Transition all boards that support arm cortex CPUs to armv7. This leaves two armv6 kernels in the tree. RPI-B, which uses the BCM2835 which has a ARM1176 core, and VERSATILEPB, which is a qemu board setup around the time RPI-B went in. Copy std.armv6 to std.armv7, even though that duplicates a lot of stuff. More work needs to be done to sort out the duplication. Differential Revision:
17 lines
331 B
17 lines
331 B
# std.zynq7 - Generic configuration for Xilinx Zynq-7000 PS.
# $FreeBSD$
machine arm armv7
makeoptions CONF_CFLAGS="-march=armv7a"
files "../xilinx/files.zynq7"
options KERNVIRTADDR=0xc0100000 # Used in ldscript.arm
makeoptions KERNVIRTADDR=0xc0100000
options IPI_IRQ_START=0
options IPI_IRQ_END=15