap type */ \
pushal ; /* 8 ints */ \
pushl %ds ; /* save data and extra segments ... */ \
pushl %es ; \
pushl %fs
#define PUSH_DUMMY \
pushfl ; /* eflags */ \
pushl %cs ; /* cs */ \
pushl 12(%esp) ; /* original caller eip */ \
pushl $0 ; /* dummy error code */ \
pushl $0 ; /* dummy trap type */ \
subl $11*4,%esp
#define POP_FRAME \
popl %fs ; \
popl %es ; \
popl %ds ; \
popal ; \
addl $4+4,%esp
#define POP_DUMMY \
addl $16*4,%esp
#define MASK_IRQ(icu, irq_num) \
movb imen + IRQ_BYTE(irq_num),%al ; \
orb $IRQ_BIT(irq_num),%al ; \
movb %al,imen + IRQ_BYTE(irq_num) ; \
outb %al,$icu+ICU_IMR_OFFSET
#define UNMASK_IRQ(icu, irq_num) \
movb imen + IRQ_BYTE(irq_num),%al ; \
andb $~IRQ_BIT(irq_num),%al ; \
movb %al,imen + IRQ_BYTE(irq_num) ; \
outb %al,$icu+ICU_IMR_OFFSET
* Macros for interrupt interrupt entry, call to handler, and exit.
#define FAST_INTR(irq_num, vec_name, icu, enable_icus) \
.text ; \
IDTVEC(vec_name) ; \
mov $KDSEL,%ax ; \
mov %ax,%ds ; \
mov %ax,%es ; \
mov $KPSEL,%ax ; \
mov %ax,%fs ; \
movl PCPU(CURTHREAD),%ebx ; \
cmpl $0,TD_CRITNEST(%ebx) ; \
je 1f ; \
; \
movl $1,PCPU(INT_PENDING) ; \
orl $IRQ_LBIT(irq_num),PCPU(FPENDING) ; \
MASK_IRQ(icu, irq_num) ; \
enable_icus ; \
jmp 10f ; \
1: ; \
incl TD_CRITNEST(%ebx) ; \
incl TD_INTR_NESTING_LEVEL(%ebx) ; \
pushl intr_unit + (irq_num) * 4 ; \
call *intr_handler + (irq_num) * 4 ; \
addl $4,%esp ; \
enable_icus ; \
incl cnt+V_INTR ; /* book-keeping can wait */ \
movl intr_countp + (irq_num) * 4,%eax ; \
incl (%eax) ; \
decl TD_CRITNEST(%ebx) ; \
cmpl $0,PCPU(INT_PENDING) ; \
je 2f ; \
; \
call i386_unpend ; \
2: ; \
decl TD_INTR_NESTING_LEVEL(%ebx) ; \
10: ; \
jmp doreti
* Restart a fast interrupt that was held up by a critical section.
* This routine is called from unpend(). unpend() ensures we are
* in a critical section and deals with the interrupt nesting level
* for us. If we previously masked the irq, we have to unmask it.
* We have a choice. We can regenerate the irq using the 'int'
* instruction or we can create a dummy frame and call the interrupt
* handler directly. I've chosen to use the dummy-frame method.
#define FAST_UNPEND(irq_num, vec_name, icu) \
.text ; \
IDTVEC(vec_name) ; \
; \
pushl %ebp ; \
movl %esp, %ebp ; \
pushl intr_unit + (irq_num) * 4 ; \
call *intr_handler + (irq_num) * 4 ; /* do the work ASAP */ \
addl $4, %esp ; \
incl cnt+V_INTR ; /* book-keeping can wait */ \
movl intr_countp + (irq_num) * 4,%eax ; \
incl (%eax) ; \
UNMASK_IRQ(icu, irq_num) ; \
popl %ebp ; \
* Slow, threaded interrupts.
* XXX Most of the parameters here are obsolete. Fix this when we're
* done.
* XXX we really shouldn't return via doreti if we just schedule the
* interrupt handler and don't run anything. We could just do an
* iret. FIXME.
#define INTR(irq_num, vec_name, icu, enable_icus, maybe_extra_ipending) \
.text ; \
IDTVEC(vec_name) ; \
mov $KDSEL,%ax ; /* load kernel ds, es and fs */ \
mov %ax,%ds ; \
mov %ax,%es ; \
mov $KPSEL,%ax ; \
mov %ax,%fs ; \
; \
maybe_extra_ipending ; \
MASK_IRQ(icu, irq_num) ; \
enable_icus ; \
; \
movl PCPU(CURTHREAD),%ebx ; \
cmpl $0,TD_CRITNEST(%ebx) ; \
je 1f ; \
movl $1,PCPU(INT_PENDING); \
orl $IRQ_LBIT(irq_num),PCPU(IPENDING) ; \
jmp 10f ; \
1: ; \
incl TD_INTR_NESTING_LEVEL(%ebx) ; \
; \
FAKE_MCOUNT(13*4(%esp)) ; /* XXX late to avoid double count */ \
cmpl $0,PCPU(INT_PENDING) ; \
je 9f ; \
call i386_unpend ; \
9: ; \
pushl $irq_num; /* pass the IRQ */ \
call sched_ithd ; \
addl $4, %esp ; /* discard the parameter */ \
; \
decl TD_INTR_NESTING_LEVEL(%ebx) ; \
10: ; \
jmp doreti
FAST_INTR(0,fastintr0, IO_ICU1, ENABLE_ICU1)
FAST_INTR(1,fastintr1, IO_ICU1, ENABLE_ICU1)
FAST_INTR(2,fastintr2, IO_ICU1, ENABLE_ICU1)
FAST_INTR(3,fastintr3, IO_ICU1, ENABLE_ICU1)
FAST_INTR(4,fastintr4, IO_ICU1, ENABLE_ICU1)
FAST_INTR(5,fastintr5, IO_ICU1, ENABLE_ICU1)
FAST_INTR(6,fastintr6, IO_ICU1, ENABLE_ICU1)
FAST_INTR(7,fastintr7, IO_ICU1, ENABLE_ICU1)
FAST_INTR(8,fastintr8, IO_ICU2, ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2)
FAST_INTR(9,fastintr9, IO_ICU2, ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2)
FAST_INTR(10,fastintr10, IO_ICU2, ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2)
FAST_INTR(11,fastintr11, IO_ICU2, ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2)
FAST_INTR(12,fastintr12, IO_ICU2, ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2)
FAST_INTR(13,fastintr13, IO_ICU2, ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2)
FAST_INTR(14,fastintr14, IO_ICU2, ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2)
FAST_INTR(15,fastintr15, IO_ICU2, ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2)
#define CLKINTR_PENDING movl $1,CNAME(clkintr_pending)
/* Threaded interrupts */
INTR(1,intr1, IO_ICU1, ENABLE_ICU1,)
INTR(2,intr2, IO_ICU1, ENABLE_ICU1,)
INTR(3,intr3, IO_ICU1, ENABLE_ICU1,)
INTR(4,intr4, IO_ICU1, ENABLE_ICU1,)
INTR(5,intr5, IO_ICU1, ENABLE_ICU1,)
INTR(6,intr6, IO_ICU1, ENABLE_ICU1,)
INTR(7,intr7, IO_ICU1, ENABLE_ICU1,)
INTR(8,intr8, IO_ICU2, ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2,)
INTR(9,intr9, IO_ICU2, ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2,)
INTR(10,intr10, IO_ICU2, ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2,)
INTR(11,intr11, IO_ICU2, ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2,)
INTR(12,intr12, IO_ICU2, ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2,)
INTR(13,intr13, IO_ICU2, ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2,)
INTR(14,intr14, IO_ICU2, ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2,)
INTR(15,intr15, IO_ICU2, ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2,)
FAST_UNPEND(0,fastunpend0, IO_ICU1)
FAST_UNPEND(1,fastunpend1, IO_ICU1)
FAST_UNPEND(2,fastunpend2, IO_ICU1)
FAST_UNPEND(3,fastunpend3, IO_ICU1)
FAST_UNPEND(4,fastunpend4, IO_ICU1)
FAST_UNPEND(5,fastunpend5, IO_ICU1)
FAST_UNPEND(6,fastunpend6, IO_ICU1)
FAST_UNPEND(7,fastunpend7, IO_ICU1)
FAST_UNPEND(8,fastunpend8, IO_ICU2)
FAST_UNPEND(9,fastunpend9, IO_ICU2)
FAST_UNPEND(10,fastunpend10, IO_ICU2)
FAST_UNPEND(11,fastunpend11, IO_ICU2)
FAST_UNPEND(12,fastunpend12, IO_ICU2)
FAST_UNPEND(13,fastunpend13, IO_ICU2)
FAST_UNPEND(14,fastunpend14, IO_ICU2)
FAST_UNPEND(15,fastunpend15, IO_ICU2)