Kill duplicates for programs that have been in the boot crunched image as well as on the fixit floppy (pwd, newfs, hostname, test). Our space is really too valuable to have them around there twice. I doubt pwd needs to be there at all since it's a builtin into sh(1) anyway (oh, and the same applies to test(1) IIRC), but heck, leave them by now. Use the new `fixit' target in MAKEDEV to create the /dev nodes on the floppy, instead of including the kitchensink... Finally, tune the values used for creating the floppy. I currently end up with Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused /dev/vnn0c 1363 1301 -47 104% 368 14 96% ...which is not quite ideal yet, but at least a working configuration again.
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# $FreeBSD$
# first, we list the source dirs that our programs reside in. These are
# searched in order listed to find the dir containing each program.
srcdirs /usr/src/bin /usr/src/sbin /usr/src/usr.bin /usr/src/usr.sbin
srcdirs /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin /usr/src/usr.bin/vi
srcdirs /usr/src/sbin/i386
# second, we list all the programs we want to include in our crunched binary.
# The order doesn't matter. Any program that needs hard links to it gets an
# `ln' directive.
# /bin stuff
progs cat chmod chroot cp dd df echo expr kill ln ls mkdir
progs mv rm rmdir sleep sync
# /sbin stuff
progs chown clri disklabel dmesg fdisk
progs mknod mount ping reboot restore swapon umount
progs mount_msdos mount_cd9660
ln restore rrestore
ln chown chgrp
# /usr/bin stuff
progs ftp more telnet vi grep
ln vi view
ln vi ex
# finally, we specify the libraries to link in with our binary
libs -lcrypt -ltelnet -lutil -ll -lm
libs -lcurses -ltermcap -ledit -lgnuregex -lkvm -lz