-fno-common will become the default in GCC10/LLVM11. Plenty of work has been put in to make sure our world builds are no -fno-common clean, so let's slap the build with this until it becomes the compiler default to ensure we don't regress. At this time, we will not be enforcing -fno-common on ports builds. I suspect most ports will be or quickly become -fno-common clean as they're naturally built against compilers that default to it, so this will hopefully become a non-issue in due time. The exception to this, which is actually the status quo, is that kmods built from ports will continue to build with -fno-common. As of the time of writing, I intend to also make stable/12 -fno-common clean. What's been done will be MFC'd to stable/11 if it's easily applicable and/or not much work to massage it into being functional, but I anticipate adding -fcommon to stable/11 builds to maintain its ability to be built with newer compilers for the rest of its lifetime instead of putting in a third branch's worth of effort.
FreeBSD Source:
This is the top level of the FreeBSD source directory. This file
was last revised on:
FreeBSD is an operating system used to power modern servers, desktops, and embedded platforms. A large community has continually developed it for more than thirty years. Its advanced networking, security, and storage features have made FreeBSD the platform of choice for many of the busiest web sites and most pervasive embedded networking and storage devices.
For copyright information, please see the file COPYRIGHT in this directory. Additional copyright information also exists for some sources in this tree - please see the specific source directories for more information.
The Makefile in this directory supports a number of targets for building components (or all) of the FreeBSD source tree. See build(7), config(8), https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/makeworld.html, and https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig.html for more information, including setting make(1) variables.
Source Roadmap:
bin System/user commands.
cddl Various commands and libraries under the Common Development
and Distribution License.
contrib Packages contributed by 3rd parties.
crypto Cryptography stuff (see crypto/README).
etc Template files for /etc.
gnu Various commands and libraries under the GNU Public License.
Please see gnu/COPYING* for more information.
include System include files.
kerberos5 Kerberos5 (Heimdal) package.
lib System libraries.
libexec System daemons.
release Release building Makefile & associated tools.
rescue Build system for statically linked /rescue utilities.
sbin System commands.
secure Cryptographic libraries and commands.
share Shared resources.
stand Boot loader sources.
sys Kernel sources.
sys/<arch>/conf Kernel configuration files. GENERIC is the configuration
used in release builds. NOTES contains documentation of
all possible entries.
tests Regression tests which can be run by Kyua. See tests/README
for additional information.
tools Utilities for regression testing and miscellaneous tasks.
usr.bin User commands.
usr.sbin System administration commands.
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