ordered with the MFENCE instruction. Similar weak guarantees are also specified by the AMD APM vol. 3 rev. 3.22. x86 pmap methods pmap_invalidate_cache_range() and pmap_invalidate_cache_pages() braced CLFLUSH loop with MFENCE both before and after the loop. In the revision 56 of SDM, Intel stated that all existing implementations of CLFLUSH are strict, CLFLUSH instructions execution is ordered WRT other CLFLUSH and writes. Also, the strict behaviour is made architectural. A new instruction CLFLUSHOPT (which was documented for some time in the Instruction Set Extensions Programming Reference) provides the weak behaviour which was previously attributed to CLFLUSH. Use CLFLUSHOPT when available. When CLFLUSH is used on Intel CPUs, do not execute MFENCE before and after the flushing loop. Reviewed by: alc Sponsored by: The FreeBSD Foundation