In original GNU libgcc, _Unwind_Backtrace is published with GCC_3.3 version for all architectures but ARM. For ARM should be publishes with GCC_4.3.0 version. This was originally omitted in r255095, fixed in r318024 and omitted aging in LLVM libunwind implementation in r354347. For ARM _Unwind_Backtrace should be published as default with GCC_4.3.0 version , (because this is right original version) and again as normal(not-default) with GCC_3.3 version (to maintain ABI compatibility compiled/linked with wrong pre r318024 libgcc) PR: 233664
8 lines
126 B
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126 B
* $FreeBSD$
/* _Unwind_Backtrace should be exported with different version on ARM */
GCC_3.3 {