Mike Smith ef137fd32f Add the 'asr' driver, supplied by Mark Salyzyn of Adaptec (nee DPT).
This provides support for the Adaptec SCSI RAID controller family,
as well as the DPT SmartRAID V and VI families.

The driver will be maintained by Mark and Adaptec, and any changes
should be referred to the MAINTAINER.
2000-09-01 07:51:25 +00:00

485 lines
12 KiB

/* $FreeBSD$ */
/* BSDI sys_info.h,v 1.6 1998/06/03 19:14:59 karels Exp */
* Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Distributed Processing Technology Corporation
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source form, with or without modification, are
* permitted provided that redistributions of source code must retain the
* above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* This software is provided `as is' by Distributed Processing Technology and
* any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the
* implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose,
* are disclaimed. In no event shall Distributed Processing Technology be
* liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or
* consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of
* substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business
* interruptions) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in
* contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise)
* arising in any way out of the use of this driver software, even if advised
* of the possibility of such damage.
#ifndef __SYS_INFO_H
#define __SYS_INFO_H
/*File - SYS_INFO.H
* This file contains structure definitions for the OS dependent
*layer system information buffers.
*Copyright Distributed Processing Technology, Corp.
* 140 Candace Dr.
* Maitland, Fl. 32751 USA
* Phone: (407) 830-5522 Fax: (407) 260-5366
* All Rights Reserved
*Author: Don Kemper
*Date: 5/10/94
/*Include Files ------------------------------------------------------------- */
#if (defined(KERNEL) && defined(__bsdi__))
# include "i386/isa/dpt_osd_util.h"
#elif ((defined(KERNEL) || defined(_KERNEL)) && defined(__FreeBSD__))
# if (KERN_VERSION < 3)
# include "i386/isa/dpt_osd_util.h"
# else
# include "dev/asr/osd_util.h"
# endif
# include "osd_util.h"
#ifndef NO_PACK
#if defined (_DPT_AIX)
#pragma options align=packed
#pragma pack(1)
#endif /* aix */
#endif // no unpack
/*struct - driveParam_S - start
* This structure defines the drive parameters seen during
#ifdef __cplusplus
struct driveParam_S {
typedef struct {
uSHORT cylinders; /* Upto 1024 */
uCHAR heads; /* Upto 255 */
uCHAR sectors; /* Upto 63 */
#ifdef __cplusplus
//---------- Portability Additions ----------- in sp_sinfo.cpp
uSHORT netInsert(dptBuffer_S *buffer);
uSHORT netExtract(dptBuffer_S *buffer);
#endif // DPT PORTABLE
} driveParam_S;
/*driveParam_S - end */
/*struct - sysInfo_S - start
* This structure defines the command system information that
*should be returned by every OS dependent layer.
/*flags - bit definitions */
#define SI_CMOS_Valid 0x0001
#define SI_NumDrivesValid 0x0002
#define SI_ProcessorValid 0x0004
#define SI_MemorySizeValid 0x0008
#define SI_DriveParamsValid 0x0010
#define SI_SmartROMverValid 0x0020
#define SI_OSversionValid 0x0040
#define SI_OSspecificValid 0x0080 /* 1 if OS structure returned */
#define SI_BusTypeValid 0x0100
#define SI_ALL_VALID 0x0FFF /* All Std SysInfo is valid */
#define SI_NO_SmartROM 0x8000
/*busType - definitions */
#define SI_ISA_BUS 0x00
#define SI_MCA_BUS 0x01
#define SI_EISA_BUS 0x02
#define SI_PCI_BUS 0x04
#ifdef __cplusplus
struct sysInfo_S {
typedef struct {
uCHAR drive0CMOS; /* CMOS Drive 0 Type */
uCHAR drive1CMOS; /* CMOS Drive 1 Type */
uCHAR numDrives; /* 0040:0075 contents */
uCHAR processorFamily; /* Same as DPTSIG's definition */
uCHAR processorType; /* Same as DPTSIG's definition */
uCHAR smartROMMajorVersion;
uCHAR smartROMMinorVersion; /* SmartROM version */
uCHAR smartROMRevision;
uSHORT flags; /* See bit definitions above */
uSHORT conventionalMemSize; /* in KB */
uLONG extendedMemSize; /* in KB */
uLONG osType; /* Same as DPTSIG's definition */
uCHAR osMajorVersion;
uCHAR osMinorVersion; /* The OS version */
uCHAR osRevision;
uCHAR busType; /* See defininitions above */
uSHORT osSubRevision;
uCHAR pad[2]; /* For alignment */
uCHAR osSubRevision;
uCHAR busType; /* See defininitions above */
uCHAR pad[3]; /* For alignment */
driveParam_S drives[16]; /* SmartROM Logical Drives */
#ifdef __cplusplus
//---------- Portability Additions ----------- in sp_sinfo.cpp
uSHORT netInsert(dptBuffer_S *buffer);
uSHORT netExtract(dptBuffer_S *buffer);
#endif // DPT PORTABLE
} sysInfo_S;
/*sysInfo_S - end */
/*struct - DOS_Info_S - start
* This structure defines the system information specific to a
*DOS workstation.
/*flags - bit definitions */
#define DI_DOS_HIGH 0x01 /* DOS is loaded high */
#define DI_DPMI_VALID 0x02 /* DPMI version is valid */
#ifdef __cplusplus
struct DOS_Info_S {
typedef struct {
uCHAR flags; /* See bit definitions above */
uSHORT driverLocation; /* SmartROM BIOS address */
uSHORT DOS_version;
uSHORT DPMI_version;
#ifdef __cplusplus
//---------- Portability Additions ----------- in sp_sinfo.cpp
uSHORT netInsert(dptBuffer_S *buffer);
uSHORT netExtract(dptBuffer_S *buffer);
#endif // DPT PORTABLE
} DOS_Info_S;
/*DOS_Info_S - end */
/*struct - Netware_Info_S - start
* This structure defines the system information specific to a
*Netware machine.
#ifdef __cplusplus
struct Netware_Info_S {
typedef struct {
uCHAR driverName[13]; /* ie PM12NW31.DSK */
uCHAR serverName[48];
uCHAR netwareVersion; /* The Netware OS version */
uCHAR netwareSubVersion;
uCHAR netwareRevision;
uSHORT maxConnections; /* Probably 250 or 1000 */
uSHORT connectionsInUse;
uSHORT maxVolumes;
uCHAR unused;
uCHAR SFTlevel;
uCHAR TTSlevel;
uCHAR clibMajorVersion; /* The CLIB.NLM version */
uCHAR clibMinorVersion;
uCHAR clibRevision;
#ifdef __cplusplus
//---------- Portability Additions ----------- in sp_sinfo.cpp
uSHORT netInsert(dptBuffer_S *buffer);
uSHORT netExtract(dptBuffer_S *buffer);
#endif // DPT PORTABLE
} Netware_Info_S;
/*Netware_Info_S - end */
/*struct - OS2_Info_S - start
* This structure defines the system information specific to an
*OS/2 machine.
#ifdef __cplusplus
struct OS2_Info_S {
typedef struct {
uCHAR something;
#ifdef __cplusplus
//---------- Portability Additions ----------- in sp_sinfo.cpp
uSHORT netInsert(dptBuffer_S *buffer);
uSHORT netExtract(dptBuffer_S *buffer);
#endif // DPT PORTABLE
} OS2_Info_S;
/*OS2_Info_S - end */
/*struct - WinNT_Info_S - start
* This structure defines the system information specific to a
*Windows NT machine.
#ifdef __cplusplus
struct WinNT_Info_S {
typedef struct {
uCHAR something;
#ifdef __cplusplus
//---------- Portability Additions ----------- in sp_sinfo.cpp
uSHORT netInsert(dptBuffer_S *buffer);
uSHORT netExtract(dptBuffer_S *buffer);
#endif // DPT PORTABLE
} WinNT_Info_S;
/*WinNT_Info_S - end */
/*struct - SCO_Info_S - start
* This structure defines the system information specific to an
*SCO UNIX machine.
#ifdef __cplusplus
struct SCO_Info_S {
typedef struct {
uCHAR something;
#ifdef __cplusplus
//---------- Portability Additions ----------- in sp_sinfo.cpp
uSHORT netInsert(dptBuffer_S *buffer);
uSHORT netExtract(dptBuffer_S *buffer);
#endif // DPT PORTABLE
} SCO_Info_S;
/*SCO_Info_S - end */
/*struct - USL_Info_S - start
* This structure defines the system information specific to a
*USL UNIX machine.
#ifdef __cplusplus
struct USL_Info_S {
typedef struct {
uCHAR something;
#ifdef __cplusplus
//---------- Portability Additions ----------- in sp_sinfo.cpp
uSHORT netInsert(dptBuffer_S *buffer);
uSHORT netExtract(dptBuffer_S *buffer);
#endif // DPT PORTABLE
} USL_Info_S;
/*USL_Info_S - end */
/* Restore default structure packing */
#ifndef NO_UNPACK
#if defined (_DPT_AIX)
#pragma options align=reset
#elif defined (UNPACK_FOUR)
#pragma pack(4)
#pragma pack()
#endif /* aix */
#endif // no unpack
typedef struct dpt_metrics {
u_int32_t command_count[256]; /* We assume MAX 256 SCSI commands */
u_int32_t max_command_time[256];
u_int32_t min_command_time[256];
u_int32_t min_intr_time;
u_int32_t max_intr_time;
u_int32_t max_intr_gap;
u_int32_t max_ht_time;
u_int32_t aborted_interrupts;
u_int32_t spurious_interrupts;
u_int32_t aborted_requests;
u_int32_t retried_requests;
u_int32_t max_waiting_count;
u_int32_t max_submit_count;
u_int32_t max_complete_count;
u_int32_t min_waiting_time;
u_int32_t min_submit_time;
u_int32_t min_complete_time;
u_int32_t max_waiting_time;
u_int32_t max_submit_time;
u_int32_t max_complete_time;
u_int32_t command_collisions;
u_int32_t command_too_busy;
u_int32_t max_eata_tries;
u_int32_t min_eata_tries;
u_int32_t read_by_size_count[10];
u_int32_t write_by_size_count[10];
u_int32_t read_by_size_min_time[10];
u_int32_t read_by_size_max_time[10];
struct timeval read_by_size_total_time[10];
u_int32_t write_by_size_min_time[10];
u_int32_t write_by_size_max_time[10];
struct timeval write_by_size_total_time[10];
#define SIZE_512 0
#define SIZE_1K 1
#define SIZE_2K 2
#define SIZE_4K 3
#define SIZE_8K 4
#define SIZE_16K 5
#define SIZE_32K 6
#define SIZE_64K 7
#define SIZE_BIGGER 8
#define SIZE_OTHER 9
struct timeval intr_started;
} dpt_perf_t;
#endif // __SYS_INFO_H