2005-02-14 02:30:00 +00:00

1109 lines
24 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2000-2001, 2004 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers.
* All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1990
* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
* This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
* Chris Torek.
* By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set
* forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of
* the sendmail distribution.
#include <sm/gen.h>
SM_IDSTR(id, "@(#)$Id: vfprintf.c,v 1.53 2004/08/03 20:54:49 ca Exp $")
** Overall:
** Actual printing innards.
** This code is large and complicated...
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sm/config.h>
#include <sm/varargs.h>
#include <sm/io.h>
#include <sm/heap.h>
#include <sm/conf.h>
#include "local.h"
#include "fvwrite.h"
static int sm_bprintf __P((SM_FILE_T *, const char *, va_list));
static void sm_find_arguments __P((const char *, va_list , va_list **));
static void sm_grow_type_table_x __P((unsigned char **, int *));
static int sm_print __P((SM_FILE_T *, int, struct sm_uio *));
** SM_PRINT -- print/flush to the file
** Flush out all the vectors defined by the given uio,
** then reset it so that it can be reused.
** Parameters:
** fp -- file pointer
** timeout -- time to complete operation (milliseconds)
** uio -- vector list of memory locations of data for printing
** Results:
** Success: 0 (zero)
** Failure:
static int
sm_print(fp, timeout, uio)
SM_FILE_T *fp;
int timeout;
register struct sm_uio *uio;
register int err;
if (uio->uio_resid == 0)
uio->uio_iovcnt = 0;
return 0;
err = sm_fvwrite(fp, timeout, uio);
uio->uio_resid = 0;
uio->uio_iovcnt = 0;
return err;
** SM_BPRINTF -- allow formating to an unbuffered file.
** Helper function for `fprintf to unbuffered unix file': creates a
** temporary buffer (via a "fake" file pointer).
** We only work on write-only files; this avoids
** worries about ungetc buffers and so forth.
** Parameters:
** fp -- the file to send the o/p to
** fmt -- format instructions for the o/p
** ap -- vectors of data units used for formating
** Results:
** Failure: SM_IO_EOF and errno set
** Success: number of data units used in the formating
** Side effects:
** formatted o/p can be SM_IO_BUFSIZ length maximum
static int
sm_bprintf(fp, fmt, ap)
SM_FILE_T *fp;
const char *fmt;
int ret;
SM_FILE_T fake;
unsigned char buf[SM_IO_BUFSIZ];
extern const char SmFileMagic[];
/* copy the important variables */
fake.sm_magic = SmFileMagic;
fake.f_timeout = SM_TIME_FOREVER;
fake.f_timeoutstate = SM_TIME_BLOCK;
fake.f_flags = fp->f_flags & ~SMNBF;
fake.f_file = fp->f_file;
fake.f_cookie = fp->f_cookie;
fake.f_write = fp->f_write;
fake.f_close = NULL;
fake.f_open = NULL;
fake.f_read = NULL;
fake.f_seek = NULL;
fake.f_setinfo = fake.f_getinfo = NULL;
fake.f_type = "sm_bprintf:fake";
/* set up the buffer */
fake.f_bf.smb_base = fake.f_p = buf;
fake.f_bf.smb_size = fake.f_w = sizeof(buf);
fake.f_lbfsize = 0; /* not actually used, but Just In Case */
/* do the work, then copy any error status */
ret = sm_io_vfprintf(&fake, SM_TIME_FOREVER, fmt, ap);
if (ret >= 0 && sm_io_flush(&fake, SM_TIME_FOREVER))
ret = SM_IO_EOF; /* errno set by sm_io_flush */
if (fake.f_flags & SMERR)
fp->f_flags |= SMERR;
return ret;
#define BUF 40
#define STATIC_ARG_TBL_SIZE 8 /* Size of static argument table. */
/* Macros for converting digits to letters and vice versa */
#define to_digit(c) ((c) - '0')
#define is_digit(c) ((unsigned) to_digit(c) <= 9)
#define to_char(n) ((char) (n) + '0')
/* Flags used during conversion. */
#define ALT 0x001 /* alternate form */
#define HEXPREFIX 0x002 /* add 0x or 0X prefix */
#define LADJUST 0x004 /* left adjustment */
#define LONGINT 0x010 /* long integer */
#define QUADINT 0x020 /* quad integer */
#define SHORTINT 0x040 /* short integer */
#define ZEROPAD 0x080 /* zero (as opposed to blank) pad */
#define FPT 0x100 /* Floating point number */
** SM_IO_VPRINTF -- performs actual formating for o/p
** Parameters:
** fp -- file pointer for o/p
** timeout -- time to complete the print
** fmt0 -- formating directives
** ap -- vectors with data units for formating
** Results:
** Success: number of data units used for formatting
** Failure: SM_IO_EOF and sets errno
sm_io_vfprintf(fp, timeout, fmt0, ap)
SM_FILE_T *fp;
int timeout;
const char *fmt0;
register char *fmt; /* format string */
register int ch; /* character from fmt */
register int n, m, n2; /* handy integers (short term usage) */
register char *cp; /* handy char pointer (short term usage) */
register struct sm_iov *iovp;/* for PRINT macro */
register int flags; /* flags as above */
int ret; /* return value accumulator */
int width; /* width from format (%8d), or 0 */
int prec; /* precision from format (%.3d), or -1 */
char sign; /* sign prefix (' ', '+', '-', or \0) */
wchar_t wc;
ULONGLONG_T _uquad; /* integer arguments %[diouxX] */
enum { OCT, DEC, HEX } base;/* base for [diouxX] conversion */
int dprec; /* a copy of prec if [diouxX], 0 otherwise */
int realsz; /* field size expanded by dprec */
int size; /* size of converted field or string */
char *xdigs="0123456789abcdef"; /* digits for [xX] conversion */
#define NIOV 8
struct sm_uio uio; /* output information: summary */
struct sm_iov iov[NIOV];/* ... and individual io vectors */
char buf[BUF]; /* space for %c, %[diouxX], %[eEfgG] */
char ox[2]; /* space for 0x hex-prefix */
va_list *argtable; /* args, built due to positional arg */
va_list statargtable[STATIC_ARG_TBL_SIZE];
int nextarg; /* 1-based argument index */
va_list orgap; /* original argument pointer */
** Choose PADSIZE to trade efficiency vs. size. If larger printf
** fields occur frequently, increase PADSIZE and make the initialisers
** below longer.
#define PADSIZE 16 /* pad chunk size */
static char blanks[PADSIZE] =
{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '};
static char zeroes[PADSIZE] =
** BEWARE, these `goto error' on error, and PAD uses `n'.
#define PRINT(ptr, len) do { \
iovp->iov_base = (ptr); \
iovp->iov_len = (len); \
uio.uio_resid += (len); \
iovp++; \
if (++uio.uio_iovcnt >= NIOV) \
{ \
if (sm_print(fp, timeout, &uio)) \
goto error; \
iovp = iov; \
} \
} while (0)
#define PAD(howmany, with) do \
{ \
if ((n = (howmany)) > 0) \
{ \
while (n > PADSIZE) { \
n -= PADSIZE; \
} \
PRINT(with, n); \
} \
} while (0)
#define FLUSH() do \
{ \
if (uio.uio_resid && sm_print(fp, timeout, &uio)) \
goto error; \
uio.uio_iovcnt = 0; \
iovp = iov; \
} while (0)
** To extend shorts properly, we need both signed and unsigned
** argument extraction methods.
#define SARG() \
(flags&QUADINT ? SM_VA_ARG(ap, LONGLONG_T) : \
flags&LONGINT ? GETARG(long) : \
flags&SHORTINT ? (long) (short) GETARG(int) : \
(long) GETARG(int))
#define UARG() \
flags&LONGINT ? GETARG(unsigned long) : \
flags&SHORTINT ? (unsigned long) (unsigned short) GETARG(int) : \
(unsigned long) GETARG(unsigned int))
** Get * arguments, including the form *nn$. Preserve the nextarg
** that the argument can be gotten once the type is determined.
#define GETASTER(val) \
n2 = 0; \
cp = fmt; \
while (is_digit(*cp)) \
{ \
n2 = 10 * n2 + to_digit(*cp); \
cp++; \
} \
if (*cp == '$') \
{ \
int hold = nextarg; \
if (argtable == NULL) \
{ \
argtable = statargtable; \
sm_find_arguments(fmt0, orgap, &argtable); \
} \
nextarg = n2; \
val = GETARG(int); \
nextarg = hold; \
fmt = ++cp; \
} \
else \
{ \
val = GETARG(int); \
** Get the argument indexed by nextarg. If the argument table is
** built, use it to get the argument. If its not, get the next
** argument (and arguments must be gotten sequentially).
# define GETARG(type) \
(((argtable != NULL) ? (void) (ap = argtable[nextarg]) : (void) 0), \
nextarg++, SM_VA_ARG(ap, type))
#else /* SM_VA_STD */
# define GETARG(type) \
((argtable != NULL) ? (*((type*)(argtable[nextarg++]))) : \
(nextarg++, SM_VA_ARG(ap, type)))
#endif /* SM_VA_STD */
/* sorry, fprintf(read_only_file, "") returns SM_IO_EOF, not 0 */
if (cantwrite(fp))
errno = EBADF;
return SM_IO_EOF;
/* optimise fprintf(stderr) (and other unbuffered Unix files) */
if ((fp->f_flags & (SMNBF|SMWR|SMRW)) == (SMNBF|SMWR) &&
fp->f_file >= 0)
return sm_bprintf(fp, fmt0, ap);
fmt = (char *) fmt0;
argtable = NULL;
nextarg = 1;
SM_VA_COPY(orgap, ap);
uio.uio_iov = iovp = iov;
uio.uio_resid = 0;
uio.uio_iovcnt = 0;
ret = 0;
/* Scan the format for conversions (`%' character). */
for (;;)
cp = fmt;
n = 0;
while ((wc = *fmt) != '\0')
if (wc == '%')
n = 1;
if ((m = fmt - cp) != 0)
PRINT(cp, m);
ret += m;
if (n <= 0)
goto done;
fmt++; /* skip over '%' */
flags = 0;
dprec = 0;
width = 0;
prec = -1;
sign = '\0';
rflag: ch = *fmt++;
reswitch: switch (ch)
case ' ':
** ``If the space and + flags both appear, the space
** flag will be ignored.''
** -- ANSI X3J11
if (!sign)
sign = ' ';
goto rflag;
case '#':
flags |= ALT;
goto rflag;
case '*':
** ``A negative field width argument is taken as a
** - flag followed by a positive field width.''
** -- ANSI X3J11
** They don't exclude field widths read from args.
if (width >= 0)
goto rflag;
width = -width;
case '-':
flags |= LADJUST;
goto rflag;
case '+':
sign = '+';
goto rflag;
case '.':
if ((ch = *fmt++) == '*')
prec = n < 0 ? -1 : n;
goto rflag;
n = 0;
while (is_digit(ch))
n = 10 * n + to_digit(ch);
ch = *fmt++;
if (ch == '$')
nextarg = n;
if (argtable == NULL)
argtable = statargtable;
sm_find_arguments(fmt0, orgap,
goto rflag;
prec = n < 0 ? -1 : n;
goto reswitch;
case '0':
** ``Note that 0 is taken as a flag, not as the
** beginning of a field width.''
** -- ANSI X3J11
flags |= ZEROPAD;
goto rflag;
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
n = 0;
n = 10 * n + to_digit(ch);
ch = *fmt++;
} while (is_digit(ch));
if (ch == '$')
nextarg = n;
if (argtable == NULL)
argtable = statargtable;
sm_find_arguments(fmt0, orgap,
goto rflag;
width = n;
goto reswitch;
case 'h':
flags |= SHORTINT;
goto rflag;
case 'l':
if (*fmt == 'l')
flags |= QUADINT;
flags |= LONGINT;
goto rflag;
case 'q':
flags |= QUADINT;
goto rflag;
case 'c':
*(cp = buf) = GETARG(int);
size = 1;
sign = '\0';
case 'D':
flags |= LONGINT;
case 'd':
case 'i':
_uquad = SARG();
if ((LONGLONG_T) _uquad < 0)
_uquad = -(LONGLONG_T) _uquad;
sign = '-';
base = DEC;
goto number;
case 'e':
case 'E':
case 'f':
case 'g':
case 'G':
double val;
char *p;
char fmt[16];
char out[150];
size_t len;
** This code implements floating point output
** in the most portable manner possible,
** relying only on 'sprintf' as defined by
** the 1989 ANSI C standard.
** We silently cap width and precision
** at 120, to avoid buffer overflow.
val = GETARG(double);
p = fmt;
*p++ = '%';
if (sign)
*p++ = sign;
if (flags & ALT)
*p++ = '#';
if (flags & LADJUST)
*p++ = '-';
if (flags & ZEROPAD)
*p++ = '0';
*p++ = '*';
if (prec >= 0)
*p++ = '.';
*p++ = '*';
*p++ = ch;
*p = '\0';
if (width > 120)
width = 120;
if (prec > 120)
prec = 120;
if (prec >= 0)
sprintf(out, fmt, width, prec, val);
sprintf(out, fmt, width, val);
len = strlen(out);
PRINT(out, len);
case 'n':
if (flags & QUADINT)
else if (flags & LONGINT)
*GETARG(long *) = ret;
else if (flags & SHORTINT)
*GETARG(short *) = ret;
*GETARG(int *) = ret;
continue; /* no output */
case 'O':
flags |= LONGINT;
case 'o':
_uquad = UARG();
base = OCT;
goto nosign;
case 'p':
** ``The argument shall be a pointer to void. The
** value of the pointer is converted to a sequence
** of printable characters, in an implementation-
** defined manner.''
** -- ANSI X3J11
void *p;
unsigned long l;
unsigned i;
} u;
u.p = GETARG(void *);
if (sizeof(void *) == sizeof(ULONGLONG_T))
_uquad = u.ll;
else if (sizeof(void *) == sizeof(long))
_uquad = u.l;
_uquad = u.i;
base = HEX;
xdigs = "0123456789abcdef";
flags |= HEXPREFIX;
ch = 'x';
goto nosign;
case 's':
if ((cp = GETARG(char *)) == NULL)
cp = "(null)";
if (prec >= 0)
** can't use strlen; can only look for the
** NUL in the first `prec' characters, and
** strlen() will go further.
char *p = memchr(cp, 0, prec);
if (p != NULL)
size = p - cp;
if (size > prec)
size = prec;
size = prec;
size = strlen(cp);
sign = '\0';
case 'U':
flags |= LONGINT;
case 'u':
_uquad = UARG();
base = DEC;
goto nosign;
case 'X':
xdigs = "0123456789ABCDEF";
goto hex;
case 'x':
xdigs = "0123456789abcdef";
hex: _uquad = UARG();
base = HEX;
/* leading 0x/X only if non-zero */
if (flags & ALT && _uquad != 0)
flags |= HEXPREFIX;
/* unsigned conversions */
nosign: sign = '\0';
** ``... diouXx conversions ... if a precision is
** specified, the 0 flag will be ignored.''
** -- ANSI X3J11
number: if ((dprec = prec) >= 0)
flags &= ~ZEROPAD;
** ``The result of converting a zero value with an
** explicit precision of zero is no characters.''
** -- ANSI X3J11
cp = buf + BUF;
if (_uquad != 0 || prec != 0)
** Unsigned mod is hard, and unsigned mod
** by a constant is easier than that by
** a variable; hence this switch.
switch (base)
case OCT:
*--cp = to_char(_uquad & 7);
_uquad >>= 3;
} while (_uquad);
/* handle octal leading 0 */
if (flags & ALT && *cp != '0')
*--cp = '0';
case DEC:
/* many numbers are 1 digit */
while (_uquad >= 10)
*--cp = to_char(_uquad % 10);
_uquad /= 10;
*--cp = to_char(_uquad);
case HEX:
*--cp = xdigs[_uquad & 15];
_uquad >>= 4;
} while (_uquad);
cp = "bug in sm_io_vfprintf: bad base";
size = strlen(cp);
goto skipsize;
size = buf + BUF - cp;
default: /* "%?" prints ?, unless ? is NUL */
if (ch == '\0')
goto done;
/* pretend it was %c with argument ch */
cp = buf;
*cp = ch;
size = 1;
sign = '\0';
** All reasonable formats wind up here. At this point, `cp'
** points to a string which (if not flags&LADJUST) should be
** padded out to `width' places. If flags&ZEROPAD, it should
** first be prefixed by any sign or other prefix; otherwise,
** it should be blank padded before the prefix is emitted.
** After any left-hand padding and prefixing, emit zeroes
** required by a decimal [diouxX] precision, then print the
** string proper, then emit zeroes required by any leftover
** floating precision; finally, if LADJUST, pad with blanks.
** Compute actual size, so we know how much to pad.
** size excludes decimal prec; realsz includes it.
realsz = dprec > size ? dprec : size;
if (sign)
else if (flags & HEXPREFIX)
realsz+= 2;
/* right-adjusting blank padding */
if ((flags & (LADJUST|ZEROPAD)) == 0)
PAD(width - realsz, blanks);
/* prefix */
if (sign)
PRINT(&sign, 1);
else if (flags & HEXPREFIX)
ox[0] = '0';
ox[1] = ch;
PRINT(ox, 2);
/* right-adjusting zero padding */
if ((flags & (LADJUST|ZEROPAD)) == ZEROPAD)
PAD(width - realsz, zeroes);
/* leading zeroes from decimal precision */
PAD(dprec - size, zeroes);
/* the string or number proper */
PRINT(cp, size);
/* left-adjusting padding (always blank) */
if (flags & LADJUST)
PAD(width - realsz, blanks);
/* finally, adjust ret */
ret += width > realsz ? width : realsz;
FLUSH(); /* copy out the I/O vectors */
if ((argtable != NULL) && (argtable != statargtable))
return sm_error(fp) ? SM_IO_EOF : ret;
/* Type ids for argument type table. */
#define T_UNUSED 0
#define T_SHORT 1
#define T_U_SHORT 2
#define TP_SHORT 3
#define T_INT 4
#define T_U_INT 5
#define TP_INT 6
#define T_LONG 7
#define T_U_LONG 8
#define TP_LONG 9
#define T_QUAD 10
#define T_U_QUAD 11
#define TP_QUAD 12
#define T_DOUBLE 13
#define TP_CHAR 15
#define TP_VOID 16
** SM_FIND_ARGUMENTS -- find all args when a positional parameter is found.
** Find all arguments when a positional parameter is encountered. Returns a
** table, indexed by argument number, of pointers to each arguments. The
** initial argument table should be an array of STATIC_ARG_TBL_SIZE entries.
** It will be replaced with a malloc-ed one if it overflows.
** Parameters:
** fmt0 -- formating directives
** ap -- vector list of data unit for formating consumption
** argtable -- an indexable table (returned) of 'ap'
** Results:
** none.
static void
sm_find_arguments(fmt0, ap, argtable)
const char *fmt0;
va_list **argtable;
register char *fmt; /* format string */
register int ch; /* character from fmt */
register int n, n2; /* handy integer (short term usage) */
register char *cp; /* handy char pointer (short term usage) */
register int flags; /* flags as above */
unsigned char *typetable; /* table of types */
unsigned char stattypetable[STATIC_ARG_TBL_SIZE];
int tablesize; /* current size of type table */
int tablemax; /* largest used index in table */
int nextarg; /* 1-based argument index */
/* Add an argument type to the table, expanding if necessary. */
#define ADDTYPE(type) \
((nextarg >= tablesize) ? \
(sm_grow_type_table_x(&typetable, &tablesize), 0) : 0, \
typetable[nextarg++] = type, \
(nextarg > tablemax) ? tablemax = nextarg : 0)
#define ADDSARG() \
((flags & LONGINT) ? ADDTYPE(T_LONG) : \
#define ADDUARG() \
((flags & LONGINT) ? ADDTYPE(T_U_LONG) : \
/* Add * arguments to the type array. */
#define ADDASTER() \
n2 = 0; \
cp = fmt; \
while (is_digit(*cp)) \
{ \
n2 = 10 * n2 + to_digit(*cp); \
cp++; \
} \
if (*cp == '$') \
{ \
int hold = nextarg; \
nextarg = n2; \
nextarg = hold; \
fmt = ++cp; \
} \
else \
{ \
fmt = (char *) fmt0;
typetable = stattypetable;
tablesize = STATIC_ARG_TBL_SIZE;
tablemax = 0;
nextarg = 1;
(void) memset(typetable, T_UNUSED, STATIC_ARG_TBL_SIZE);
/* Scan the format for conversions (`%' character). */
for (;;)
for (cp = fmt; (ch = *fmt) != '\0' && ch != '%'; fmt++)
/* void */;
if (ch == '\0')
goto done;
fmt++; /* skip over '%' */
flags = 0;
rflag: ch = *fmt++;
reswitch: switch (ch)
case ' ':
case '#':
goto rflag;
case '*':
goto rflag;
case '-':
case '+':
goto rflag;
case '.':
if ((ch = *fmt++) == '*')
goto rflag;
while (is_digit(ch))
ch = *fmt++;
goto reswitch;
case '0':
goto rflag;
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
n = 0;
n = 10 * n + to_digit(ch);
ch = *fmt++;
} while (is_digit(ch));
if (ch == '$')
nextarg = n;
goto rflag;
goto reswitch;
case 'h':
flags |= SHORTINT;
goto rflag;
case 'l':
flags |= LONGINT;
goto rflag;
case 'q':
flags |= QUADINT;
goto rflag;
case 'c':
case 'D':
flags |= LONGINT;
case 'd':
case 'i':
if (flags & QUADINT)
case 'e':
case 'E':
case 'f':
case 'g':
case 'G':
case 'n':
if (flags & QUADINT)
else if (flags & LONGINT)
else if (flags & SHORTINT)
continue; /* no output */
case 'O':
flags |= LONGINT;
case 'o':
if (flags & QUADINT)
case 'p':
case 's':
case 'U':
flags |= LONGINT;
case 'u':
if (flags & QUADINT)
case 'X':
case 'x':
if (flags & QUADINT)
default: /* "%?" prints ?, unless ? is NUL */
if (ch == '\0')
goto done;
/* Build the argument table. */
if (tablemax >= STATIC_ARG_TBL_SIZE)
*argtable = (va_list *)
sm_malloc(sizeof(va_list) * (tablemax + 1));
for (n = 1; n <= tablemax; n++)
SM_VA_COPY((*argtable)[n], ap);
switch (typetable [n])
case T_UNUSED:
(void) SM_VA_ARG(ap, int);
case T_SHORT:
(void) SM_VA_ARG(ap, int);
case T_U_SHORT:
(void) SM_VA_ARG(ap, int);
case TP_SHORT:
(void) SM_VA_ARG(ap, short *);
case T_INT:
(void) SM_VA_ARG(ap, int);
case T_U_INT:
(void) SM_VA_ARG(ap, unsigned int);
case TP_INT:
(void) SM_VA_ARG(ap, int *);
case T_LONG:
(void) SM_VA_ARG(ap, long);
case T_U_LONG:
(void) SM_VA_ARG(ap, unsigned long);
case TP_LONG:
(void) SM_VA_ARG(ap, long *);
case T_QUAD:
(void) SM_VA_ARG(ap, LONGLONG_T);
case T_U_QUAD:
(void) SM_VA_ARG(ap, ULONGLONG_T);
case TP_QUAD:
(void) SM_VA_ARG(ap, LONGLONG_T *);
case T_DOUBLE:
(void) SM_VA_ARG(ap, double);
case TP_CHAR:
(void) SM_VA_ARG(ap, char *);
case TP_VOID:
(void) SM_VA_ARG(ap, void *);
if ((typetable != NULL) && (typetable != stattypetable))
** SM_GROW_TYPE_TABLE -- Increase the size of the type table.
** Parameters:
** tabletype -- type of table to grow
** tablesize -- requested new table size
** Results:
** Raises an exception if can't allocate memory.
static void
sm_grow_type_table_x(typetable, tablesize)
unsigned char **typetable;
int *tablesize;
unsigned char *oldtable = *typetable;
int newsize = *tablesize * 2;
if (*tablesize == STATIC_ARG_TBL_SIZE)
*typetable = (unsigned char *) sm_malloc_x(sizeof(unsigned char)
* newsize);
(void) memmove(*typetable, oldtable, *tablesize);
*typetable = (unsigned char *) sm_realloc_x(typetable,
sizeof(unsigned char) * newsize);
(void) memset(&typetable [*tablesize], T_UNUSED,
(newsize - *tablesize));
*tablesize = newsize;