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* Judaic Calendar. Maintained by Josef Grosch <jgrosch@mooseriver.com>.
* $FreeBSD$
#ifndef _calendar_judaic_
#define _calendar_judaic_
* Jewish calendar for the CE year 2003
* 27 Tevet 5763 - 6 Tevet 5764
01/04* Parashat Va-Era
01/04* Rosh Chodesh Shevat (Beginning of the month of Shevat)
01/11* Parashat Bo
01/18* Parashat Be-Shallah
01/18* Shabbat Shirah
01/18* Tu bi-Shevat
01/25* Parashat Yitro
02/01* Parashat Mishpatim
02/01* Shabbat Mevarekhim
02/02* Rosh Chodesh Adar I(Beginning of the month of Adar I)
02/03* Be happy, It's Adar I !
02/03* Rosh Chodesh Adar I (Beginning of the month of Adar I)
02/08* Parashat Terumah
02/15* Parashat Tezavveh
02/22* Parashat Ki Tissa
02/25* Purim (Feast of Lots; 30 days before Pesach)
03/01* Parashat Va-Yakhel
03/01* Shekalim
03/04* Rosh Chodesh Adar II (Beginning of the month of Adar II)
03/05* Be happy, It's Adar II !
03/05* Rosh Chodesh Adar II (Beginning of the month of Adar II)
03/08* Parashat Pekudei
03/15* Parashat Va-Yikra
03/15* Zaklor
03/17* Fast of Esther (Battle of Purim; 1 day before Purim)
03/19* Shushan Purim
03/22* Parah
03/22* Parashat Zav
03/29* Ha-Hodesh
03/29* Parashat Shemini
03/29* Shabbat Mevarekhim
04/03* Rosh Chodesh Nisan (Beginning of the month of Nisan)
04/05* Parashat Tazria
04/12* Parashat Mezora
04/12* Shabbat ha-Gadol
04/16* Erev Pesah
04/16* Fast of the First born
04/17* Pesach (First Day of Passover)
04/18* Pesach (Second Day of Passover)
04/18* Sefirat ha-Omer begins (Counting of the Omer)
04/19* Hol ha-Mo'ed
04/19* Omer 2nd day
04/20* Hol ha-Mo'ed
04/20* Omer 3rd day
04/21* Hol ha-Mo'ed
04/21* Omer 4th day
04/22* Hol ha-Mo'ed
04/22* Omer 5th day
04/23* Omer 6th day
04/23* Pesach (Seventh Day of Passover)
04/24* Omer 7th day
04/24* Pesach (Last Day of Passover; 8th day of Pesach)
04/24* Yizkor
04/25* Omer 8th day
04/26* Omer 9th day
04/26* Parashat Aharei Mot
04/26* Shabbat Mevarekhim
04/27* Omer 10th day
04/28* Omer 11th day
04/29* Omer 12th day
04/29* Yom ha-Sho'ah (Remembrance of the Holocaust)
04/30* Omer 13th day
05/01* Omer 14th day
05/02* Omer 15th day
05/02* Rosh Chodesh Iyar (Beginning of the month of Iyar)
05/03* Omer 16th day
05/03* Parashat Kedoshim
05/03* Rosh Chodesh Iyar (Beginning of the month of Iyar)
05/04* Omer 17th day
05/05* Omer 18th day
05/06* Omer 19th day
05/06* Yom ha-Zikaron (Israeli Memorial Day)
05/07* Omer 20th day
05/07* Yom ha-Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day)
05/08* Omer 21th day
05/09* Omer 22th day
05/10* Omer 23th day
05/10* Parashat Emor
05/11* Omer 24th day
05/12* Omer 25th day
05/13* Omer 26th day
05/14* Omer 27th day
05/15* Omer 28th day
05/16* Omer 29th day
05/17* Omer 30th day
05/17* Parashat Be-Har
05/18* Omer 31th day
05/19* Omer 32th day
05/20* Lag Ba`omer (Commemoration of the Great Rebellion)
05/20* Omer 33th day
05/21* Omer 34th day
05/22* Omer 35th day
05/23* Omer 36th day
05/24* Omer 37th day
05/24* Parashat Be-Hukkotai
05/25* Omer 38th day
05/26* Omer 39th day
05/27* Omer 40th day
05/28* Omer 41th day
05/29* Omer 42th day
05/30* Omer 43th day
05/30* Yom Yerushalayim (Reunification of Jerusalem)
05/31* Omer 44th day
05/31* Parashat Be-Midbar
05/31* Shabbat Mevarekhim
06/01* Omer 45th day
06/01* Rosh Chodesh Sivan (Beginning of the month of Sivan)
06/02* Omer 46th day
06/03* Omer 47th day
06/04* Omer 48th day
06/05* Erev Shavout
06/05* Omer 49th day
06/06* Shavuot (Festival of Weeks; 50 days after Pesach)
06/06* Yizkor
06/07* Shavuot
06/14* Parashat Naso
06/21* Parashat Be-Ha'alotkha
06/28* Parashat Shelah
06/28* Shabbat Mevarekhim
06/30* Rosh Chodesh Tammuz (Beginning of the month of Tammuz)
07/01* Rosh Chodesh Tammuz (Beginning of the month of Tammuz)
07/05* Parashat Korah
07/12* Parashat Balak
07/12* Parashat Hukkat
07/17* Fast of Shiv'a Asar B'Tammuz (Romans breach Wall of Jerusalem)
07/19* Parashat Pinhas
07/26* Parashat Masei
07/26* Parashat Mattot
07/26* Shabbat Mevarekhim
07/30* Rosh Chodesh Av (Beginning of the month of Av)
08/02* Parashat Devarim
08/02* Shabbat Hazon
08/07* Fast of Tish'a B'Av (Babylon/Rome destroys Holy Temple)
08/09* Parashat Va-Ethannan
08/09* Shabbat Nahamu
08/16* Parashat Ekev
08/23* Parashat Re'eh
08/23* Shabbat Mevarekhim
08/28* Rosh Chodesh Elul (Beginning of the month of Elul)
08/29* Rosh Chodesh Elul (Beginning of the month of Elul)
08/30* Parashat Shofetim
09/06* Parashat Ki Teze
09/13* Parashat Ki Tavo
09/20* Parashat Nizzavim
09/20* Parashat Va-Yelekh
09/20* Selihot
09/26* Erev Rosh ha-Shanah (Jewish Lunar New Year; 5764)
09/27* First Day of Rosh ha-Shanah (Jewish Lunar New Year; 5764)
09/27* Rosh Chodesh Tishri (Beginning of the month of Tishri)
09/28* Second Day of Rosh ha-Shanah (Jewish Lunar New Year; 5764)
09/29* Fast of Gedalya (Murder of Gedalya and subsequent Exile; 1 day after Rosh Hashanah)
09/29* First sounding of the Shofar
10/04* Parashat Ha'azinu
10/04* Shabbat Shuvah
10/05* Erev Yom Kippur (Kol Nidra)
10/06* Yizkor
10/06* Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement; 9 days after Rosh Hashanah)
10/10* Erev Sucot
10/11* Sucot (Festival of Tabernacles; 14 days after Rosh Hashanah)
10/12* Sucot
10/13* Hol ha-Mo'ed
10/14* Hol ha-Mo'ed
10/15* Hol ha-Mo'ed
10/16* Hol ha-Mo'ed
10/17* Hoshana Rabba (7th day of Sucot)
10/18* Shmini Atzeret (8th Day of Gathering; 1 day after Sucot)
10/18* Yizkor
10/19* Simchas Torah (Rejoicing of the Law)
10/25* Parashat Bereshit
10/25* Shabbat Mevarekhim
10/26* Rosh Chodesh Heshvan (Beginning of the month of Heshvan)
10/27* Rosh Chodesh Heshvan (Beginning of the month of Heshvan)
11/01* Parashat No'ah
11/08* Parashat Lekh Lekha
11/15* Parashat Va-Yera
11/22* Parashat Hayyei Sarah
11/22* Shabbat Mevarekhim
11/25* Rosh Chodesh Kislev (Beginning of the month of Kislev)
11/26* Rosh Chodesh Kislev (Beginning of the month of Kislev)
11/29* Parashat Toledot
12/06* Parashat Va-Yeze
12/13* Parashat Va-Yishlah
12/19* Erev Hanukkah
12/19* Light 1st candle
12/20* Hanukkah (First day)
12/20* Light 2nd candle
12/20* Parashat Va-Yeshev
12/20* Shabbat Mevarekhim
12/21* Hanukkah (Second day)
12/21* Light 3rd candle
12/22* Hanukkah (Third day)
12/22* Light 4th candle
12/23* Hanukkah (Fourth day)
12/23* Light 5th candle
12/24* Hanukkah (Fifth day)
12/24* Light 6th candle
12/25* Hanukkah (Sixth day)
12/25* Light 7th candle
12/25* Rosh Chodesh Tevet (Beginning of the month of Tevet)
12/26* Hanukkah (Seventh day)
12/26* Light 8th candle
12/26* Rosh Chodesh Tevet (Beginning of the month of Tevet)
12/27* Hanukkah (Eighth day)
12/27* Parashat Mi-Kez
#endif /* !_calendar_judaic_ */