files in /var/tmp. Sup needs to send the file size, so that prevents running gzip in a pipeline (sigh). It now opens a temporary file, and immediately unlinks it. It sends gzip's output to the temp file, and when gzip is done, it rewinds the file and sends it. When the last fd is closed, the file storage is reclaimed. With luck, this will stop those 15MB gzip < emacs-19.30.tgz > /var/tmp/tmp.xxxx files from being left behind and blowing out /var on freefall. While I have the platform, let me quote a fortune entry which sup reminds me of: "It is a crock of sh!t, and it stinks!"
This is the current CMU sup, modified to support on-the-fly compression. It is the same sup used with NetBSD, and thus we've converged on the configuration parameters (in other words, don't be alarmed - it works fine with FreeBSD!).