DEVFS, and make it accessible via the diskinfo utility. Extend GEOM's generic attribute query mechanism into generic disk consumers. sys/geom/geom_disk.c: sys/geom/geom_disk.h: sys/cam/scsi/scsi_da.c: sys/cam/ata/ata_da.c: - Allow disk providers to implement a new method which can override the default BIO_GETATTR response, d_getattr(struct bio *). This function returns -1 if not handled, otherwise it returns 0 or an errno to be passed to g_io_deliver(). sys/cam/scsi/scsi_da.c: sys/cam/ata/ata_da.c: - Don't copy the serial number to dp->d_ident anymore, as the CAM XPT is now responsible for returning this information via d_getattr()->(a)dagetattr()->xpt_getatr(). sys/geom/geom_dev.c: - Implement a new ioctl, DIOCGPHYSPATH, which returns the GEOM attribute "GEOM::physpath", if possible. If the attribute request returns a zero-length string, ENOENT is returned. usr.sbin/diskinfo/diskinfo.c: - If the DIOCGPHYSPATH ioctl is successful, report physical path data when diskinfo is executed with the '-v' option. Submitted by: will Reviewed by: gibbs Sponsored by: Spectra Logic Corporation Add generic attribute change notification support to GEOM. sys/sys/geom/geom.h: Add a new attrchanged method field to both g_class and g_geom. sys/sys/geom/geom.h: sys/geom/geom_event.c: - Provide the g_attr_changed() function that providers can use to advertise attribute changes. - Perform delivery of attribute change notifications from a thread context via the standard GEOM event mechanism. sys/geom/geom_subr.c: Inherit the attrchanged method from class to geom (class instance). sys/geom/geom_disk.c: Provide disk_attr_changed() to provide g_attr_changed() access to consumers of the disk API. sys/cam/scsi/scsi_pass.c: sys/cam/scsi/scsi_da.c: sys/geom/geom_dev.c: sys/geom/geom_disk.c: Use attribute changed events to track updates to physical path information. sys/cam/scsi/scsi_da.c: Add AC_ADVINFO_CHANGED to the registered asynchronous CAM events for this driver. When this event occurs, and the updated buffer type references our physical path attribute, emit a GEOM attribute changed event via the disk_attr_changed() API. sys/cam/scsi/scsi_pass.c: Add AC_ADVINFO_CHANGED to the registered asynchronous CAM events for this driver. When this event occurs, update the physical patch devfs alias for this pass instance. Submitted by: gibbs Sponsored by: Spectra Logic Corporation
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* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
* <phk@FreeBSD.ORG> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
* can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
* this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Poul-Henning Kamp
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* $FreeBSD$
#ifndef _SYS_DISK_H_
#define _SYS_DISK_H_
#include <sys/ioccom.h>
#ifdef _KERNEL
#ifndef _SYS_CONF_H_
#include <sys/conf.h> /* XXX: temporary to avoid breakage */
void disk_err(struct bio *bp, const char *what, int blkdone, int nl);
#define DIOCGSECTORSIZE _IOR('d', 128, u_int)
* Get the sector size of the device in bytes. The sector size is the
* smallest unit of data which can be transferred from this device.
* Usually this is a power of 2 but it might not be (i.e. CDROM audio).
#define DIOCGMEDIASIZE _IOR('d', 129, off_t) /* Get media size in bytes */
* Get the size of the entire device in bytes. This should be a
* multiple of the sector size.
#define DIOCGFWSECTORS _IOR('d', 130, u_int) /* Get firmware's sectorcount */
* Get the firmware's notion of number of sectors per track. This
* value is mostly used for compatibility with various ill designed
* disk label formats. Don't use it unless you have to.
#define DIOCGFWHEADS _IOR('d', 131, u_int) /* Get firmware's headcount */
* Get the firmwares notion of number of heads per cylinder. This
* value is mostly used for compatibility with various ill designed
* disk label formats. Don't use it unless you have to.
#define DIOCSKERNELDUMP _IOW('d', 133, u_int) /* Set/Clear kernel dumps */
* Enable/Disable (the argument is boolean) the device for kernel
* core dumps.
#define DIOCGFRONTSTUFF _IOR('d', 134, off_t)
* Many disk formats have some amount of space reserved at the
* start of the disk to hold bootblocks, various disklabels and
* similar stuff. This ioctl returns the number of such bytes
* which may apply to the device.
#define DIOCGFLUSH _IO('d', 135) /* Flush write cache */
* Flush write cache of the device.
#define DIOCGDELETE _IOW('d', 136, off_t[2]) /* Delete data */
* Mark data on the device as unused.
#define DISK_IDENT_SIZE 256
#define DIOCGIDENT _IOR('d', 137, char[DISK_IDENT_SIZE])
* Get the ident of the given provider. Ident is (most of the time)
* a uniqe and fixed provider's identifier. Ident's properties are as
* follow:
* - ident value is preserved between reboots,
* - provider can be detached/attached and ident is preserved,
* - provider's name can change - ident can't,
* - ident value should not be based on on-disk metadata; in other
* words copying whole data from one disk to another should not
* yield the same ident for the other disk,
* - there could be more than one provider with the same ident, but
* only if they point at exactly the same physical storage, this is
* the case for multipathing for example,
* - GEOM classes that consumes single providers and provide single
* providers, like geli, gbde, should just attach class name to the
* ident of the underlying provider,
* - ident is an ASCII string (is printable),
* - ident is optional and applications can't relay on its presence.
* Store the provider name, given a device path, in a buffer. The buffer
* must be at least MAXPATHLEN bytes long.
#define DIOCGSTRIPESIZE _IOR('d', 139, off_t) /* Get stripe size in bytes */
* Get the size of the device's optimal access block in bytes.
* This should be a multiple of the sector size.
#define DIOCGSTRIPEOFFSET _IOR('d', 140, off_t) /* Get stripe offset in bytes */
* Get the offset of the first device's optimal access block in bytes.
* This should be a multiple of the sector size.
#define DIOCGPHYSPATH _IOR('d', 141, char[MAXPATHLEN])
* Get a string defining the physical path for a given provider.
* This has similar rules to ident, but is intended to uniquely
* identify the physical location of the device, not the current
* occupant of that location.
#endif /* _SYS_DISK_H_ */