When renaming a directory it passes through several intermediate states. First its new name will be created causing it to have two names (from possibly different parents). Next, if it has different parents, its value of ".." will be changed from pointing to the old parent to pointing to the new parent. Concurrently, its old name will be removed bringing it back into a consistent state. When fsck encounters an extra name for a directory, it offers to remove the "extraneous hard link"; when it finds that the names have been changed but the update to ".." has not happened, it offers to rewrite ".." to point at the correct parent. Both of these changes were considered unexpected so would cause fsck in preen mode or fsck in background mode to fail with the need to run fsck manually to fix these problems. Fsck running in preen mode or background mode now corrects these expected inconsistencies that arise during directory rename. The functionality added with this update is used by fsck running in background mode to make these fixes. Solution: This update adds three new fsck sysctl commands to support background fsck in correcting expected inconsistencies that arise from incomplete directory rename operations. They are: setcwd(dirinode) - set the current directory to dirinode in the filesystem associated with the snapshot. setdotdot(oldvalue, newvalue) - Verify that the inode number for ".." in the current directory is oldvalue then change it to newvalue. unlink(nameptr, oldvalue) - Verify that the inode number associated with nameptr in the current directory is oldvalue then unlink it. As with all other fsck sysctls, these new ones may only be used by processes with appropriate priviledge. Reported by: jeff Security issues: rwatson
This is the top level of the FreeBSD source directory. This file was last revised on: $FreeBSD$ For copyright information, please see the file COPYRIGHT in this directory (additional copyright information also exists for some sources in this tree - please see the specific source directories for more information). The Makefile in this directory supports a number of targets for building components (or all) of the FreeBSD source tree, the most commonly used one being ``world'', which rebuilds and installs everything in the FreeBSD system from the source tree except the kernel, the kernel-modules and the contents of /etc. The ``world'' target should only be used in cases where the source tree has not changed from the currently running version. See: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/makeworld.html for more information, including setting make(1) variables. The ``buildkernel'' and ``installkernel'' targets build and install the kernel and the modules (see below). Please see the top of the Makefile in this directory for more information on the standard build targets and compile-time flags. Building a kernel is a somewhat more involved process, documentation for which can be found at: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig.html And in the config(8) man page. Note: If you want to build and install the kernel with the ``buildkernel'' and ``installkernel'' targets, you might need to build world before. More information is available in the handbook. The sample kernel configuration files reside in the sys/<arch>/conf sub-directory (assuming that you've installed the kernel sources), the file named GENERIC being the one used to build your initial installation kernel. The file NOTES contains entries and documentation for all possible devices, not just those commonly used. It is the successor of the ancient LINT file, but in contrast to LINT, it is not buildable as a kernel but a pure reference and documentation file. Source Roadmap: --------------- bin System/user commands. contrib Packages contributed by 3rd parties. crypto Cryptography stuff (see crypto/README). etc Template files for /etc. games Amusements. gnu Various commands and libraries under the GNU Public License. Please see gnu/COPYING* for more information. include System include files. kerberos5 Kerberos5 (Heimdal) package. lib System libraries. libexec System daemons. release Release building Makefile & associated tools. rescue Build system for statically linked /rescue utilities. sbin System commands. secure Cryptographic libraries and commands. share Shared resources. sys Kernel sources. tools Utilities for regression testing and miscellaneous tasks. usr.bin User commands. usr.sbin System administration commands. For information on synchronizing your source tree with one or more of the FreeBSD Project's development branches, please see: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/synching.html