a separate object tree doesn't exist. Crufty makefiles will have to put y.tab.h in SRCS so that we know not to create foo.h from foo.y.
63 lines
1.7 KiB
63 lines
1.7 KiB
# @(#)Makefile 8.4 (Berkeley) 5/5/95
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.25 1998/05/04 20:09:00 bde Exp $
PROG= sh
SHSRCS= alias.c cd.c echo.c error.c eval.c exec.c expand.c \
histedit.c input.c jobs.c mail.c main.c memalloc.c miscbltin.c \
mystring.c options.c output.c parser.c printf.c redir.c show.c \
trap.c var.c
GENSRCS= arith.c arith_lex.c builtins.c init.c nodes.c syntax.c
GENHDRS= builtins.h nodes.h syntax.h token.h
LDADD+= -ll -ledit -ltermcap
LFLAGS= -8 # 8-bit lex scanner for arithmetic
# for debug:
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/bltin ${.CURDIR}/../../usr.bin/printf
CLEANFILES+= mkinit mkinit.o mknodes mknodes.o \
mksyntax mksyntax.o \
.ORDER: builtins.c builtins.h
builtins.c builtins.h: mkbuiltins builtins.def
cd ${.CURDIR}; sh mkbuiltins ${.OBJDIR}
init.c: mkinit alias.c eval.c exec.c input.c jobs.c options.c parser.c \
redir.c trap.c var.c
./mkinit ${.ALLSRC:S/^mkinit$//}
# XXX this is just to stop the default .c rule being used, so that the
# intermediate object has a fixed name.
# XXX we have a default .c rule, but no default .o rule.
mkinit: mkinit.o
mkinit.o: mkinit.c # XXX and many headers
mknodes: mknodes.o
mknodes.o: mknodes.c # XXX and many headers
mksyntax: mksyntax.o
mksyntax.o: mksyntax.c # XXX and many headers
.ORDER: nodes.c nodes.h
nodes.c nodes.h: mknodes nodetypes nodes.c.pat
./mknodes ${.CURDIR}/nodetypes ${.CURDIR}/nodes.c.pat
.ORDER: syntax.c syntax.h
syntax.c syntax.h: mksyntax
token.h: mktokens
sh ${.CURDIR}/mktokens
y.tab.h: arith.c
.include <bsd.prog.mk>