Jamil J. Weatherbee 3c466c41f3 Added alog.4 man page to /usr/src/share/man/man4/man4.i386/ directory
Altered Makefile in that directory so that make builds the alog.4 man page
1997-12-09 11:36:36 +00:00

78 lines
2.1 KiB

# $Id: Makefile,v 1.67 1997/12/07 18:07:37 bde Exp $
MAN4= aha.4 ahb.4 ahc.4 aic.4 alog.4 apm.4 ar.4 asc.4 bt.4 cx.4 cy.4 de.4 \
dgb.4 ed.4 eg.4 el.4 ep.4 ex.4 gsc.4 fdc.4 fe.4 fxp.4 ie.4 io.4 \
joy.4 keyboard.4 labpc.4 le.4 lnc.4 lp.4 lpt.4 matcd.4 mcd.4 mem.4 \
meteor.4 mouse.4 mse.4 mtio.4 nca.4 ncr.4 npx.4 \
pcvt.4 perfmon.4 pnp.4 psm.4 \
qcam.4 scd.4 screen.4 sb.4 sea.4 si.4 sio.4 \
spkr.4 sr.4 sysmouse.4 tw.4 uha.4 vx.4 wd.4 wl.4 wt.4 ze.4 zp.4
MLINKS= aha.4 ../aha.4
MLINKS+= ahb.4 ../ahb.4
MLINKS+= ahc.4 ../ahc.4
MLINKS+= aic.4 ../aic.4
MLINKS+= alog.4 ../alog.4
MLINKS+= apm.4 ../apm.4
MLINKS+= ar.4 ../ar.4
MLINKS+= asc.4 ../asc.4
MLINKS+= bt.4 ../bt.4
MLINKS+= cx.4 ../cx.4
MLINKS+= cy.4 ../cy.4
MLINKS+= de.4 ../de.4
MLINKS+= dgb.4 ../dgb.4
MLINKS+= ed.4 ../ed.4
MLINKS+= eg.4 ../eg.4
MLINKS+= el.4 ../el.4
MLINKS+= ep.4 ../ep.4
MLINKS+= ex.4 ../ex.4
MLINKS+= fdc.4 ../fdc.4
MLINKS+= fe.4 ../fe.4
MLINKS+= fxp.4 ../fxp.4
MLINKS+= gsc.4 ../gsc.4
MLINKS+= ie.4 ../ie.4
MLINKS+= io.4 ../io.4
MLINKS+= joy.4 ../joy.4
MLINKS+= keyboard.4 ../keyboard.4
MLINKS+= labpc.4 ../labpc.4
MLINKS+= le.4 ../le.4
MLINKS+= lnc.4 ../lnc.4
MLINKS+= lp.4 ../lp.4
MLINKS+= lpt.4 ../lpt.4
MLINKS+= matcd.4 ../matcd.4
MLINKS+= mcd.4 ../mcd.4
MLINKS+= mem.4 kmem.4 mem.4 ../mem.4 mem.4 ../kmem.4
MLINKS+= meteor.4 ../meteor.4
MLINKS+= mouse.4 ../mouse.4
MLINKS+= mse.4 ../mse.4
MLINKS+= mtio.4 ../mtio.4
MLINKS+= nca.4 ../nca.4
MLINKS+= ncr.4 ../ncr.4
MLINKS+= npx.4 ../npx.4
MLINKS+= pcvt.4 vt.4 pcvt.4 ../pcvt.4 pcvt.4 ../vt.4
MLINKS+= perfmon.4 ../perfmon.4
MLINKS+= pnp.4 ../pnp.4
MLINKS+= psm.4 ../psm.4
MLINKS+= qcam.4 ../qcam.4
MLINKS+= sb.4 ../sb.4
MLINKS+= scd.4 ../scd.4
MLINKS+= screen.4 ../screen.4
MLINKS+= sea.4 ../sea.4
MLINKS+= si.4 ../si.4
MLINKS+= sio.4 ../sio.4
MLINKS+= spkr.4 ../spkr.4 spkr.4 speaker.4 spkr.4 ../speaker.4
MLINKS+= sr.4 ../sr.4
MLINKS+= sysmouse.4 ../sysmouse.4
MLINKS+= tw.4 ../tw.4
MLINKS+= uha.4 ../uha.4
MLINKS+= wd.4 ../wd.4
MLINKS+= wl.4 ../wl.4
MLINKS+= wt.4 ../wt.4
MLINKS+= vx.4 ../vx.4
MLINKS+= ze.4 ../ze.4
MLINKS+= zp.4 ../zp.4
.include <bsd.prog.mk>