appropriate for each of the 'foo' in the tree. This will allow us to compile them together (although symbol conflicts prevent us from doing that today, this just fixes the file name collision).
23 lines
689 B
23 lines
689 B
# $FreeBSD$
kern/kern_clocksource.c standard
arm/arm/bus_space_asm_generic.S standard
arm/arm/bus_space_generic.c standard
arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_armv5.S standard
arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_arm10.S standard
arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_arm11.S standard
arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_armv7.S standard
arm/arm/irq_dispatch.S standard
arm/arm/gic.c standard
arm/arm/mpcore_timer.c standard
arm/arm/bus_space-v6.c standard
arm/rockchip/rk30xx_common.c standard
arm/rockchip/rk30xx_machdep.c standard
arm/rockchip/rk30xx_pmu.c standard
arm/rockchip/rk30xx_grf.c standard
arm/rockchip/rk30xx_wdog.c standard
arm/rockchip/rk30xx_gpio.c optional gpio
dev/usb/controller/dwc_otg_fdt.c optional dwcotg