all of the features in the current working draft of the upcoming C++ standard, provisionally named C++1y. The code generator's performance is greatly increased, and the loop auto-vectorizer is now enabled at -Os and -O2 in addition to -O3. The PowerPC backend has made several major improvements to code generation quality and compile time, and the X86, SPARC, ARM32, Aarch64 and SystemZ backends have all seen major feature work. Release notes for llvm and clang can be found here: <> <> MFC after: 1 month
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.\" $FreeBSD$
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "LLVM-AS" "1" "2014-01-01" "3.4" "LLVM"
llvm-as \- LLVM assembler
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\fBllvm\-as\fP [\fIoptions\fP] [\fIfilename\fP]
\fBllvm\-as\fP is the LLVM assembler. It reads a file containing human\-readable
LLVM assembly language, translates it to LLVM bitcode, and writes the result
into a file or to standard output.
If \fIfilename\fP is omitted or is \fB\-\fP, then \fBllvm\-as\fP reads its input from
standard input.
If an output file is not specified with the \fB\-o\fP option, then
\fBllvm\-as\fP sends its output to a file or standard output by following
these rules:
.IP \(bu 2
If the input is standard input, then the output is standard output.
.IP \(bu 2
If the input is a file that ends with \fB\&.ll\fP, then the output file is of the
same name, except that the suffix is changed to \fB\&.bc\fP\&.
.IP \(bu 2
If the input is a file that does not end with the \fB\&.ll\fP suffix, then the
output file has the same name as the input file, except that the \fB\&.bc\fP
suffix is appended.
.B \fB\-f\fP
Enable binary output on terminals. Normally, \fBllvm\-as\fP will refuse to
write raw bitcode output if the output stream is a terminal. With this option,
\fBllvm\-as\fP will write raw bitcode regardless of the output device.
.B \fB\-help\fP
Print a summary of command line options.
.B \fB\-o\fP \fIfilename\fP
Specify the output file name. If \fIfilename\fP is \fB\-\fP, then \fBllvm\-as\fP
sends its output to standard output.
If \fBllvm\-as\fP succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error occurs, it
will exit with a non\-zero value.
llvm\-dis|llvm\-dis, gccas|gccas
Maintained by The LLVM Team (
2003-2013, LLVM Project
.\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.