Warner Losh 0c16b53773 Move zstd from contrib to sys/contrib so it can be used in the
kernel. Adjust the Makefiles that referenced it to the new path.

Sponsored by: Netflix
OK'd by: cem@ and AllanJude@
2017-11-14 05:03:38 +00:00

377 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# ################################################################
# Copyright (c) 2016-present, Przemyslaw Skibinski, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
# in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
# ##########################################################################
# Limitations:
# - doesn't support filenames with spaces
# - dir1/zstd and dir2/zstd will be merged in a single results file
import argparse
import os # getloadavg
import string
import subprocess
import time # strftime
import traceback
import hashlib
import platform # system
script_version = 'v1.1.2 (2017-03-26)'
default_repo_url = ''
working_dir_name = 'speedTest'
working_path = os.getcwd() + '/' + working_dir_name # /path/to/zstd/tests/speedTest
clone_path = working_path + '/' + 'zstd' # /path/to/zstd/tests/speedTest/zstd
email_header = 'ZSTD_speedTest'
pid = str(os.getpid())
verbose = False
clang_version = "unknown"
gcc_version = "unknown"
args = None
def hashfile(hasher, fname, blocksize=65536):
with open(fname, "rb") as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
return hasher.hexdigest()
def log(text):
print(time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") + ' - ' + text)
def execute(command, print_command=True, print_output=False, print_error=True, param_shell=True):
if print_command:
log("> " + command)
popen = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=param_shell, cwd=execute.cwd)
stdout_lines, stderr_lines = popen.communicate(timeout=args.timeout)
stderr_lines = stderr_lines.decode("utf-8")
stdout_lines = stdout_lines.decode("utf-8")
if print_output:
if stdout_lines:
if stderr_lines:
if popen.returncode is not None and popen.returncode != 0:
if stderr_lines and not print_output and print_error:
raise RuntimeError(stdout_lines + stderr_lines)
return (stdout_lines + stderr_lines).splitlines()
execute.cwd = None
def does_command_exist(command):
execute(command, verbose, False, False)
except Exception:
return False
return True
def send_email(emails, topic, text, have_mutt, have_mail):
logFileName = working_path + '/' + 'tmpEmailContent'
with open(logFileName, "w") as myfile:
if have_mutt:
execute('mutt -s "' + topic + '" ' + emails + ' < ' + logFileName, verbose)
elif have_mail:
execute('mail -s "' + topic + '" ' + emails + ' < ' + logFileName, verbose)
log("e-mail cannot be sent (mail or mutt not found)")
def send_email_with_attachments(branch, commit, last_commit, args, text, results_files,
logFileName, have_mutt, have_mail):
with open(logFileName, "w") as myfile:
email_topic = '[%s:%s] Warning for %s:%s last_commit=%s speed<%s ratio<%s' \
% (email_header, pid, branch, commit, last_commit,
args.lowerLimit, args.ratioLimit)
if have_mutt:
execute('mutt -s "' + email_topic + '" ' + args.emails + ' -a ' + results_files
+ ' < ' + logFileName)
elif have_mail:
execute('mail -s "' + email_topic + '" ' + args.emails + ' < ' + logFileName)
log("e-mail cannot be sent (mail or mutt not found)")
def git_get_branches():
execute('git fetch -p', verbose)
branches = execute('git branch -rl', verbose)
output = []
for line in branches:
if ("HEAD" not in line) and ("coverity_scan" not in line) and ("gh-pages" not in line):
return output
def git_get_changes(branch, commit, last_commit):
fmt = '--format="%h: (%an) %s, %ar"'
if last_commit is None:
commits = execute('git log -n 10 %s %s' % (fmt, commit))
commits = execute('git --no-pager log %s %s..%s' % (fmt, last_commit, commit))
return str('Changes in %s since %s:\n' % (branch, last_commit)) + '\n'.join(commits)
def get_last_results(resultsFileName):
if not os.path.isfile(resultsFileName):
return None, None, None, None
commit = None
csize = []
cspeed = []
dspeed = []
with open(resultsFileName, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
words = line.split()
if len(words) <= 4: # branch + commit + compilerVer + md5
commit = words[1]
csize = []
cspeed = []
dspeed = []
if (len(words) == 8) or (len(words) == 9): # results: "filename" or "XX files"
return commit, csize, cspeed, dspeed
def benchmark_and_compare(branch, commit, last_commit, args, executableName, md5sum, compilerVersion, resultsFileName,
testFilePath, fileName, last_csize, last_cspeed, last_dspeed):
sleepTime = 30
while os.getloadavg()[0] > args.maxLoadAvg:
log("WARNING: bench loadavg=%.2f is higher than %s, sleeping for %s seconds"
% (os.getloadavg()[0], args.maxLoadAvg, sleepTime))
start_load = str(os.getloadavg())
osType = platform.system()
if osType == 'Linux':
cpuSelector = "taskset --cpu-list 0"
cpuSelector = ""
if args.dictionary:
result = execute('%s programs/%s -rqi5b1e%s -D %s %s' % (cpuSelector, executableName, args.lastCLevel, args.dictionary, testFilePath), print_output=True)
result = execute('%s programs/%s -rqi5b1e%s %s' % (cpuSelector, executableName, args.lastCLevel, testFilePath), print_output=True)
end_load = str(os.getloadavg())
linesExpected = args.lastCLevel + 1
if len(result) != linesExpected:
raise RuntimeError("ERROR: number of result lines=%d is different that expected %d\n%s" % (len(result), linesExpected, '\n'.join(result)))
with open(resultsFileName, "a") as myfile:
myfile.write('%s %s %s md5=%s\n' % (branch, commit, compilerVersion, md5sum))
myfile.write('\n'.join(result) + '\n')
if (last_cspeed == None):
log("WARNING: No data for comparison for branch=%s file=%s " % (branch, fileName))
return ""
commit, csize, cspeed, dspeed = get_last_results(resultsFileName)
text = ""
for i in range(0, min(len(cspeed), len(last_cspeed))):
print("%s:%s -%d cSpeed=%6.2f cLast=%6.2f cDiff=%1.4f dSpeed=%6.2f dLast=%6.2f dDiff=%1.4f ratioDiff=%1.4f %s" % (branch, commit, i+1, cspeed[i], last_cspeed[i], cspeed[i]/last_cspeed[i], dspeed[i], last_dspeed[i], dspeed[i]/last_dspeed[i], float(last_csize[i])/csize[i], fileName))
if (cspeed[i]/last_cspeed[i] < args.lowerLimit):
text += "WARNING: %s -%d cSpeed=%.2f cLast=%.2f cDiff=%.4f %s\n" % (executableName, i+1, cspeed[i], last_cspeed[i], cspeed[i]/last_cspeed[i], fileName)
if (dspeed[i]/last_dspeed[i] < args.lowerLimit):
text += "WARNING: %s -%d dSpeed=%.2f dLast=%.2f dDiff=%.4f %s\n" % (executableName, i+1, dspeed[i], last_dspeed[i], dspeed[i]/last_dspeed[i], fileName)
if (float(last_csize[i])/csize[i] < args.ratioLimit):
text += "WARNING: %s -%d cSize=%d last_cSize=%d diff=%.4f %s\n" % (executableName, i+1, csize[i], last_csize[i], float(last_csize[i])/csize[i], fileName)
if text:
text = args.message + ("\nmaxLoadAvg=%s load average at start=%s end=%s\n%s last_commit=%s md5=%s\n" % (args.maxLoadAvg, start_load, end_load, compilerVersion, last_commit, md5sum)) + text
return text
def update_config_file(branch, commit):
last_commit = None
commitFileName = working_path + "/commit_" + branch.replace("/", "_") + ".txt"
if os.path.isfile(commitFileName):
with open(commitFileName, 'r') as infile:
last_commit =
with open(commitFileName, 'w') as outfile:
return last_commit
def double_check(branch, commit, args, executableName, md5sum, compilerVersion, resultsFileName, filePath, fileName):
last_commit, csize, cspeed, dspeed = get_last_results(resultsFileName)
if not args.dry_run:
text = benchmark_and_compare(branch, commit, last_commit, args, executableName, md5sum, compilerVersion, resultsFileName, filePath, fileName, csize, cspeed, dspeed)
if text:
log("WARNING: redoing tests for branch %s: commit %s" % (branch, commit))
text = benchmark_and_compare(branch, commit, last_commit, args, executableName, md5sum, compilerVersion, resultsFileName, filePath, fileName, csize, cspeed, dspeed)
return text
def test_commit(branch, commit, last_commit, args, testFilePaths, have_mutt, have_mail):
local_branch = branch.split('/')[1]
version = local_branch.rpartition('-')[2] + '_' + commit
if not args.dry_run:
execute('make -C programs clean zstd CC=clang MOREFLAGS="-Werror -Wconversion -Wno-sign-conversion -DZSTD_GIT_COMMIT=%s" && ' % version +
'mv programs/zstd programs/zstd_clang && ' +
'make -C programs clean zstd zstd32 MOREFLAGS="-DZSTD_GIT_COMMIT=%s"' % version)
md5_zstd = hashfile(hashlib.md5(), clone_path + '/programs/zstd')
md5_zstd32 = hashfile(hashlib.md5(), clone_path + '/programs/zstd32')
md5_zstd_clang = hashfile(hashlib.md5(), clone_path + '/programs/zstd_clang')
print("md5(zstd)=%s\nmd5(zstd32)=%s\nmd5(zstd_clang)=%s" % (md5_zstd, md5_zstd32, md5_zstd_clang))
print("gcc_version=%s clang_version=%s" % (gcc_version, clang_version))
logFileName = working_path + "/log_" + branch.replace("/", "_") + ".txt"
text_to_send = []
results_files = ""
if args.dictionary:
dictName = args.dictionary.rpartition('/')[2]
dictName = None
for filePath in testFilePaths:
fileName = filePath.rpartition('/')[2]
if dictName:
resultsFileName = working_path + "/" + dictName.replace(".", "_") + "_" + branch.replace("/", "_") + "_" + fileName.replace(".", "_") + ".txt"
resultsFileName = working_path + "/results_" + branch.replace("/", "_") + "_" + fileName.replace(".", "_") + ".txt"
text = double_check(branch, commit, args, 'zstd', md5_zstd, 'gcc_version='+gcc_version, resultsFileName, filePath, fileName)
if text:
results_files += resultsFileName + " "
resultsFileName = working_path + "/results32_" + branch.replace("/", "_") + "_" + fileName.replace(".", "_") + ".txt"
text = double_check(branch, commit, args, 'zstd32', md5_zstd32, 'gcc_version='+gcc_version, resultsFileName, filePath, fileName)
if text:
results_files += resultsFileName + " "
resultsFileName = working_path + "/resultsClang_" + branch.replace("/", "_") + "_" + fileName.replace(".", "_") + ".txt"
text = double_check(branch, commit, args, 'zstd_clang', md5_zstd_clang, 'clang_version='+clang_version, resultsFileName, filePath, fileName)
if text:
results_files += resultsFileName + " "
if text_to_send:
send_email_with_attachments(branch, commit, last_commit, args, text_to_send, results_files, logFileName, have_mutt, have_mail)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('testFileNames', help='file or directory names list for speed benchmark')
parser.add_argument('emails', help='list of e-mail addresses to send warnings')
parser.add_argument('--dictionary', '-D', help='path to the dictionary')
parser.add_argument('--message', '-m', help='attach an additional message to e-mail', default="")
parser.add_argument('--repoURL', help='changes default repository URL', default=default_repo_url)
parser.add_argument('--lowerLimit', '-l', type=float, help='send email if speed is lower than given limit', default=0.98)
parser.add_argument('--ratioLimit', '-r', type=float, help='send email if ratio is lower than given limit', default=0.999)
parser.add_argument('--maxLoadAvg', type=float, help='maximum load average to start testing', default=0.75)
parser.add_argument('--lastCLevel', type=int, help='last compression level for testing', default=5)
parser.add_argument('--sleepTime', '-s', type=int, help='frequency of repository checking in seconds', default=300)
parser.add_argument('--timeout', '-t', type=int, help='timeout for executing shell commands', default=1800)
parser.add_argument('--dry-run', dest='dry_run', action='store_true', help='not build', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', help='more verbose logs', default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
verbose = args.verbose
# check if test files are accessible
testFileNames = args.testFileNames.split()
testFilePaths = []
for fileName in testFileNames:
fileName = os.path.expanduser(fileName)
if os.path.isfile(fileName) or os.path.isdir(fileName):
log("ERROR: File/directory not found: " + fileName)
# check if dictionary is accessible
if args.dictionary:
args.dictionary = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args.dictionary))
if not os.path.isfile(args.dictionary):
log("ERROR: Dictionary not found: " + args.dictionary)
# check availability of e-mail senders
have_mutt = does_command_exist("mutt -h")
have_mail = does_command_exist("mail -V")
if not have_mutt and not have_mail:
log("ERROR: e-mail senders 'mail' or 'mutt' not found")
clang_version = execute("clang -v 2>&1 | grep ' version ' | sed -e 's:.*version \\([0-9.]*\\).*:\\1:' -e 's:\\.\\([0-9][0-9]\\):\\1:g'", verbose)[0];
gcc_version = execute("gcc -dumpversion", verbose)[0];
if verbose:
print("PARAMETERS:\nrepoURL=%s" % args.repoURL)
print("working_path=%s" % working_path)
print("clone_path=%s" % clone_path)
print("testFilePath(%s)=%s" % (len(testFilePaths), testFilePaths))
print("message=%s" % args.message)
print("emails=%s" % args.emails)
print("dictionary=%s" % args.dictionary)
print("maxLoadAvg=%s" % args.maxLoadAvg)
print("lowerLimit=%s" % args.lowerLimit)
print("ratioLimit=%s" % args.ratioLimit)
print("lastCLevel=%s" % args.lastCLevel)
print("sleepTime=%s" % args.sleepTime)
print("timeout=%s" % args.timeout)
print("dry_run=%s" % args.dry_run)
print("verbose=%s" % args.verbose)
print("have_mutt=%s have_mail=%s" % (have_mutt, have_mail))
# clone ZSTD repo if needed
if not os.path.isdir(working_path):
if not os.path.isdir(clone_path):
execute.cwd = working_path
execute('git clone ' + args.repoURL)
if not os.path.isdir(clone_path):
log("ERROR: ZSTD clone not found: " + clone_path)
execute.cwd = clone_path
# check if already exists
pidfile = "./"
if os.path.isfile(pidfile):
log("ERROR: %s already exists, exiting" % pidfile)
send_email(args.emails, '[%s:%s] %s has been started' % (email_header, pid, script_version), args.message, have_mutt, have_mail)
with open(pidfile, 'w') as the_file:
branch = ""
commit = ""
first_time = True
while True:
if first_time:
first_time = False
loadavg = os.getloadavg()[0]
if (loadavg <= args.maxLoadAvg):
branches = git_get_branches()
for branch in branches:
commit = execute('git show -s --format=%h ' + branch, verbose)[0]
last_commit = update_config_file(branch, commit)
if commit == last_commit:
log("skipping branch %s: head %s already processed" % (branch, commit))
log("build branch %s: head %s is different from prev %s" % (branch, commit, last_commit))
execute('git checkout -- . && git checkout ' + branch)
print(git_get_changes(branch, commit, last_commit))
test_commit(branch, commit, last_commit, args, testFilePaths, have_mutt, have_mail)
log("WARNING: main loadavg=%.2f is higher than %s" % (loadavg, args.maxLoadAvg))
if verbose:
log("sleep for %s seconds" % args.sleepTime)
except Exception as e:
stack = traceback.format_exc()
email_topic = '[%s:%s] ERROR in %s:%s' % (email_header, pid, branch, commit)
send_email(args.emails, email_topic, stack, have_mutt, have_mail)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
send_email(args.emails, '[%s:%s] %s has been stopped' % (email_header, pid, script_version), args.message, have_mutt, have_mail)