Thanks to roberto for providing pointers to wedge this into HEAD. Approved by: roberto
95 lines
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95 lines
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#include "libntptest.h"
extern "C" {
#include "ntp_calendar.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
class caljulianTest : public libntptest {
virtual void SetUp();
virtual void TearDown();
std::string CalendarToString(const calendar &cal) {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << cal.year << "-" << (u_int)cal.month << "-" << (u_int)cal.monthday
<< " (" << cal.yearday << ") " << (u_int)cal.hour << ":"
<< (u_int)cal.minute << ":" << (u_int)cal.second;
return ss.str();
::testing::AssertionResult IsEqual(const calendar &expected, const calendar &actual) {
if (expected.year == actual.year &&
(expected.yearday == actual.yearday ||
(expected.month == actual.month &&
expected.monthday == actual.monthday)) &&
expected.hour == actual.hour &&
expected.minute == actual.minute &&
expected.second == actual.second) {
return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
} else {
return ::testing::AssertionFailure()
<< "expected: " << CalendarToString(expected) << " but was "
<< CalendarToString(actual);
void caljulianTest::SetUp()
settime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
void caljulianTest::TearDown()
TEST_F(caljulianTest, RegularTime) {
u_long testDate = 3485080800UL; // 2010-06-09 14:00:00
calendar expected = {2010,160,6,9,14,0,0};
calendar actual;
caljulian(testDate, &actual);
EXPECT_TRUE(IsEqual(expected, actual));
TEST_F(caljulianTest, LeapYear) {
u_long input = 3549902400UL; // 2012-06-28 20:00:00Z
calendar expected = {2012, 179, 6, 28, 20, 0, 0};
calendar actual;
caljulian(input, &actual);
EXPECT_TRUE(IsEqual(expected, actual));
TEST_F(caljulianTest, uLongBoundary) {
u_long time = 4294967295UL; // 2036-02-07 6:28:15
calendar expected = {2036,0,2,7,6,28,15};
calendar actual;
caljulian(time, &actual);
EXPECT_TRUE(IsEqual(expected, actual));
TEST_F(caljulianTest, uLongWrapped) {
u_long time = 0;
calendar expected = {2036,0,2,7,6,28,16};
calendar actual;
caljulian(time, &actual);
EXPECT_TRUE(IsEqual(expected, actual));