the real build file. This lessens the need to define DPADD_<lib> and LDADD_<lib> to just very special cases. Sponsored by: EMC / Isilon Storage Division
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2.0 KiB
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# $FreeBSD$
LIB= ipf
SRCS= addicmp.c addipopt.c alist_free.c alist_new.c allocmbt.c \
assigndefined.c bcopywrap.c \
binprint.c buildopts.c checkrev.c connecttcp.c \
count4bits.c count6bits.c \
debug.c dupmbt.c \
facpri.c familyname.c \
fill6bits.c findword.c \
flags.c freembt.c ftov.c \
genmask.c \
gethost.c getifname.c geticmptype.c \
getnattype.c getport.c getportproto.c getproto.c getsumd.c \
hostname.c icmpcode.c icmptypename.c icmptypes.c \
initparse.c interror.c ionames.c \
ipf_dotuning.c ipf_perror.c ipft_hx.c ipft_pc.c \
ipft_tx.c ipoptsec.c kmem.c kmemcpywrap.c \
kvatoname.c load_dstlist.c load_dstlistnode.c load_file.c \
load_hash.c load_hashnode.c \
load_http.c load_pool.c load_poolnode.c load_url.c \
mb_hexdump.c msgdsize.c \
mutex_emul.c nametokva.c nat_setgroupmap.c ntomask.c \
optname.c optprint.c optprintv6.c optvalue.c parsefields.c \
parseipfexpr.c parsewhoisline.c poolio.c portname.c \
prependmbt.c \
print_toif.c printactiveaddr.c printactivenat.c printaddr.c \
printaps.c printbuf.c printdstl_live.c printdstlist.c \
printdstlistdata.c printdstlistnode.c printdstlistpolicy.c \
printfieldhdr.c \
printfr.c printfraginfo.c printhash.c printhash_live.c \
printhashdata.c printhashnode.c printhost.c printhostmap.c \
printhostmask.c printifname.c printip.c printipfexpr.c printiphdr.c printlog.c printlookup.c \
printmask.c printnat.c printnataddr.c printnatfield.c printnatside.c printpacket.c printpacket6.c \
printpool.c printpool_live.c printpooldata.c printpoolfield.c printpoolnode.c \
printportcmp.c printproto.c printsbuf.c printstate.c printstatefields.c \
printtcpflags.c \
printtqtable.c printtunable.c printunit.c remove_hash.c remove_hashnode.c \
remove_pool.c remove_poolnode.c resetlexer.c rwlock_emul.c \
save_execute.c save_file.c save_nothing.c save_syslog.c save_v1trap.c save_v2trap.c vtof.c \
tcp_flags.c tcpflags.c tcpoptnames.c v6ionames.c v6optvalue.c \
var.c verbose.c
.include <>