Magic Tricks for Precision Timekeeping Revised 19 September 1993 Note: This information file is included in the NTP Version 3 distribution (xntp3.tar.Z) as the file README.magic. This distribution can be obtained via anonymous ftp from in the directory pub/ntp. 1. Introduction It most cases it is possible using NTP to synchronize a number of hosts on an Ethernet or moderately loaded T1 network to a radio clock within a few tens of milliseconds with no particular care in selecting the radio clock or configuring the servers on the network. This may be adequate for the majority of applications; however, modern workstations and high speed networks can do much better than that, generally to within some fraction of a millisecond, by using special care in the design of the hardware and software interfaces. The timekeeping accuracy of a NTP-synchronized host depends on two quantities: the delay due to hardware and software processing and the accumulated jitter due to such things as clock reading precision and varying latencies in hardware and software queuing. Processing delays directly affect the timekeeping accuracy, unless minimized by systematic analysis and adjustment. Jitter, on the other hand, can be essentially removed, as long as the statistical properties are unbiased, by the low- pass filtering of the phase-lock loop incorporated in the NTP local clock model. This note discusses issues in the connection of external time sources such as radio clocks and related timing signals to a primary (stratum-1) NTP time server. Of principal concern are various techniques that can be utilized to improve the accuracy and precision of the time accuracy and frequency stability. Radio clocks are most often connected to a time server using a serial asynchronous port. Much of the discussion in this memorandum has to do with ways in which the delay incurred in this type of connection can be controlled and ways in which the jitter due to various causes can be minimized. However, there are ways other than serial ports to connect a radio clock, including special purpose hardware devices for some architectures, and even unusual applications of existing interface devices, such as the audio codec provided in some systems. Many of these methods can yield accuracies as good as any attainable with a serial port. For those radio clocks equipped with an IRIG-B signal output, for example, a hardware device is available for the Sun SPARCstation; see the xntpd.8 manual page in the doc directory of the NTP Version 3 distribution for further information. In addition, it is possible to decode the IRIG-B signal using the audio codec included in the Sun SPARCstation and a special kernel driver described in the irig.txt file in the doc directory of the NTP Version 3 distribution. These devices will not be discussed further in this memorandum. 2. Connection via Serial Port Most radio clocks produce an ASCII timecode with a precision only to the millisecond. This results in a maximum peak-to-peak (p-p) jitter in the clock readings of one millisecond. However, assuming the read requests are statistically independent of the clock update times, the reading error is uniformly distributed over the millisecond, so that the average over a large number of readings will make the clock appear 0.5 ms late. To compensate for this, it is only necessary to add 0.5 ms to its reading before further processing by the NTP algorithms. Radio clocks are usually connected to the host computer using a serial port operating at a typical speed of 9600 baud. The on-time reference epoch for the timecode is usually the start bit of a designated character, usually <CR>, which is part of the timecode. The UART chip implementing the serial port most often has a sample clock of eight to 16 times the basic baud rate. Assuming the sample clock starts midway in the start bit and continues to midway in the first stop bit, this creates a processing delay of 10.5 baud times, or about 1.1 ms, relative to the start bit of the character. The jitter contribution is usually no more than a couple of sample-clock periods, or about 26 usec p-p. This is small compared to the clock reading jitter and can be ignored. Thus, the UART delay can be considered constant, so the hardware contribution to the total mean delay budget is 0.5 + 1.1 = 1.6 ms. In some kernel serial port drivers, in particular, the Sun zs driver, an intentional delay is introduce in input character processing when the first character is received after an idle period. A batch of characters is passed to the calling program when either (a) a timeout in the neighborhood of 10 ms expires or (b) an input buffer fills up. The intent in this design is to reduce the interrupt load on the processor by batching the characters where possible. Obviously, this can cause severe problems for precision timekeeping. It is possible to patch the zs driver to eliminate the jitter due to this cause; contact the author for further details. However, there is a better solution which will be described later in this note. The problem does not appear to be present in the Serial/Parallel Controller (SPC) for the SBus, which contains eight serial asynchronous ports along with a parallel port. The measurements referred to below were made using this controller. Good timekeeping depends strongly on the means available to capture an accurate sample of the local clock or timestamp at the instant the stop bit of the on-time character is found; therefore, the code path delay between the character interrupt routine and the first place a timestamp can be captured is very important, since on some systems such as Sun SPARCstations, this path can be astonishingly long. The Sun scheduling mechanisms involve both a hardware interrupt queue and a software interrupt queue. Entries are made on the hardware queue as the interrupt is signalled and generally with the lowest latency, estimated at 20-30 microseconds (usec) for a SPARC 4/65 IPC. Then, after minimal processing, an entry is made on the software queue for later processing in order of software interrupt priority. Finally, the software interrupt unblocks the NTP daemon which calculates the current local clock offset and introduces corrections as required. Opportunities exist to capture timestamps at the hardware interrupt time, software interrupt time and at the time the NTP daemon is activated, but these involve various degrees of kernel trespass and hardware gimmicks. To gain some idea of the severity of the errors introduced at each of these stages, measurements were made using a Sun 4/65 IPC and a test setup that results in an error between the host clock and a precision time source (calibrated cesium clock) no greater than 0.1 ms. The total delay from the on-time epoch to when the NTP daemon is activated was measured at 8.3 ms in an otherwise idle system, but increased on rare occasion to over 25 ms under load, even when the NTP daemon was operated at the highest available software priority level. Since 1.6 ms of the total delay is due to the hardware, the remaining 6.7 ms represents the total code path delay accounting for all software processing from the hardware interrupt to the NTP daemon. It is commonly observed that the latency variations (jitter) in typical real-time applications scale as the processing delay. In the case above, the ratio of the maximum observed delay (25 ms) to the baseline code path delay (8.3 ms) is about three. It is natural to expect that this ratio remain the same or less as the code path between the hardware interrupt and where the timestamp is captured is reduced. However, in general this requires trespass on kernel facilities and/or making use of features not common to all or even most Unix implementations. In order to assess the cost and benefits of increasingly more aggressive insult to the hardware and software of the system, it is useful to construct a budget of the code path delay at each of the timestamp opportunity times. For instance, on Unix systems which include support for the SIGIO facility, it is possible to intervene at the time the software interrupt is serviced. The NTP daemon code uses this facility, when available, to capture a timestamp and save it along with the data in a buffer for later processing. This reduces the total code path delay from 6.7 ms to 3.5 ms on an otherwise idle system. This reduction applies to all input processing, including network interfaces and serial ports. 3. The CLK Mode By far the best place to capture the timestamp is right in the kernel interrupt routine, but this gerally requires intruding in the code itself, which can be intricate and architecture dependent. The next best place is in some routine close to the interrupt routine on the code path. There are two ways to do this, depending on the ancestry of the Unix operating system variant. Older systems based primarily on the original Unix 4.3bsd support what is called a line discipline module, which is a hunk of code with more-or-less well defined interface specifications that can get in the way, so to speak, of the code path between the interrupt routine and the remainder of the serial port processing. Newer systems based on System V STREAMS can do the same thing using what is called a streams module. Both approaches are supported in the NTP Version 3 distribution, as described in the README files in the kernel directory of the distribution. In either case, header and source files have to be copied to the kernel build tree and certain tables in the kernel have to be modified. In neither case, however, are kernel sources required. In order to take advantage of this, the clock driver must include code to activate the feature and extract the timestamp. At present, this support is included in the clock drivers for the Spectracom WWVB clock (WWVB define), the PSTI/Traconex WWV/WWVH clock (PST define) and a special one-pulse-per-second (pps) signal (PPSCLK define) described later. If justified, support can be easily added to most other clock drivers as well. For future reference, these modules operating with supported drivers will be called the CLK support. The CLK line discipline and STREAMS modules operate in the same way. They look for a designated character, usually <CR>, and stuff a Unix timestamp in the data stream following that character whenever it is found. Eventually, the data arrive at the particular clock driver configured in the NTP Version 3 distribution. The driver then uses the timestamp as a precise reference epoch, subject to the earlier processing delays and jitter budget, for future reference. In order to gain some insight as to the effectiveness of this approach, measurements were made using the same test setup described above. The total delay from the on-time epoch to the instant when the timestamp is captured was measured at 3.5 ms. Thus, the code path delay is this value less the hardware delay 3.5 - 1.6 = 1.9 ms. While the improvement in accuracy in the baseline case is significant, there is another factor, at least in Sun systems, that makes it even more worthwhile. When processing the code path up to the CLK module, the priority is apparently higher than for processing beyond it. In case of heavy CPU activity, this can lead to relatively long tails in the processing delays for the driver, which of course are avoided by capturing the timestamp early in the code path. 4. The PPSCLK Mode Many timing receivers can produce a 1-pps signal of considerably better precision than the ASCII timecode. Using this signal, it is possible to avoid the 1-ms p-p jitter and 1.6 ms hardware timecode adjustment entirely. However, a device is required to interface this signal to the hardware and operating system. In general, this requires some sort of level converter and pulse generator that can turn the 1-pps signal on- time transition into a valid character. An example of such a device is described in the gadget directory of the NTP Version 3 distribution. Although many different circuit designs could be used as well, this particular device generates a single 26-usec start bit for each 1-pps signal on-time transition. This appears to the UART operating at 38.4K baud as an ASCII DEL (hex FF). Now, assuming a serial port can be dedicated to this purpose, a source of 1-pps character interrupts is available and can be used to provide a precision reference. The NTP Version 3 daemon can be configured to utilize this feature by specifying the PPSCLK define, which requires the CLK module and gadget box described above. The character resulting from each 1-pps signal on-time transition is intercepted by the CLK module and a timestamp is inserted in the data stream. An interrupt is created for the device driver, which reads the timestamp and discards the DEL character. Since the timestamp is captured at the on-time transition, the seconds-fraction portion is the offset between the local clock and the on-time epoch less the UART delay of 273 usec at 38.4K baud. If the local clock is within +-0.5 second of this epoch, as determined by other means, the local clock correction is taken as the offset itself, if between zero and 0.5 s, and the offset minus one second, if between 0.5 and 1.0 s. In the NTP daemon the resulting correction is first processed by a multi-stage median/trimmed mean filter to remove residual jitter and then processed by the usual NTP algorithms. The baseline delay between the on-time transition and the timestamp capture was measured at 400+-10 usec on an otherwise idle test system. As the UART delay at 38.4K baud is about 270 usec, the difference, 130 usec, must be due to the hardware interrupt latency plus the time to call the microtime() routine which actually reads the system clock and microsecond counter. For these measurements the assembly-coded version of this routine described in the ppsclock directory of the NTP Version 3 distribution was used. This routine reduces the time to read the system clock from 42-85 usec with the native Sun C-coded routine to about 3 usec using the microtime() assembly-coded routine and can be ignored. Thus, the 130 usec must be accounted for in interrupt service, register window, context switching, streams operations and measurement uncertainty, which is probably not unreasonable. The reason for the difference between the this figure and the previously calculated value of 1.9 ms for the CLK module and serial ASCII timecode is probably due to the fact that all STREAMS modules other than the CLK module were removed, since the serial port is not used for ordinary ASCII data. An interesting feature of this approach is that the 1-pps signal is not necessarily associated with any particular radio clock and, indeed, there may be no such clock at all. Some precision timekeeping equipment, such as cesium clocks, VLF receivers and LORAN-C timing receivers produce only a precision 1-pps signal and rely on other mechanisms to resolve the second of the day and day of the year. It is possible for an NTP-synchronized host to derive the latter information using other NTP peers, presumably properly synchronized within +-0.5 second, and to remove residual jitter using the 1-pps signal. This makes it quite practical to deliver precision time to local clients when the subnet paths to remote primary servers are heavily congested. In extreme cases like this, it has been found useful to increase the tracking aperture from +-128 ms to as high as +-512 ms. In the current implementation the radio timecode and 1-pps signal are separately processed. The timecode capture and CLK support, if provided by the radio driver, operate the same way whether or not the PPSCLK support is enabled. If the local clock is reliably synchronized within +-0.5 s and the 1-pps signal has been valid for some number of seconds, its offset rather than whatever synchronization source has been selected is used instead. However, while a this procedure delivers a new offset estimate every second, the local clock is updated only as each valid update is computed for the peer selected as the source of synchronization. However, there is a hazard to the use of the 1-pps signal in this way if the radio generating the 1-pps signal misbehaves or loses synchronization with its transmitter. In such a case the radio might indicate the error, but the system has no way to associate the error with the 1-pps signal. To deal with this problem the prefer parameter described in the xntpd.8 man page in the doc directory of the NTP Version 3 distribution can be used both to cause the clock selection algorithm to choose a preferred peer, all other things being equal, as well as associate the error indications in such a way that the 1-pps signal will be disregarded if the peer stops providing valid updates, such as would occur in an error condition. The prefer parameter can be used in other situations as well when preference is to be given a particular source of synchronization. 5. The PPS Mode For the ultimate accuracy and lowest jitter, it would be best to eliminate the UART and capture the 1-pps on-time transition directly using an appropriate interface. This is in fact possible using a modified serial port driver and data lead in the serial port interface cable. In this scheme, described in detail in the ppsclock directory of the NTP Version 3 distribution, the 1-pps source is connected via the previously described gadget box to the carrier-detect lead of a serial port. Happily, this can be the same port used for a radio clock, for example, or another unrelated serial device. The scheme, referred to subsequently as the PPS mode, is specific to the SunOS 4.1.x kernel and requires a special STREAMS module. Instructions on how to build the kernel are also included in that directory. Except for special-purpose interface modules, such as the KSI/Odetics TPRO IRIG-B decoder and the modified audio driver for the IRIG-B signal mentioned previously, the PPS mode provides the most accurate and precise timestamp available. There is essentially no latency and the timestamp is captured within 20-30 usec of the on-time epoch. The PPS mode requires the PPSPPS define and one of the radio clock serial ports to be selected as the PPS interface. This is the port which handles the 1-pps signal; however, the signal path has nothing to do with the ordinary serial data path; the two signals are not related, other than by the need to activate the PPS mode and pass the file descriptor to a common processing routine. Thus, for the port to be selected for the PPS function, the define for the associated radio clock needs to have a PPS suffix. In case of multiple radio clocks on a single time server, the PPS suffix is necessary on only one of them; more than one PPS suffix would be an error. The PPS mode works just like the CLK mode in the treatment of the prefer parameter and indicated peer errors. As in the CLK mode, only the offset within the second is used and only when the offset is less than +-0.5 s. However, the precision of the clock adjustments is usually so fine that the error budget is dominated by the inherent short-term stability of typical computer local clock oscillators. Therefore, it is advisable to reduce the poll interval for the preferred peer from the default 64 s to something less, like 16 s. This is done using the minpoll and maxpoll parameters of the peer or server command associated with the clock. These parameters take as arguments a power of 2, in seconds, which becomes the poll interval and, indirectly, affects the bandwidth of the tracking loop. 6. Results and Conclusions It is clear from the above that substantial improvements in timekeeping accuracy are possible with varying degrees of hardware and software intrusion. While the ultimate accuracy depends on the jitter and wander characteristics of the computer local oscillator, it is possible to reduce jitter to a negligible degree simply by processing with the NTP phase-lock loop and local clock algorithms. The residual jitter using the PPS mode on a Sun4 IPC is typically in the 40-100 usec range, while the wander is rarely more than twice that under typical environmental room conditions. David L. Mills <> Electrical Engineering Department University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 302 831 8247 fax 302 831 4316 25 August 1993