it as a default. For the record, the KDTRACE option caused _no_ additional source files to be compiled in; certainly no CDDL source files. All it did was to allow existing BSD licensed kernel files to include one or more CDDL header files. By removing this from DEFAULTS, the onus is on a kernel builder to add the option to the kernel config, possibly by including GENERIC and customising from there. It means that DTrace won't be a feature available in FreeBSD by default, which is the way I intended it to be. Without this option, you can't load the dtrace module (which contains the dtrace device and the DTrace framework). This is equivalent to requiring an option in a kernel config before you can load the linux emulation module, for example. I think it is a mistake to have DTrace ported to FreeBSD, but not to have it available to everyone, all the time. The only exception to this is the companies which distribute systems with FreeBSD embedded. Those companies will customise their systems anyway. The KDTRACE option was intended for them, and only them.
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# DEFAULTS -- Default kernel configuration file for FreeBSD/sparc64
# $FreeBSD$
machine sparc64
# Pseudo devices.
device mem # Memory and kernel memory devices
# UART chips on this platform
device uart_ns8250
device uart_sab82532
device uart_z8530
# KSE support went from being default to a kernel option
options KSE