2002-03-16 20:14:30 +00:00

409 lines
11 KiB

push @INC, './lib';
use strict;
my %alias_to = (
I32 => [qw(SSize_t long)],
U16 => [qw(OPCODE line_t short)],
U8 => [qw(char)],
# Nullsv *must* come first in the following so that the condition
# ($$sv == 0) can continue to be used to test (sv == Nullsv).
my @specialsv = qw(Nullsv &PL_sv_undef &PL_sv_yes &PL_sv_no pWARN_ALL pWARN_NONE);
my (%alias_from, $from, $tos);
while (($from, $tos) = each %alias_to) {
map { $alias_from{$_} = $from } @$tos;
my $c_header = <<'EOT';
* Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Malcolm Beattie
* You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
* This file is autogenerated from Changes made here will be lost.
my $perl_header;
($perl_header = $c_header) =~ s{[/ ]?\*/?}{#}g;
unlink "ext/ByteLoader/byterun.c", "ext/ByteLoader/byterun.h", "ext/B/B/";
# Start with boilerplate for
open(ASMDATA_PM, ">ext/B/B/") or die "ext/B/B/ $!";
print ASMDATA_PM $perl_header, <<'EOT';
package B::Asmdata;
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(%insn_data @insn_name @optype @specialsv_name);
our(%insn_data, @insn_name, @optype, @specialsv_name);
print ASMDATA_PM <<"EOT";
\@optype = qw(@optype);
\@specialsv_name = qw(@specialsv);
# XXX insn_data is initialised this way because with a large
# %insn_data = (foo => [...], bar => [...], ...) initialiser
# I get a hard-to-track-down stack underflow and segfault.
# Boilerplate for byterun.c
open(BYTERUN_C, ">ext/ByteLoader/byterun.c") or die "ext/ByteLoader/byterun.c: $!";
print BYTERUN_C $c_header, <<'EOT';
#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "perl.h"
#define NO_XSLOCKS
#include "XSUB.h"
#undef CALL_FPTR
#define CALL_FPTR(fptr) (pPerl->*fptr)
#undef PL_ppaddr
#define PL_ppaddr (*get_ppaddr())
#include "byterun.h"
#include "bytecode.h"
static const int optype_size[] = {
my $i = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < @optype - 1; $i++) {
printf BYTERUN_C " sizeof(%s),\n", $optype[$i], $i;
printf BYTERUN_C " sizeof(%s)\n", $optype[$i], $i;
print BYTERUN_C <<'EOT';
void *
bset_obj_store(pTHXo_ struct byteloader_state *bstate, void *obj, I32 ix)
if (ix > bstate->bs_obj_list_fill) {
Renew(bstate->bs_obj_list, ix + 32, void*);
bstate->bs_obj_list_fill = ix + 31;
bstate->bs_obj_list[ix] = obj;
return obj;
byterun(pTHXo_ register struct byteloader_state *bstate)
register int insn;
U32 ix;
SV *specialsv_list[6];
BYTECODE_HEADER_CHECK; /* croak if incorrect platform */
New(666, bstate->bs_obj_list, 32, void*); /* set op objlist */
bstate->bs_obj_list_fill = 31;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @specialsv; $i++) {
print BYTERUN_C " specialsv_list[$i] = $specialsv[$i];\n";
print BYTERUN_C <<'EOT';
while ((insn = BGET_FGETC()) != EOF) {
switch (insn) {
my (@insn_name, $insn_num, $insn, $lvalue, $argtype, $flags, $fundtype);
while (<DATA>) {
s/#.*//; # remove comments
next unless length;
if (/^%number\s+(.*)/) {
$insn_num = $1;
} elsif (/%enum\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/) {
create_enum($1, $2); # must come before instructions
($insn, $lvalue, $argtype, $flags) = split;
$insn_name[$insn_num] = $insn;
$fundtype = $alias_from{$argtype} || $argtype;
# Add the case statement and code for the bytecode interpreter in byterun.c
printf BYTERUN_C "\t case INSN_%s:\t\t/* %d */\n\t {\n",
uc($insn), $insn_num;
my $optarg = $argtype eq "none" ? "" : ", arg";
if ($optarg) {
printf BYTERUN_C "\t\t$argtype arg;\n\t\tBGET_%s(arg);\n", $fundtype;
if ($flags =~ /x/) {
print BYTERUN_C "\t\tBSET_$insn($lvalue$optarg);\n";
} elsif ($flags =~ /s/) {
# Store instructions store to bytecode_obj_list[arg]. "lvalue" field is rvalue.
print BYTERUN_C "\t\tBSET_OBJ_STORE($lvalue$optarg);\n";
elsif ($optarg && $lvalue ne "none") {
print BYTERUN_C "\t\t$lvalue = arg;\n";
print BYTERUN_C "\t\tbreak;\n\t }\n";
# Add the initialiser line for %insn_data in
print ASMDATA_PM <<"EOT";
\$insn_data{$insn} = [$insn_num, \\&PUT_$fundtype, "GET_$fundtype"];
# Find the next unused instruction number
do { $insn_num++ } while $insn_name[$insn_num];
# Finish off byterun.c
print BYTERUN_C <<'EOT';
Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Illegal bytecode instruction %d\n", insn);
# Write the instruction and optype enum constants into byterun.h
open(BYTERUN_H, ">ext/ByteLoader/byterun.h") or die "ext/ByteLoader/byterun.h: $!";
print BYTERUN_H $c_header, <<'EOT';
struct byteloader_fdata {
SV *datasv;
int next_out;
int idx;
struct byteloader_state {
struct byteloader_fdata *bs_fdata;
SV *bs_sv;
void **bs_obj_list;
int bs_obj_list_fill;
XPV bs_pv;
int bs_iv_overflows;
int bl_getc(struct byteloader_fdata *);
int bl_read(struct byteloader_fdata *, char *, size_t, size_t);
extern void byterun(pTHXo_ struct byteloader_state *);
enum {
my $add_enum_value = 0;
my $max_insn;
for ($i = 0; $i < @insn_name; $i++) {
$insn = uc($insn_name[$i]);
if (defined($insn)) {
$max_insn = $i;
if ($add_enum_value) {
print BYTERUN_H " INSN_$insn = $i,\t\t\t/* $i */\n";
$add_enum_value = 0;
} else {
print BYTERUN_H " INSN_$insn,\t\t\t/* $i */\n";
} else {
$add_enum_value = 1;
print BYTERUN_H " MAX_INSN = $max_insn\n};\n";
print BYTERUN_H "\nenum {\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < @optype - 1; $i++) {
printf BYTERUN_H " OPt_%s,\t\t/* %d */\n", $optype[$i], $i;
printf BYTERUN_H " OPt_%s\t\t/* %d */\n};\n\n", $optype[$i], $i;
# Finish off insn_data and create array initialisers in
print ASMDATA_PM <<'EOT';
my ($insn_name, $insn_data);
while (($insn_name, $insn_data) = each %insn_data) {
$insn_name[$insn_data->[0]] = $insn_name;
# Fill in any gaps
@insn_name = map($_ || "unused", @insn_name);
=head1 NAME
B::Asmdata - Autogenerated data about Perl ops, used to generate bytecode
use Asmdata;
See F<ext/B/B/>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Malcolm Beattie, C<>
# First set instruction ord("#") to read comment to end-of-line (sneaky)
%number 35
comment arg comment_t
# Then make ord("\n") into a no-op
%number 10
nop none none
# Now for the rest of the ordinary ones, beginning with \0 which is
# ret so that \0-terminated strings can be read properly as bytecode.
%number 0
#opcode lvalue argtype flags
ret none none x
ldsv bstate->bs_sv svindex
ldop PL_op opindex
stsv bstate->bs_sv U32 s
stop PL_op U32 s
stpv bstate->bs_pv.xpv_pv U32 x
ldspecsv bstate->bs_sv U8 x
newsv bstate->bs_sv U8 x
newop PL_op U8 x
newopn PL_op U8 x
newpv none PV
pv_cur bstate->bs_pv.xpv_cur STRLEN
pv_free bstate->bs_pv none x
sv_upgrade bstate->bs_sv char x
sv_refcnt SvREFCNT(bstate->bs_sv) U32
sv_refcnt_add SvREFCNT(bstate->bs_sv) I32 x
sv_flags SvFLAGS(bstate->bs_sv) U32
xrv SvRV(bstate->bs_sv) svindex
xpv bstate->bs_sv none x
xiv32 SvIVX(bstate->bs_sv) I32
xiv64 SvIVX(bstate->bs_sv) IV64
xnv SvNVX(bstate->bs_sv) NV
xlv_targoff LvTARGOFF(bstate->bs_sv) STRLEN
xlv_targlen LvTARGLEN(bstate->bs_sv) STRLEN
xlv_targ LvTARG(bstate->bs_sv) svindex
xlv_type LvTYPE(bstate->bs_sv) char
xbm_useful BmUSEFUL(bstate->bs_sv) I32
xbm_previous BmPREVIOUS(bstate->bs_sv) U16
xbm_rare BmRARE(bstate->bs_sv) U8
xfm_lines FmLINES(bstate->bs_sv) I32
xio_lines IoLINES(bstate->bs_sv) long
xio_page IoPAGE(bstate->bs_sv) long
xio_page_len IoPAGE_LEN(bstate->bs_sv) long
xio_lines_left IoLINES_LEFT(bstate->bs_sv) long
xio_top_name IoTOP_NAME(bstate->bs_sv) pvcontents
xio_top_gv *(SV**)&IoTOP_GV(bstate->bs_sv) svindex
xio_fmt_name IoFMT_NAME(bstate->bs_sv) pvcontents
xio_fmt_gv *(SV**)&IoFMT_GV(bstate->bs_sv) svindex
xio_bottom_name IoBOTTOM_NAME(bstate->bs_sv) pvcontents
xio_bottom_gv *(SV**)&IoBOTTOM_GV(bstate->bs_sv) svindex
xio_subprocess IoSUBPROCESS(bstate->bs_sv) short
xio_type IoTYPE(bstate->bs_sv) char
xio_flags IoFLAGS(bstate->bs_sv) char
xcv_stash *(SV**)&CvSTASH(bstate->bs_sv) svindex
xcv_start CvSTART(bstate->bs_sv) opindex
xcv_root CvROOT(bstate->bs_sv) opindex
xcv_gv *(SV**)&CvGV(bstate->bs_sv) svindex
xcv_file CvFILE(bstate->bs_sv) pvindex
xcv_depth CvDEPTH(bstate->bs_sv) long
xcv_padlist *(SV**)&CvPADLIST(bstate->bs_sv) svindex
xcv_outside *(SV**)&CvOUTSIDE(bstate->bs_sv) svindex
xcv_flags CvFLAGS(bstate->bs_sv) U16
av_extend bstate->bs_sv SSize_t x
av_push bstate->bs_sv svindex x
xav_fill AvFILLp(bstate->bs_sv) SSize_t
xav_max AvMAX(bstate->bs_sv) SSize_t
xav_flags AvFLAGS(bstate->bs_sv) U8
xhv_riter HvRITER(bstate->bs_sv) I32
xhv_name HvNAME(bstate->bs_sv) pvcontents
hv_store bstate->bs_sv svindex x
sv_magic bstate->bs_sv char x
mg_obj SvMAGIC(bstate->bs_sv)->mg_obj svindex
mg_private SvMAGIC(bstate->bs_sv)->mg_private U16
mg_flags SvMAGIC(bstate->bs_sv)->mg_flags U8
mg_pv SvMAGIC(bstate->bs_sv) pvcontents x
xmg_stash *(SV**)&SvSTASH(bstate->bs_sv) svindex
gv_fetchpv bstate->bs_sv strconst x
gv_stashpv bstate->bs_sv strconst x
gp_sv GvSV(bstate->bs_sv) svindex
gp_refcnt GvREFCNT(bstate->bs_sv) U32
gp_refcnt_add GvREFCNT(bstate->bs_sv) I32 x
gp_av *(SV**)&GvAV(bstate->bs_sv) svindex
gp_hv *(SV**)&GvHV(bstate->bs_sv) svindex
gp_cv *(SV**)&GvCV(bstate->bs_sv) svindex
gp_file GvFILE(bstate->bs_sv) pvindex
gp_io *(SV**)&GvIOp(bstate->bs_sv) svindex
gp_form *(SV**)&GvFORM(bstate->bs_sv) svindex
gp_cvgen GvCVGEN(bstate->bs_sv) U32
gp_line GvLINE(bstate->bs_sv) line_t
gp_share bstate->bs_sv svindex x
xgv_flags GvFLAGS(bstate->bs_sv) U8
op_next PL_op->op_next opindex
op_sibling PL_op->op_sibling opindex
op_ppaddr PL_op->op_ppaddr strconst x
op_targ PL_op->op_targ PADOFFSET
op_type PL_op OPCODE x
op_seq PL_op->op_seq U16
op_flags PL_op->op_flags U8
op_private PL_op->op_private U8
op_first cUNOP->op_first opindex
op_last cBINOP->op_last opindex
op_other cLOGOP->op_other opindex
op_pmreplroot cPMOP->op_pmreplroot opindex
op_pmreplrootgv *(SV**)&cPMOP->op_pmreplroot svindex
op_pmreplstart cPMOP->op_pmreplstart opindex
op_pmnext *(OP**)&cPMOP->op_pmnext opindex
pregcomp PL_op pvcontents x
op_pmflags cPMOP->op_pmflags U16
op_pmpermflags cPMOP->op_pmpermflags U16
op_sv cSVOP->op_sv svindex
op_padix cPADOP->op_padix PADOFFSET
op_pv cPVOP->op_pv pvcontents
op_pv_tr cPVOP->op_pv op_tr_array
op_redoop cLOOP->op_redoop opindex
op_nextop cLOOP->op_nextop opindex
op_lastop cLOOP->op_lastop opindex
cop_label cCOP->cop_label pvindex
cop_stashpv cCOP pvindex x
cop_file cCOP pvindex x
cop_seq cCOP->cop_seq U32
cop_arybase cCOP->cop_arybase I32
cop_line cCOP line_t x
cop_warnings cCOP->cop_warnings svindex
main_start PL_main_start opindex
main_root PL_main_root opindex
curpad PL_curpad svindex x
push_begin PL_beginav svindex x
push_init PL_initav svindex x
push_end PL_endav svindex x