and egress.
* rss_mbuf_software_hash_v4 - look at the IPv4 mbuf to fetch the IPv4 details
+ direction to calculate a hash.
* rss_proto_software_hash_v4 - hash the given source/destination IPv4 address,
port and direction.
* rss_soft_m2cpuid - map the given mbuf to an RSS CPU ("bucket" for now)
These functions are intended to be used by the stack to support
the following:
* Not all NICs do RSS hashing, so we should support some way of doing
a hash in software;
* The NIC / driver may not hash frames the way we want (eg UDP 4-tuple
hashing when the stack is only doing 2-tuple hashing for UDP); so we
may need to re-hash frames;
* .. same with IPv4 fragments - they will need to be re-hashed after
* .. and same with things like IP tunneling and such;
* The transmit path for things like UDP, RAW and ICMP don't currently
have any RSS information attached to them - so they'll need an
RSS calculation performed before transmit.
* Counters! Everywhere!
* Add a debug mode that software hashes received frames and compares them
to the hardware hash provided by the hardware to ensure they match.
The IPv6 part of this is missing - I'm going to do some re-juggling of
where various parts of the RSS framework live before I add the IPv6
code (read: the IPv6 code is going to go into netinet6/in6_rss.[ch],
rather than living here.)
Note: This API is still fluid. Please keep that in mind.
Differential Revision:
Reviewed by: grehan