components of the system. The license is poorly worded, though I have an (email only) release from the author for unlimited FreeBSD use. I will try to get something more concrete, though the author's remote location makes this difficult. Submitted by: Oleg Orel <orel@oea.ihep.su>
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Library for ftpd clients.(libftp)
Copyright by Oleg Orel
All rights reserved.
This library is desined for free, non-commercial software creation.
It is changeable and can be improved. The author would greatly appreciate
any advises, new components and patches of the existing programs.
Commercial usage is also possible with participation of it's author.
#include "FtpLibrary.h"
STATUS FtpConnect(FTP **con,char * hostname)
struct sockaddr_in unit;
register struct hostent *host;
register int new_socket;
String S1;
*con = FtpCreateObject();
if ((host=FtpGetHost(hostname))==NULL)
return EXIT((*con),QUIT);
strcpy((*con) -> title,host -> h_name); /* Default title for FtpLog */
unit.sin_family = host -> h_addrtype; /* AF_INET */
bcopy(host-> h_addr_list[0],(char *)&unit.sin_addr,host->h_length);
if ( ( new_socket = socket ( unit.sin_family , SOCK_STREAM , 0)) < 0)
return EXIT((*con),QUIT);
unit.sin_port = htons((*con)->port);
while ( connect ( new_socket , (struct sockaddr *)&unit , sizeof unit ) < 0 )
host -> h_addr_list ++;
if (host -> h_addr_list[0]==NULL) {
return EXIT((*con),QUIT);
bcopy(host -> h_addr_list[0],(char *)&unit,host->h_length);
if ( ( new_socket = socket ( unit.sin_family , SOCK_STREAM , 0)) < 0)
return EXIT((*con),QUIT);
FTPCMD(*con) = fdopen(new_socket,"r+");
if ( (x=FtpGetMessage(*con,S1)) == QUIT )
return EXIT((*con),QUIT);
if ( ! FtpGood(x,120,220,EOF))
return EXIT((*con),-x);
if ( (*con)->mode != 'A' ) FtpType(*con,(*con)->mode);
return EXIT((*con),x);