$FreeBSD$ This directory is for standalone test programs, for the FreeBSD Test Suite, which uses Kyua, please see /usr/src/tests/ A test program is one that exercises a particular bit of the system and either tries to break it or measures its performance. Please make a subdir per program, and add a brief description to this file. auxinfo Return information on page sizes, CPUs, and OS release date. devrandom Programs to test /dev/*random. hwpmc Automatically trigger every event in hwpmc(4). iconv Character set conversion tests. malloc A program to test and benchmark malloc(). net A set of generic test programs for networking. netfibs Programs to test multi-FIB network stacks. posixshm A program to test POSIX shared memory. ppsapi Test 1 Pulse Per Second (1PPS) input for time control. pthread_vfork Chack that vfork and pthreads work together. ptrace Verify that ptrace works with syscalls, vfork etc. sort Tests for the sort command, including a full regression. testfloat Programs to test floating-point implementations upsdl Test of mmap funcationality.