This is the last of the needed GNU expressions before we can unleash bsdgrep by default. \b is effectively an agnostic equivalent of \< and \>, while \B will match every space that isn't making a transition from nonchar -> char or char -> nonchar.
35 lines
709 B
35 lines
709 B
# BRE Quantifiers
ab\?c b abc abc
ab\+c b abc abc
# BRE Branching
abc\|de b abc abc
a\|b\|c b abc a
\(ab\|bc\) b abcd ab
# ERE Backrefs
(ab)\1 - ab
(ab)\1 - abab abab
\1(ab) C ESUBREG
(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)\9 - abcdefghii abcdefghii
# \w, \W, \s, \S (alnum, ^alnum, space, ^space)
\w+ - -%@a0X- a0X
\w\+ b -%@a0X- a0X
\s+ - aSNTb SNT
\s\+ b aSNTb SNT
# Word boundaries (\b, \B, \<, \>, \`, \')
# (is/not boundary, start/end word, start/end subject string)
\babc\b & <abc> abc
\<abc\> & <abc> abc
\Babc\B & abc
\B[abc]\B & <abc> b
\B[abc]+ - <abc> bc
\B[abc]\+ b <abc> bc
\`abc & abc abc
abc\' & abc abc
\`abc\' & abc abc
\`.+\' - abNc abNc
\`.\+\' b abNc abNc
(\`a) - Na
(a\`) - aN
(a\') - aN
(\'a) - Na