Peter Wemm d14071a4b3 Import the unmodified version of the sup that we are using.
The heritage of this version is not clear.  It appears to be NetBSD
derived from some time ago.
1995-12-26 04:54:48 +00:00

848 lines
25 KiB

* Copyright (c) 1991 Carnegie Mellon University
* All Rights Reserved.
* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
* notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
* software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
* thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
* Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
* Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
* School of Computer Science
* Carnegie Mellon University
* Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
* any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the rights
* to redistribute these changes.
/* ci -- command interpreter
* Usage (etc.)
* 22-Nov-85 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Removed checks for VIRTUE window manager. If they don't like
* it then they can fix the more program.
* 08-May-85 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Increased MAXENTRIES and MAXHELPS from 200 to 400.
* 30-Apr-85 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Adapted for 4.2 UNIX. Added calls to check for
* using window manager of VIRTUE.
* 29-Apr-85 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Added two small bug fixes (courtesy of Richard Cohn).
* 14-Aug-84 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Added fflush(stdout) after printing prompt, before asking for input line.
* 01-Jul-83 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Bug fix: whitespace now required before ">filename" and not permitted
* within or after filename.
* 06-Jun-83 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Bug fix: added line to initialize "redirected" to 0.
* 20-May-83 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Added quiet bits CINOSEM, CINOFILE, CIFIRSTEQUAL to allow user to
* have special characters ; > = treated as normal data (except =
* after first argument, which still means "variable assignment").
* Also added output redirection via >filename on input line.
* 07-Mar-83 Dave McKeown (dmm) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* (Slight alterations by Steve Shafer.)
* Made cidepth a global, used for recursive and nested calls to
* ci(), and accessable to the user. Added '@x' command, similar
* to '^x' except that the previous command interpreter name is
* remembered and after 'x' is executed, the previous command
* interpreter is reinvoked. Users who plan to use this feature
* must save the name of the previous ci in global variable
* 'ciprev' after exit from the ci(). ie.
* ci(.........);
* strcpy(ciprev,"ci-name");
* Added ci state CICMDNOINDENT to allow for no indentation of the
* command line prompt based on cidepth.
* Reduced amount of indentation on source code.
* Bug: the "depth" argument is now a no-op, retained for backward
* compatibility. Cidepth is initialized to zero, and incremented
* upon invocation of a ci(). If cidepth is <1 then you are not
* in a ci() instantiation.
* 21-Feb-83 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Added up-arrow (^) command (and variable cinext). ^x is used when
* you have a ci program in which one command invokes ci with a
* new set of commands (i.e. a subsystem of the program). Inside the
* subsystem, ^x will exit the subsystem, and cause the main level
* to execute the command line "x" before reading more input lines.
* The cinext variable is used to implement this. Cinext can also be
* used by any user code which desires to force ci to execute a
* specific command before reading more input from the current file.
* 16-Jul-82 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Added extra code in _ci_help to eliminate duplicate help file
* names. This way, if several directories are specified and there
* is are files with the same name in more than one directory, only
* the first of each file will be included in the help list.
* It would have been nice to do this after the qsort instead of
* before (in ci_help). However, qsort does not ensure that
* "equivalent" entries are kept in the same relative
* order; thus there would be no way to ensure that the
* file being used was the first such file found.
* 07-Jul-82 William Chiles (wpc) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Modified so that "!" invokes shell commands from the type of
* shell specified by the environment variable SHELL. If SHELL
* is not defined the standard shell is used.
* 21-Sep-81 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Increased LINELENGTH (input buffer length) to 1100 to satisfy
* voracious requirements of a certain user whose name I won't mention
* but whose initials are "faa".
* 08-Oct-80 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Added class variables: ci_tclass cases in ci_show and ci_set.
* Also added CICMDFPEEK in addition to existing CISETPEEK.
* 22-May-80 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Ci now sorts help topics into alphabetical order. Some interrupt
* handling has been added, but there are bugs, for example, when
* you interrupt "*" (the listing of command names). The right thing
* happens, but bogus messages are printed.
* 16-Apr-80 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Ci now prints lists of names with prstab(). This uses multiple
* columns when appropriate.
* 12-Mar-80 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Added code to skip over leading blanks and tabs in the argument list
* when executing commands, and setting and displaying variables.
* Also fixed meta-help, which mysteriously disappeared.
* 19-Feb-80 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Added "if (0) del();" to force del() routine to be loaded. This is
* the safest way I know of to define the external int "_del_". If you
* don't believe it, think again about separately compiled files.
* 28-Jan-80 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Created. Patterned (somewhat) after ci() on PDP-11.
#include <strings.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <ci.h>
#include <del.h>
char *index(),*getenv(),*rindex();
extern char _argbreak;
long atol();
double atof();
static int ci_help(), ci_show();
static int _ci_sho(), _ci_set(), ci_set();
*** M A C R O S ***
#define LINELENGTH 1100 /* max length of input line */
#define MAXENTRIES 400 /* max entries in entry list */
#define MAXHELPS 400 /* max help files available */
#define METAHELP "/usr/lib/" /* standard help file */
*** G L O B A L V A R I A B L E S ***
int ciquiet = 0; /* init globals */
int ciexit = 0;
int cidepth = 0;
int ciback = 0; /* for use in '@' command */
FILE *ciinput;
char cinext[LINELENGTH] = "";
char ciprev[LINELENGTH] = "";
static char *delchoice[] = { /* breakpoint choices */
"abort abort command file",
"breakpoint break to tty, then resume command file",
*** M A I N R O U T I N E ***
ci (prompt,fil,depth,list,helppath,cmdfpath)
char *prompt; /* prompt message */
FILE *fil; /* input file */
int depth; /* recursion depth */
CIENTRY *list; /* entry list */
char *helppath; /* search list for help files */
char *cmdfpath; /* search list for command files */
FILE *savfile; /* input file for calling instance of ci */
int savquiet, savexit; /* globals for calling instance of ci */
char *p,*q,*cmd,*arg; /* temps for parsing input */
int i; /* temp */
char line[LINELENGTH]; /* input line buffer */
int firststmt; /* temp */
char *equals,*star; /* index of = and * in input line */
char cfnam[200]; /* name of command file */
char *name[MAXENTRIES]; /* name list for entries */
char *vname[MAXENTRIES]; /* name list for just variables */
int vnum[MAXENTRIES]; /* correspondence list for variables */
int nv; /* number of variables */
int helpcmd; /* "help" command index */
FILE *newfile; /* command file just opened */
char bprompt[100]; /* breakpoint prompt */
char *tname[MAXENTRIES]; /* temp name list */
int tnum; /* # entries in tname */
char *Shell; /* holds SHELL value from .login */
int redirected; /* 1 iff currently redirected output */
FILE savestdout; /* place to save normal std. output */
FILE *outfile; /* current output file */
char *outname; /* output file name */
/* force del() routine to be declared */
if (0) del();
/* save globals on stack */
cidepth++; /* bump the global depth, first CI() is 1 */
savquiet = ciquiet;
savexit = ciexit;
savfile = ciinput;
ciexit = 0; /* don't exit until this is set */
ciinput = (fil ? fil : stdin); /* new input file */
/* construct name lists for stablk */
nv = 0;
for (i=0; list[i].ci_etyp != ci_tend; i++) {
name[i] = list[i].ci_enam;
if (list[i].ci_etyp != ci_tcmd) { /* is variable */
vname[nv] = name[i];
vnum[nv] = i;
helpcmd = i++; /* force-feed "help" onto list */
name[helpcmd] = "help";
name[i] = 0;
vname[nv] = 0;
/* loop for input lines */
redirected = 0;
while (!ciexit) {
if (*cinext) { /* get line from ^ command */
if (ciback) {
ciback = 0;
else {
strcpy (line,cinext);
strcpy (cinext,"");
p = line;
else { /* else read file */
if ((ciinput == stderr) || (ciinput == stdin) || (!(ciquiet&CICMDFPROMPT))) {
if (!(ciquiet &CICMDNOINDENT)) {
for (i=1; i<cidepth; i++) {
printf (" ");
printf ("%s ",prompt);
if ((ciinput == stderr) || (ciinput == stdin)) fflush (stdout);
p = fgets (line,LINELENGTH,ciinput); /* read input line */
if (p == 0) { /* EOF */
if (_del_) {
strcpy (line,"");
p = line;
else {
ciexit = 1;
if ((ciinput==stdin) || (ciinput==stderr) ||
(!(ciquiet&CICMDFECHO))) printf ("\n");
else {
if ((ciinput != stderr) && (ciinput != stdin) &&
(!(ciquiet&CICMDFECHO))) printf ("%s",line);
for (p=line; (*p) && (*p != '\n'); p++) ;
*p = 0; /* kill trailing newline */
p = line; /* points to start of line */
/* check for redirection of output */
if (!ciexit) {
outname = rindex (p,'>');
if (outname) {
if (outname == p || *(outname+1) == 0
|| ((*(outname-1) != ' ') && (*(outname-1) != '\t'))) {
outname = 0;
else {
for (q=outname+1; *q && (*q != ' ') && (*q != '\t'); q++) ;
if (*q) outname = 0;
if (outname && !(ciquiet&CINOFILE)) {
*outname++ = 0;
outfile = fopen (outname,"w");
if (outfile == 0) {
printf ("ci: Can't create output file %s\n",outname);
p = "";
else {
fflush (stdout);
savestdout = *stdout;
*stdout = *outfile;
redirected = 1;
/* loop for each command */
firststmt = 1; /* first time through loop */
while ((!ciexit) && (((ciquiet&CINOSEM) && firststmt) || *(cmd=nxtarg(&p,";")) || _argbreak)) {
if (ciquiet & CINOSEM) {
cmd = p;
firststmt = 0;
switch (*cmd) { /* what kind of line? */
case ':': /* : comment */
case 0: /* null line */
case '!': /* ! shell command */
cmd = skipover (cmd+1," ");
if ((Shell = getenv("SHELL")) == 0) Shell = "sh";
if (*cmd) runp (Shell, Shell, "-c", cmd, 0);
else runp (Shell, Shell, 0);
if (!(ciquiet&CISHEXIT)) printf ("Back to %s\n",prompt);
case '?': /* ? help */
cmd = skipover (cmd+1," ");
ci_help (cmd,helppath);
case '<': /* < command file */
arg = cmd + 1;
cmd = nxtarg (&arg,0); /* parse name */
if (*cmd == 0) printf ("ci: missing filename\n");
else {
if (cmdfpath) newfile = fopenp (cmdfpath,cmd,cfnam,"r");
else newfile = fopen (cmd,"r");
if (newfile == 0)
printf ("ci: can't open command file %s\n",cmd);
else {
if (!(ciquiet&CICMDFECHO)) printf ("\n");
ci (prompt,newfile,cidepth,list,helppath,cmdfpath);
fclose (newfile);
if (!(ciquiet&CICMDFEXIT)) printf ("End of file\n\n");
case '^': /* exit and do command */
case '@':
if (cidepth > 1) {
if (*cmd == '@') ciback = 1;
if (_argbreak == ';') *(cmd+strlen(cmd)) = ';';
ciexit = 1;
cmd = skipover(cmd+1," ");
strcpy (cinext,cmd);
else printf ("ci: ^ not allowed at top level of ci\n");
default: /* list cmds, etc. */
equals = index (cmd,'=');
if (equals == cmd) cmd++;
if (equals) {
if (*(equals+1) == 0) *equals = 0;
else *equals = ' ';
arg = cmd; /* parse first word */
cmd = nxtarg (&arg,0);
if ((ciquiet&CIFIRSTEQUAL) && equals && equals>arg) {
*equals = '='; /* if user doesn't want extra =, kill */
equals = 0;
star = index (cmd,'*');
if (star) *star = 0;
if (star && equals) { /* list vars */
printf ("\n");
for (i=0; vname[i]; i++) {
if (stlmatch (vname[i],cmd)) {
ci_show (list[vnum[i]],arg,CIPEEK);
printf ("\n");
else if (star) { /* list cmds */
printf ("\n");
tnum = 0;
for (i=0;name[i]; i++) {
if ((i==helpcmd || list[i].ci_etyp == ci_tcmd) &&
stlmatch (name[i],cmd)) {
tname[tnum++] = name[i];
tname[tnum] = 0;
prstab (tname);
if (_del_) {_DELNOTE_}
printf ("\n");
else if (equals) { /* set var */
i = stablk (cmd,vname,0);
if (i >= 0) ci_set (list[vnum[i]],skipover(arg," \t"));
else {
i = stablk (cmd,name,0);
if (i == helpcmd) ci_help (arg,helppath);
else if (i >= 0) {
if (list[i].ci_etyp == ci_tcmd) {
(* (int(*)()) (list[i].ci_eptr)) (skipover(arg," \t"));
else ci_show (list[i],skipover(arg," \t"),CISHOW);
/* end of command */
/* DEL trapping */
if (_del_) {
if (ciinput == stdin) {
DELCLEAR; /* already at tty level */
else {
_del_ = 0;
i = getstab ("INTERRUPT: abort or breakpoint?",delchoice,"abort");
if (i == 0) ciexit = 1; /* abort */
else { /* breakpoint */
sprintf (bprompt,"Breakpoint for %s",prompt);
ci (bprompt,0,cidepth,list,helppath,cmdfpath);
/* end of loop for commands */
/* end of loop for lines of input file */
if (redirected) {
fflush (stdout);
fclose (stdout);
*stdout = savestdout;
redirected = 0;
/* restore globals */
cidepth --; /* update current depth */
ciinput = savfile;
ciquiet = savquiet;
ciexit = savexit;
*** P R I N T H E L P F I L E ***
static int _h_found; /* how many matching names? */
static char **_h_list; /* list of matching names */
static char (*_h_nlist)[20]; /* list of filename part of names */
static int _ci_help (filspec)
/* called by searchp to expand filspec, adding names to _h_list */
char *filspec;
register int i,j,result;
char dir[200];
result = expand (filspec, _h_list + _h_found, MAXHELPS - _h_found);
if (result > 0) {
for (i=0; i<result; ) { /* elim duplicates */
path (_h_list[i+_h_found],dir,_h_nlist[i+_h_found]);
for (j=0;
j<_h_found && strcmp(_h_nlist[j],_h_nlist[i+_h_found]) != 0;
j++) ;
if (j < _h_found) { /* is duplicate */
strcpy (_h_list[i+_h_found],_h_list[result+_h_found]);
else i++; /* isn't duplicate */
_h_found += result;
return (1); /* keep searching */
/* for use in sorting help file names */
static ci_hcomp (p,q)
char **p,**q;
char dir[200],file1[20],file2[20];
path ((*p),dir,file1);
path ((*q),dir,file2);
return (strcmp(file1,file2));
static ci_help (topic,helppath)
char *topic,*helppath;
char *fnames[MAXHELPS]; /* names of matching files */
char names[MAXHELPS][20]; /* stripped filenames */
char *nptr[MAXHELPS+1]; /* list of ptrs for stablk */
char dir[200]; /* temp */
char shstr[300]; /* shell string for system */
int i;
char *star;
FILE *f;
if (*topic == 0) { /* wants meta-help */
f = fopen (METAHELP,"r");
if (f == 0) {
printf ("Yikes!! Can't open standard help file!\n");
else {
printf ("\n");
if (_del_) {_DELNOTE_}
printf ("\n");
fclose (f);
if (helppath && (*helppath) && (!getbool("Do you want a list of help topics?",1))) {
else { /* chop at * */
star = index (topic,'*');
if (star) *star = 0;
if (helppath == 0) { /* no help at all */
printf ("Sorry, no specific help is available for this program.\n");
else {
_h_found = 0;
_h_list = fnames;
_h_nlist = names;
searchp (helppath,"*",dir,_ci_help); /* find file names */
qsort (fnames,_h_found,sizeof(char *),ci_hcomp);
for (i=0; i<_h_found; i++) { /* strip pathnames */
path (fnames[i],dir,names[i]);
nptr[i] = names[i];
nptr[i] = 0;
if (*topic) { /* request some topic */
if (_h_found == 0) {
printf ("No help for %s. Type '?*' for list of help messages.\n",topic);
else {
i = stablk (topic,nptr,1);
if (i < 0) i = stabsearch (topic,nptr,0);
if (i >= 0) {
f = fopen (fnames[i],"r");
if (f == 0)
printf ("Yikes! Can't open help file %s\n",fnames[i]);
else {
printf ("\n");
if (_del_) {_DELNOTE_}
printf ("\n");
fclose (f);
else { /* request topic list */
printf ("\nHelp is available for these topics:\n");
prstab (nptr);
if (_del_) {_DELNOTE_}
printf ("\n");
for (i=0; i<_h_found; i++) free (fnames[i]);
*** S H O W V A L U E O F V A R I A B L E ***
static ci_show (entry,arg,mode)
CIENTRY entry; /* entry to display */
char *arg; /* arg for variable procedures */
CIMODE mode; /* mode (CIPEEK or CISHOW) */
if (entry.ci_etyp == ci_tproc) { /* procedure */
(* (int(*)()) (entry.ci_eptr)) (mode,arg);
else if (entry.ci_etyp == ci_tclass) { /* class variable */
(* (int(*)()) (entry.ci_eptr)) (mode,arg,entry.ci_evar,entry.ci_enam);
else {
printf ("%-14s \t",entry.ci_enam);
_ci_sho (entry.ci_etyp, entry.ci_eptr);
printf ("\n");
static _ci_sho (etype,eptr)
ci_type etype;
ci_union *eptr;
int i;
unsigned int u;
switch (etype) {
case ci_tint:
printf ("%d",eptr->ci_uint);
case ci_tshort:
printf ("%d",eptr->ci_ushort);
case ci_tlong:
printf ("%D",eptr->ci_ulong);
case ci_toct:
if (eptr->ci_uoct) printf ("0");
printf ("%o",eptr->ci_uoct);
case ci_thex:
if (eptr->ci_uhex) printf ("0x");
printf ("%x",eptr->ci_uhex);
case ci_tdouble:
printf ("%g",eptr->ci_udouble);
case ci_tfloat:
printf ("%g",eptr->ci_ufloat);
case ci_tbool:
if (eptr->ci_ubool) printf ("yes");
else printf ("no");
case ci_tstring:
printf ("%s",(char *)eptr);
case ci_tcint:
printf ("%d",*(eptr->ci_ucint.ci_ival));
case ci_tcshort:
printf ("%d",*(eptr->ci_ucshort.ci_sval));
case ci_tclong:
printf ("%D",*(eptr->ci_uclong.ci_lval));
case ci_tcoct:
u = *(eptr->ci_ucoct.ci_uval);
if (u) printf ("0");
printf ("%o",u);
case ci_tchex:
u = *(eptr->ci_uchex.ci_uval);
if (u) printf ("0x");
printf ("%x",u);
case ci_tcdouble:
printf ("%g",*(eptr->ci_ucdouble.ci_dval));
case ci_tcfloat:
printf ("%g",*(eptr->ci_ucfloat.ci_fval));
case ci_tcbool:
i = *(eptr->ci_ucbool.ci_bval);
if (i) printf ("yes");
else printf ("no");
case ci_tcchr:
i = *(eptr->ci_ucchr.ci_cval);
printf ("%c",eptr->ci_ucchr.ci_cleg[i]);
case ci_tcstring:
printf ("%s",eptr->ci_ucstring.ci_pval);
case ci_tctab:
i = *(eptr->ci_ucstab.ci_tval);
printf ("%s",eptr->ci_ucstab.ci_ttab[i]);
case ci_tcsearch:
i = *(eptr->ci_ucsearch.ci_tval);
printf ("%s",eptr->ci_ucsearch.ci_ttab[i]);
printf ("Yeek! Illegal cientry type %d!\n",(int) etype);
*** A S S I G N V A L U E T O V A R I A B L E ***
static ci_set (entry,arg)
CIENTRY entry;
char *arg;
if (entry.ci_etyp == ci_tproc) { /* variable procedure */
(* (int(*)()) (entry.ci_eptr)) (CISET,arg);
else if (entry.ci_etyp == ci_tclass) { /* class variable */
(* (int(*)()) (entry.ci_eptr)) (CISET,arg,entry.ci_evar,entry.ci_enam);
else {
_ci_set (entry.ci_etyp, entry.ci_eptr, arg);
if (!(ciquiet & (((ciinput==stdin)||(ciinput==stderr)) ? CISETPEEK : CICMDFPEEK)))
ci_show (entry,arg,CIPEEK);
static _ci_set (etype,eptr,arg)
ci_type etype;
ci_union *eptr;
char *arg;
int i;
unsigned int u;
char *p;
if (etype == ci_tstring) {
strcpy ((char *)eptr,arg);
if (etype == ci_tcstring) {
strarg (&arg, ";", eptr->ci_ucstring.ci_pmsg,
p = arg; /* parse first word */
arg = nxtarg (&p,0);
switch (etype) {
case ci_tint:
eptr->ci_uint = atoi (arg);
case ci_tshort:
eptr->ci_ushort = atoi (arg);
case ci_tlong:
eptr->ci_ulong = atol (arg);
case ci_toct:
eptr->ci_uoct = atoo (arg);
case ci_thex:
if (stlmatch(arg,"0x") || stlmatch(arg,"0X")) arg += 2;
eptr->ci_uhex = atoh (arg);
case ci_tdouble:
eptr->ci_udouble = atof (arg);
case ci_tfloat:
eptr->ci_ufloat = atof (arg);
case ci_tbool:
eptr->ci_ubool = (index("yYtT",*arg) != 0);
case ci_tcint:
*(eptr->ci_ucint.ci_ival) =
intarg (&arg,0,eptr->ci_ucint.ci_imsg,eptr->ci_ucint.ci_imin,
case ci_tcshort:
*(eptr->ci_ucshort.ci_sval) =
shortarg (&arg,0,eptr->ci_ucshort.ci_smsg,eptr->ci_ucshort.ci_smin,
case ci_tclong:
*(eptr->ci_uclong.ci_lval) =
longarg (&arg,0,eptr->ci_uclong.ci_lmsg,eptr->ci_uclong.ci_lmin,
case ci_tcoct:
*(eptr->ci_ucoct.ci_uval) =
octarg (&arg,0,eptr->ci_ucoct.ci_umsg,eptr->ci_ucoct.ci_umin,
case ci_tchex:
*(eptr->ci_uchex.ci_uval) =
hexarg (&arg,0,eptr->ci_uchex.ci_umsg,eptr->ci_uchex.ci_umin,
case ci_tcdouble:
*(eptr->ci_ucdouble.ci_dval) =
doublearg (&arg,0,eptr->ci_ucdouble.ci_dmsg,eptr->ci_ucdouble.ci_dmin,
case ci_tcfloat:
*(eptr->ci_ucfloat.ci_fval) =
floatarg (&arg,0,eptr->ci_ucfloat.ci_fmsg,eptr->ci_ucfloat.ci_fmin,
case ci_tcbool:
*(eptr->ci_ucbool.ci_bval) =
boolarg (&arg,0,eptr->ci_ucbool.ci_bmsg,*(eptr->ci_ucbool.ci_bval));
case ci_tcchr:
*(eptr->ci_ucchr.ci_cval) =
chrarg (&arg,0,eptr->ci_ucchr.ci_cmsg,eptr->ci_ucchr.ci_cleg,
case ci_tctab:
*(eptr->ci_ucstab.ci_tval) =
stabarg (&arg,0,eptr->ci_ucstab.ci_tmsg,eptr->ci_ucstab.ci_ttab,
case ci_tcsearch:
*(eptr->ci_ucsearch.ci_tval) =
searcharg (&arg,0,eptr->ci_ucsearch.ci_tmsg,