2008-08-28 02:32:16 +00:00

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From: "Michael S. Muegel" <mmuegel@cssun6.corp.mot.com>
Message-Id: <199307280818.AA08111@cssun6.corp.mot.com>
Subject: Re: contributed software
To: eric@cs.berkeley.edu (Eric Allman)
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1993 03:18:02 -0500 (CDT)
In-Reply-To: <199307221853.LAA04266@mastodon.CS.Berkeley.EDU> from "Eric Allman" at Jul 22, 93 11:53:47 am
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL22]
Mime-Version: 1.0
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OK. Here is a new shell archive.
---- Cut Here and feed the following to sh ----
# This is a shell archive (produced by shar 3.49)
# To extract the files from this archive, save it to a file, remove
# everything above the "!/bin/sh" line above, and type "sh file_name".
# made 07/28/1993 08:13 UTC by mmuegel@mot.com (Michael S. Muegel)
# Source directory /home/ustart/NeXT/src/mail-tools/dist/foo
# existing files will NOT be overwritten unless -c is specified
# This shar contains:
# length mode name
# ------ ---------- ------------------------------------------
# 4308 -r--r--r-- README
# 12339 -r--r--r-- libs/date.pl
# 3198 -r--r--r-- libs/elapsed.pl
# 4356 -r--r--r-- libs/mail.pl
# 6908 -r--r--r-- libs/mqueue.pl
# 7024 -r--r--r-- libs/newgetopts.pl
# 4687 -r--r--r-- libs/strings1.pl
# 1609 -r--r--r-- libs/timespec.pl
# 5212 -r--r--r-- man/cqueue.1
# 2078 -r--r--r-- man/postclip.1
# 6647 -r-xr-xr-x src/cqueue
# 1836 -r-xr-xr-x src/postclip
# ============= README ==============
if test -f 'README' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
echo 'x - skipping README (File already exists)'
echo 'x - extracting README (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'README' &&
Document Revision Control Information:
X mmuegel
X /usr/local/ustart/src/mail-tools/dist/foo/README,v
X 1.1 of 1993/07/28 08:12:53
1. Introduction
These tools may be of use to those sites using sendmail. Both are written in
Perl. Our site, Mot.COM, receives a ton of mail being a top-level domain
gateway. We have over 24 domains under us. Needless to say, we must have
a robust mail system or my head, and others, would be on the chopping block.
2. Description
The first tool, cqueue, checks the sendmail queue for problems. We use
it to flag problems with subdomain mail servers (and even our own servers
once in a while ;-). We run it via a cron job every hour during the day.
You may find this too frequent, however.
The other program, postclip, is used to "filter" non-deliverable NDNs that
get sent to our Postmaster account now and then. This ensures privacy of
e-mail and helps avoid disk problems from huge NDNs. It is different than
a brute force "just keep the header" approach because it tries hard to keep
other parts of the message that look like non-delivery information.
Both have been used for some time at our site with no problems. Everything
you need should be in this distribution: source, manual pages, and support
libs. See the manual pages for a complete description of each tool.
3. Installation
No fancy Makefile simply because these tools are all under a large
hierarchy at my site. Installation should be a snap, however. Install
the nroff(1) man(5) manual pages from the man subdirectory to the
appropriate directory on your system. This might be something like
Next, install all of the Perl libraries located in the lib subdirectory
to your Perl library area. /usr/local/lib/perl is a good bet. The person
who installed Perl at your site will be able to tell you for sure.
Finally, you need to install the programs. Note that cqueue wants to
run setuid root by default. This is because the sendmail queue is normally
only readable by root or some special group. In order to let any user
run this suidperl is used. suidperl allows a Perl program to run with the
privileges of another user.
You will have to edit both the cqueue and postclip programs to change
the #! line at the top of each. Just change the pathname to whatever is
appropriate on your system. Note that Larry Wall's fixin program from
the Camel book can also be used to do this. It is very handy. It changes
#! lines by looking at your PATH.
If you do not have suidperl on your system change the #! line in cqueue
to reference perl instead of suidperl.
You may also wish to change some constants in cqueue. $DEF_QUEUE should be
changed to your queue directory if it is not /usr/spool/mqueue. $DEF_TIME
could be changed easy enough also. It is the time spec for the time duration
after which a mail message will be reported on if the -a option has not been
specified. See the manual page for more information and the format of this
constant (same as the -t argument). Then again, neither of these has to
be changed. Command line options are there to override their default
After you have edited the programs as necessary, all that remains is to
install them to some executable directory. Install postclip mode 555
and cqueue mode 4555 with owner root (if using suidperl) or mode 555
(if not using suidperl).
4. Gripes, Comments, Etc
If you start using either of these let me know. I have other mail tools I
will likely post in the future if these prove useful. Also, if you think
something is just plain dumb/wrong/stupid let me know!
| Michael S. Muegel | Internet E-Mail: mmuegel@mot.com |
| UNIX Applications Startup Group | Moto Dist E-Mail: X10090 |
| Corporate Information Office | Voice: (708) 576-0507 |
| Motorola | Fax: (708) 576-4153 |
chmod 0444 README ||
echo 'restore of README failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'README'`"
test 4308 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
echo 'README: original size 4308, current size' "$Wc_c"
# ============= libs/date.pl ==============
if test ! -d 'libs'; then
echo 'x - creating directory libs'
mkdir 'libs'
if test -f 'libs/date.pl' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
echo 'x - skipping libs/date.pl (File already exists)'
echo 'x - extracting libs/date.pl (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'libs/date.pl' &&
;# Name
;# date.pl - Perl emulation of (the output side of) date(1)
;# Synopsis
;# require "date.pl";
;# $Date = &date(time);
;# $Date = &date(time, $format);
;# Description
;# This package implements the output formatting functions of date(1) in
;# Perl. The format options are based on those supported by Ultrix 4.0
;# plus a couple of additions from SunOS 4.1.1 and elsewhere:
;# %a abbreviated weekday name - Sun to Sat
;# %A full weekday name - Sunday to Saturday
;# %b abbreviated month name - Jan to Dec
;# %B full month name - January to December
;# %c date and time in local format [+]
;# %C date and time in long local format [+]
;# %d day of month - 01 to 31
;# %D date as mm/dd/yy
;# %e day of month (space padded) - ` 1' to `31'
;# %E day of month (with suffix: 1st, 2nd, 3rd...)
;# %f month of year (space padded) - ` 1' to `12'
;# %h abbreviated month name - Jan to Dec
;# %H hour - 00 to 23
;# %i hour (space padded) - ` 1' to `12'
;# %I hour - 01 to 12
;# %j day of the year (Julian date) - 001 to 366
;# %k hour (space padded) - ` 0' to `23'
;# %l date in ls(1) format
;# %m month of year - 01 to 12
;# %M minute - 00 to 59
;# %n insert a newline character
;# %p ante-meridiem or post-meridiem indicator (AM or PM)
;# %r time in AM/PM notation
;# %R time as HH:MM
;# %S second - 00 to 59
;# %t insert a tab character
;# %T time as HH:MM:SS
;# %u date/time in date(1) required format
;# %U week number, Sunday as first day of week - 00 to 53
;# %V date-time in SysV touch format (mmddHHMMyy)
;# %w day of week - 0 (Sunday) to 6
;# %W week number, Monday as first day of week - 00 to 53
;# %x date in local format [+]
;# %X time in local format [+]
;# %y last 2 digits of year - 00 to 99
;# %Y all 4 digits of year ~ 1700 to 2000 odd ?
;# %z time zone from TZ environment variable w/ a trailing space
;# %Z time zone from TZ environment variable
;# %% insert a `%' character
;# %+ insert a `+' character
;# [+]: These may need adjustment to fit local conventions, see below.
;# For the sake of compatibility, a leading `+' in the format
;# specificaiton is removed if present.
;# Remarks
;# This is version 3.4 of date.pl
;# An extension of `ctime.pl' by Waldemar Kebsch (kebsch.pad@nixpbe.UUCP),
;# as modified by Marion Hakanson (hakanson@ogicse.ogi.edu).
;# Unlike date(1), unknown format tags are silently replaced by "".
;# defaultTZ is a blatant hack, but I wanted to be able to get date(1)
;# like behaviour by default and there does'nt seem to be an easy (read
;# portable) way to get the local TZ name back...
;# For a cheap date, try...
;# #!/usr/local/bin/perl
;# require "date.pl";
;# exit print (&date(time, shift @ARGV) . "\n") ? 0 : 1;
;# This package is redistributable under the same terms as apply to
;# the Perl 4.0 release. See the COPYING file in your Perl kit for
;# more information.
;# Please send any bug reports or comments to tmcgonigal@gallium.com
;# Modification History
;# Nmemonic Version Date Who
;# NONE 1.0 02feb91 Terry McGonigal (tmcgonigal@gallium.com)
;# Created from ctime.pl
;# NONE 2.0 07feb91 tmcgonigal
;# Added some of Marion Hakanson (hakanson@ogicse.ogi.edu)'s ctime.pl
;# TZ handling changes.
;# NONE 2.1 09feb91 tmcgonigal
;# Corrected week number calculations.
;# NONE 2.2 21oct91 tmcgonigal
;# Added ls(1) date format, `%l'.
;# NONE 2.3 06nov91 tmcgonigal
;# Added SysV touch(1) date-time format, `%V' (pretty thin as
;# mnemonics go, I know, but `t' and `T' were both gone already!)
;# NONE 2.4 05jan92 tmcgonigal
;# Corrected slight (cosmetic) problem with %V replacment string
;# NONE 3.0 09jul92 tmcgonigal
;# Fixed a couple of problems with &ls as pointed out by
;# Thomas Richter (richter@ki1.chemie.fu-berlin.de), thanks Thomas!
;# Also added a couple of SunOS 4.1.1 strftime-ish formats, %i and %k
;# for space padded hours (` 1' to `12' and ` 0' to `23' respectivly),
;# and %C for locale long date/time format. Changed &ampmH to take a
;# pad char parameter to make to evaled code for %i and %k simpler.
;# Added %E for suffixed day-of-month (ie 1st, 3rd, 4th etc).
;# NONE 3.1 16jul92 tmcgonigal
;# Added `%u' format to generate date/time in date(1) required
;# format (ie '%y%m%d%H%M.%S').
;# NONE 3.2 23jan93 tmcgonigal
;# Added `%f' format to generate space padded month numbers, added
;# `%E' to the header comments, it seems to have been left out (and
;# I'm sure I wanted to use it at some point in the past...).
;# NONE 3.3 03feb93 tmcgonigal
;# Corrected some problems with AM/PM handling pointed out by
;# Michael S. Muegel (mmuegel@mot.com). Thanks Michael, I hope
;# this is the behaviour you were looking for, it seems more
;# correct to me...
;# NONE 3.4 26jul93 tmcgonigal
;# Incorporated some fixes provided by DaviD W. Sanderson
;# (dws@ssec.wisc.edu): February was spelled incorrectly and
;# &wkno() was always using the current year while calculating
;# week numbers, regardless of year implied by the time value
;# passed to &date(). DaviD also contributed an improved &date()
;# test script, thanks DaviD, I appreciate the effort. Finally,
;# changed my mailling address from @gvc.com to @gallium.com
;# to reflect, well, my new address!
;# SccsId = "%W% %E%"
require 'timelocal.pl';
package date;
# Months of the year
@MoY = ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
X 'July', 'August', 'September','October', 'November', 'December');
# days of the week
@DoW = ('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
X 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday');
# CUSTOMIZE - defaults
$defaultTZ = 'CST'; # time zone (hack!)
$defaultFMT = '%a %h %e %T %z%Y'; # format (ala date(1))
# CUSTOMIZE - `local' formats
$locTF = '%T'; # time (as HH:MM:SS)
$locDF = '%D'; # date (as mm/dd/yy)
$locDTF = '%a %b %d %T %Y'; # date/time (as dow mon dd HH:MM:SS yyyy)
$locLDTF = '%i:%M:%S %p %A %B %E %Y'; # long date/time (as HH:MM:SS a/p day month dom yyyy)
# Time zone info
$TZ; # wkno needs this info too
# define the known format tags as associative keys with their associated
# replacement strings as values. Each replacement string should be
# an eval-able expresion assigning a value to $rep. These expressions are
# eval-ed, then the value of $rep is substituted into the supplied
# format (if any).
%Tags = ( '%a', q|($rep = $DoW[$wday])=~ s/^(...).*/\1/|, # abbr. weekday name - Sun to Sat
X '%A', q|$rep = $DoW[$wday]|, # full weekday name - Sunday to Saturday
X '%b', q|($rep = $MoY[$mon]) =~ s/^(...).*/\1/|, # abbr. month name - Jan to Dec
X '%B', q|$rep = $MoY[$mon]|, # full month name - January to December
X '%c', q|$rep = $locDTF; 1|, # date/time in local format
X '%C', q|$rep = $locLDTF; 1|, # date/time in local long format
X '%d', q|$rep = &date'pad($mday, 2, "0")|, # day of month - 01 to 31
X '%D', q|$rep = '%m/%d/%y'|, # date as mm/dd/yy
X '%e', q|$rep = &date'pad($mday, 2, " ")|, # day of month (space padded) ` 1' to `31'
X '%E', q|$rep = &date'dsuf($mday)|, # day of month (w/suffix) `1st' to `31st'
X '%f', q|$rep = &date'pad($mon+1, 2, " ")|, # month of year (space padded) ` 1' to `12'
X '%h', q|$rep = '%b'|, # abbr. month name (same as %b)
X '%H', q|$rep = &date'pad($hour, 2, "0")|, # hour - 00 to 23
X '%i', q|$rep = &date'ampmH($hour, " ")|, # hour (space padded ` 1' to `12'
X '%I', q|$rep = &date'ampmH($hour, "0")|, # hour - 01 to 12
X '%j', q|$rep = &date'pad($yday+1, 3, "0")|, # Julian date 001 - 366
X '%k', q|$rep = &date'pad($hour, 2, " ")|, # hour (space padded) ` 0' to `23'
X '%l', q|$rep = '%b %d ' . &date'ls($year)|, # ls(1) style date
X '%m', q|$rep = &date'pad($mon+1, 2, "0")|, # month of year - 01 to 12
X '%M', q|$rep = &date'pad($min, 2, "0")|, # minute - 00 to 59
X '%n', q|$rep = "\n"|, # insert a newline
X '%p', q|$rep = &date'ampmD($hour)|, # insert `AM' or `PM'
X '%r', q|$rep = '%I:%M:%S %p'|, # time in AM/PM notation
X '%R', q|$rep = '%H:%M'|, # time as HH:MM
X '%S', q|$rep = &date'pad($sec, 2, "0")|, # second - 00 to 59
X '%t', q|$rep = "\t"|, # insert a tab
X '%T', q|$rep = '%H:%M:%S'|, # time as HH:MM:SS
X '%u', q|$rep = '%y%m%d%H%M.%S'|, # daaate/time in date(1) required format
X '%U', q|$rep = &date'wkno($year, $yday, 0)|, # week number (weeks start on Sun) - 00 to 53
X '%V', q|$rep = '%m%d%H%M%y'|, # SysV touch(1) date-time format (mmddHHMMyy)
X '%w', q|$rep = $wday; 1|, # day of week - Sunday = 0
X '%W', q|$rep = &date'wkno($year, $yday, 1)|, # week number (weeks start on Mon) - 00 to 53
X '%x', q|$rep = $locDF; 1|, # date in local format
X '%X', q|$rep = $locTF; 1|, # time in local format
X '%y', q|($rep = $year) =~ s/..(..)/\1/|, # last 2 digits of year - 00 to 99
X '%Y', q|$rep = "$year"; 1|, # full year ~ 1700 to 2000 odd
X '%z', q|$rep = $TZ eq "" ? "" : "$TZ "|, # time zone from TZ env var (w/trail. space)
X '%Z', q|$rep = $TZ; 1|, # time zone from TZ env. var.
X '%%', q|$rep = '%'; $adv=1|, # insert a `%'
X '%+', q|$rep = '+'| # insert a `+'
sub main'date {
X local($time, $format) = @_;
X local($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst);
X local($pos, $tag, $rep, $adv) = (0, "", "", 0);
X # default to date/ctime format or strip leading `+'...
X if ($format eq "") {
X $format = $defaultFMT;
X } elsif ($format =~ /^\+/) {
X $format = $';
X }
X # Use local time if can't find a TZ in the environment
X $TZ = defined($ENV{'TZ'}) ? $ENV{'TZ'} : $defaultTZ;
X ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) =
X &gettime ($TZ, $time);
X # Hack to deal with 'PST8PDT' format of TZ
X # Note that this can't deal with all the esoteric forms, but it
X # does recognize the most common: [:]STDoff[DST[off][,rule]]
X if ($TZ =~ /^([^:\d+\-,]{3,})([+-]?\d{1,2}(:\d{1,2}){0,2})([^\d+\-,]{3,})?/) {
X $TZ = $isdst ? $4 : $1;
X }
X # watch out in 2070...
X $year += ($year < 70) ? 2000 : 1900;
X # now loop throught the supplied format looking for tags...
X while (($pos = index ($format, '%')) != -1) {
X # grab the format tag
X $tag = substr($format, $pos, 2);
X $adv = 0; # for `%%' processing
X # do we have a replacement string?
X if (defined $Tags{$tag}) {
X # trap dead evals...
X if (! eval $Tags{$tag}) {
X print STDERR "date.pl: internal error: eval for $tag failed: $@\n";
X return "";
X }
X } else {
X $rep = "";
X }
X # do the substitution
X substr ($format, $pos, 2) =~ s/$tag/$rep/;
X $pos++ if ($adv);
X }
X $format;
# dsuf - add `st', `nd', `rd', `th' to a date (ie 1st, 22nd, 29th)
sub dsuf {
X local ($mday) = @_;
X return $mday . 'st' if ($mday =~ m/.*1$/);
X return $mday . 'nd' if ($mday =~ m/.*2$/);
X return $mday . 'rd' if ($mday =~ m/.*3$/);
X return $mday . 'th';
# weekno - figure out week number
sub wkno {
X local ($year, $yday, $firstweekday) = @_;
X local ($jan1, @jan1, $wks);
X # figure out the `time' value for January 1 of the given year
X $jan1 = &maketime ($TZ, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, $year-1900);
X # figure out what day of the week January 1 was
X @jan1= &gettime ($TZ, $jan1);
X # and calculate the week number
X $wks = (($yday + ($jan1[6] - $firstweekday)) + 1)/ 7;
X $wks += (($wks - int($wks) > 0.0) ? 1 : 0);
X # supply zero padding
X &pad (int($wks), 2, "0");
# ampmH - figure out am/pm (1 - 12) mode hour value, padded with $p (0 or ' ')
sub ampmH { local ($h, $p) = @_; &pad($h>12 ? $h-12 : ($h ? $h : 12), 2, $p); }
# ampmD - figure out am/pm designator
sub ampmD { shift @_ >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"; }
# gettime - get the time via {local,gmt}time
sub gettime { ((shift @_) eq 'GMT') ? gmtime(shift @_) : localtime(shift @_); }
# maketime - make a time via time{local,gmt}
sub maketime { ((shift @_) eq 'GMT') ? &main'timegm(@_) : &main'timelocal(@_); }
# ls - generate the time/year portion of an ls(1) style date
sub ls {
X return ((&gettime ($TZ, time))[5] == @_[0]) ? "%R" : " %Y";
# pad - pad $in with leading $pad until lenght $len
sub pad {
X local ($in, $len, $pad) = @_;
X local ($out) = "$in";
X $out = $pad . $out until (length ($out) == $len);
X return $out;
chmod 0444 libs/date.pl ||
echo 'restore of libs/date.pl failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'libs/date.pl'`"
test 12339 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
echo 'libs/date.pl: original size 12339, current size' "$Wc_c"
# ============= libs/elapsed.pl ==============
if test -f 'libs/elapsed.pl' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
echo 'x - skipping libs/elapsed.pl (File already exists)'
echo 'x - extracting libs/elapsed.pl (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'libs/elapsed.pl' &&
;# elapsed.pl - convert seconds to elapsed time format
;# Michael S. Muegel <mmuegel@mot.com>
;# mmuegel
;# /usr/local/ustart/src/mail-tools/dist/foo/libs/elapsed.pl,v
;# 1.1 of 1993/07/28 08:07:19
package elapsed;
# Time field types
$DAYS = 1;
$HOURS = 2;
# The array contains four records each with four fields. The fields are,
# in order:
# Type Specifies what kind of time field this is. Once of
# Multiplier Specifies what time field this is via the minimum
# number of seconds this time field may specify. For
# example, the minutes field would be non-zero
# when there are 60 or more seconds.
# Separator How to separate this time field from the next
# *greater* field.
# Format sprintf() format specifier on how to print this
# time field.
@MULT_AND_SEPS = ($DAYS, 60 * 60 * 24, "+", "%d",
X $HOURS, 60 * 60, ":", "%d",
X $MINUTES, 60, ":", "%02d",
X $SECONDS, 1, "", "%02d"
X );
;# Seconds_To_Elapsed
;# Coverts a seconds count to form [d+]h:mm:ss. If $Collapse
;# is true then the result is compacted somewhat. The string returned
;# will be of the form [d+][[h:]mm]:ss.
;# Arguments:
;# $Seconds, $Collapse
;# Examples:
;# &Seconds_To_Elapsed (0, 0) -> 0:00:00
;# &Seconds_To_Elapsed (0, 1) -> :00
;# &Seconds_To_Elapsed (119, 0) -> 0:01:59
;# &Seconds_To_Elapsed (119, 1) -> 01:59
;# &Seconds_To_Elapsed (3601, 0) -> 1:00:01
;# &Seconds_To_Elapsed (3601, 1) -> 1:00:01
;# &Seconds_To_Elapsed (86401, 0) -> 1+0:00:01
;# &Seconds_To_Elapsed (86401, 1) -> 1+:01
;# Returns:
;# $Elapsed
sub main'Seconds_To_Elapsed
X local ($Seconds, $Collapse) = @_;
X local ($Type, $Multiplier, @Multipliers, $Separator, $DHMS_Used,
X $Elapsed, @Mult_And_Seps, $Print_Field);
X $Multiplier = 1;
X @Mult_And_Seps = @MULT_AND_SEPS;
X # Keep subtracting the number of seconds corresponding to a time field
X # from the number of seconds passed to the function.
X while (1)
X {
X ($Type, $Multiplier, $Separator, $Format) = splice (@Mult_And_Seps, 0, 4);
X last if (! $Multiplier);
X $Seconds -= $DHMS_Used * $Multiplier
X if ($DHMS_Used = int ($Seconds / $Multiplier));
X # Figure out if we should print this field
X if ($Type == $DAYS)
X {
X $Print_Field = $DHMS_Used;
X }
X elsif ($Collapse)
X {
X if ($Type == $HOURS)
X {
X $Print_Field = $DHMS_Used;
X }
X elsif ($Type == $MINUTES)
X {
X $Print_Field = $DHMS_Used || $Printed_Field {$HOURS};
X }
X else
X {
X $Format = ":%02d"
X if (! $Printed_Field {$MINUTES});
X $Print_Field = 1;
X };
X }
X else
X {
X $Print_Field = 1;
X };
X $Printed_Field {$Type} = $Print_Field;
X $Elapsed .= sprintf ("$Format%s", $DHMS_Used, $Separator)
X if ($Print_Field);
X };
X return ($Elapsed);
chmod 0444 libs/elapsed.pl ||
echo 'restore of libs/elapsed.pl failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'libs/elapsed.pl'`"
test 3198 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
echo 'libs/elapsed.pl: original size 3198, current size' "$Wc_c"
# ============= libs/mail.pl ==============
if test -f 'libs/mail.pl' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
echo 'x - skipping libs/mail.pl (File already exists)'
echo 'x - extracting libs/mail.pl (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'libs/mail.pl' &&
;# mail.pl - perl function(s) to handle mail processing
;# Michael S. Muegel (mmuegel@mot.com)
;# mmuegel
;# /usr/local/ustart/src/mail-tools/dist/foo/libs/mail.pl,v 1.1 1993/07/28 08:07:19 mmuegel Exp
package mail;
# Mailer statement to eval. $Users, $Subject, and $Verbose are substituted
# via eval
$BIN_MAILER = "/usr/ucb/mail \$Verbose -s '\$Subject' \$Users";
# Sendmail command to use when $Use_Sendmail is true.
$SENDMAIL = '/usr/lib/sendmail $Verbose $Users';
;# Send_Mail
;# Sends $Message to $Users with a subject of $Subject. If $Message_Is_File
;# is true then $Message is assumed to be a filename pointing to the mail
;# message. This is a new option and thus the backwards-compatible hack.
;# $Users should be a space separated list of mail-ids.
;# If everything went OK $Status will be 1 and $Error_Msg can be ignored;
;# otherwise, $Status will be 0 and $Error_Msg will contain an error message.
;# If $Use_Sendmail is 1 then sendmail is used to send the message. Normally
;# a mailer such as Mail is used. By specifiying this you can include
;# headers in addition to text in either $Message or $Message_Is_File.
;# If either $Message or $Message_Is_File contain a Subject: header then
;# $Subject is ignored; otherwise, a Subject: header is automatically created.
;# Similar to the Subject: header, if a To: header does not exist one
;# is automatically created from the $Users argument. The mail is still
;# sent, however, to the recipients listed in $Users. This is keeping with
;# normal sendmail usage (header vs. envelope).
;# In both bin mailer and sendmail modes $Verbose will turn on verbose mode
;# (normally just sendmail verbose mode output).
;# Arguments:
;# $Users, $Subject, $Message, $Message_Is_File, $Verbose, $Use_Sendmail
;# Returns:
;# $Status, $Error_Msg
sub main'Send_Mail
X local ($Users, $Subject, $Message, $Message_Is_File, $Verbose,
X $Use_Sendmail) = @_;
X local ($BIN_MAILER_HANDLE, $Mailer_Command, $Header_Found, %Header_Map,
X $Header_Extra, $Mailer);
X # If the message is contained in a file read it in so we can have one
X # consistent interface
X if ($Message_Is_File)
X {
X undef $/;
X $Message_Is_File = 0;
X open (Message) || return (0, "error reading $Message: $!");
X $Message = <Message>;
X close (Message);
X };
X # If sendmail mode see if we need to add some headers
X if ($Use_Sendmail)
X {
X # Determine if a header block is included in the message and what headers
X # are there
X foreach (split (/\n/, $Message))
X {
X last if ($_ eq "");
X $Header_Found = $Header_Map {$1} = 1 if (/^([A-Z]\S*): /);
X };
X # Add some headers?
X if (! $Header_Map {"To"})
X {
X $Header_Extra .= "To: " . join (", ", $Users) . "\n";
X };
X if (($Subject ne "") && (! $Header_Map {"Subject"}))
X {
X $Header_Extra .= "Subject: $Subject\n";
X };
X # Add the required blank line between header/body if there where no
X # headers to begin with
X if ($Header_Found)
X {
X $Message = "$Header_Extra$Message";
X }
X else
X {
X $Message = "$Header_Extra\n$Message";
X };
X };
X # Get a string that is the mail command
X $Verbose = ($Verbose) ? "-v" : "";
X $Mailer = ($Use_Sendmail) ? $SENDMAIL : $BIN_MAILER;
X eval "\$Mailer = \"$Mailer\"";
X return (0, "error setting \$Mailer: $@") if ($@);
X # need to catch SIGPIPE in case the $Mailer call fails
X $SIG {'PIPE'} = "mail'Cleanup";
X # Open mailer
X return (0, "can not open mail program: $Mailer") if (! open (MAILER, "| $Mailer"));
X # Send off the mail!
X print MAILER $Message;
X close (MAILER);
X return (0, "error running mail program: $Mailer") if ($?);
X # Everything must have went AOK
X return (1);
;# Cleanup
;# Simply here so we can catch SIGPIPE and not exit.
;# Globals:
;# None
;# Arguments:
;# None
;# Returns:
;# Nothing exciting
sub Cleanup
chmod 0444 libs/mail.pl ||
echo 'restore of libs/mail.pl failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'libs/mail.pl'`"
test 4356 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
echo 'libs/mail.pl: original size 4356, current size' "$Wc_c"
# ============= libs/mqueue.pl ==============
if test -f 'libs/mqueue.pl' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
echo 'x - skipping libs/mqueue.pl (File already exists)'
echo 'x - extracting libs/mqueue.pl (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'libs/mqueue.pl' &&
;# mqueue.pl - functions to work with the sendmail queue
;# Both Get_Queue_IDs and Parse_Control_File are available to get
;# information about the sendmail queue. The cqueue program is a good
;# example of how these functions work.
;# Michael S. Muegel (mmuegel@mot.com)
;# mmuegel
;# /usr/local/ustart/src/mail-tools/dist/foo/libs/mqueue.pl,v
;# 1.1 of 1993/07/28 08:07:19
package mqueue;
;# Get_Queue_IDs
;# Will figure out the queue IDs in $Queue that have both control and data
;# files. They are returned in @Valid_IDs. Those IDs that have a
;# control file and no data file are saved to the array globbed by
;# *Missing_Control_IDs. Likewise, those IDs that have a data file and no
;# control file are saved to the array globbed by *Missing_Data_IDs.
;# If $Skip_Locked is true they a message that has a lock file is skipped
;# and will not show up in any of the arrays.
;# If everything went AOK then $Status is 1; otherwise, $Status is 0 and
;# $Msg tells what went wrong.
;# Globals:
;# None
;# Arguments:
;# $Queue, $Skip_Locked, *Missing_Control_IDs, *Missing_Data_IDs
;# Returns:
;# $Status, $Msg, @Valid_IDs
sub main'Get_Queue_IDs
X local ($Queue, $Skip_Locked, *Missing_Control_IDs,
X *Missing_Data_IDs) = @_;
X local (*QUEUE, @Files, %Lock_IDs, %Data_IDs, %Control_IDs, $_);
X # Make sure that the * argument @arrays ar empty
X @Missing_Control_IDs = @Missing_Data_IDs = ();
X # Save each data, lock, and queue file in @Files
X opendir (QUEUE, $Queue) || return (0, "error getting directory listing of $Queue");
X @Files = grep (/^(df|lf|qf)/, readdir (QUEUE));
X closedir (QUEUE);
X # Create indexed list of data and control files. IF $Skip_Locked is true
X # then skip either if there is a lock file present.
X if ($Skip_Locked)
X {
X grep ((s/^lf//) && ($Lock_IDs {$_} = 1), @Files);
X grep ((s/^df//) && (! $Lock_IDs {$_}) && ($Data_IDs {$_} = 1), @Files);
X grep ((s/^qf//) && (! $Lock_IDs {$_}) && ($Control_IDs {$_} = 1), @Files);
X }
X else
X {
X grep ((s/^df//) && ($Data_IDs {$_} = 1), @Files);
X grep ((s/^qf//) && ($Control_IDs {$_} = 1), @Files);
X };
X # Find missing control and data files and remove them from the lists of each
X @Missing_Control_IDs = sort (grep ((! $Control_IDs {$_}) && (delete $Data_IDs {$_}), keys (%Data_IDs)));
X @Missing_Data_IDs = sort (grep ((! $Data_IDs {$_} && (delete $Control_IDs {$_})), keys (%Control_IDs)));
X # Return the IDs in an appartently random order
X return (1, "", keys (%Control_IDs));
;# Parse_Control_File
;# Will pase a sendmail queue control file for useful information. See the
;# Sendmail Installtion and Operation Guide (SMM:07) for a complete
;# explanation of each field.
;# The following globbed variables are set (or cleared) by this function:
;# $Sender The sender's address.
;# @Recipients One or more addresses for the recipient of the mail.
;# @Errors_To One or more addresses for addresses to which mail
;# delivery errors should be sent.
;# $Creation_Time The job creation time in time(3) format. That is,
;# seconds since 00:00:00 GMT 1/1/70.
;# $Priority An integer representing the current message priority.
;# This is used to order the queue. Higher numbers mean
;# lower priorities.
;# $Status_Message The status of the mail message. It can contain any
;# text.
;# @Headers Message headers unparsed but in their original order.
;# Headers that span multiple lines are not mucked with,
;# embedded \ns will be evident.
;# In all e-mail addresses bounding <> pairs are stripped.
;# If everything went AOK then $Status is 1. If the message with queue ID
;# $Queue_ID just does not exist anymore -1 is returned. This is very
;# possible and should be allowed for. Otherwise, $Status is 0 and $Msg
;# tells what went wrong.
;# Globals:
;# None
;# Arguments:
;# $Queue, $Queue_ID, *Sender, *Recipients, *Errors_To, *Creation_Time,
;# *Priority, *Status_Message, *Headers
;# Returns:
;# $Status, $Msg
sub main'Parse_Control_File
X local ($Queue, $Queue_ID, *Sender, *Recipients, *Errors_To, *Creation_Time,
X *Priority, *Status_Message, *Headers) = @_;
X local (*Control, $_, $Not_Empty);
X # Required variables and the associated control. If empty at the end of
X # parsing we return a bad status.
X @REQUIRED_INFO = ('$Creation_Time', 'T', '$Sender', 'S', '@Recipients', 'R',
X '$Priority', 'P');
X # Open up the control file for read
X $Control = "$Queue/qf$Queue_ID";
X if (! open (Control))
X {
X return (-1) if ((-x $Queue) && (! -f "$Queue/qf$Queue_ID") &&
X (! -f "$Queue/df$Queue_ID"));
X return (0, "error opening $Control for read: $!");
X };
X # Reset the globbed variables just in case
X $Sender = $Creation_Time = $Priority = $Status_Message = "";
X @Recipients = @Errors_To = @Headers = ();
X # Look for a few things in the control file
X READ: while (<Control>)
X {
X $Not_Empty = 1;
X chop;
X {
X if (/^T(\d+)$/)
X {
X $Creation_Time = $1;
X }
X elsif (/^S(<)?([^>]+)/)
X {
X $Sender = $2;
X }
X elsif (/^R(<)?([^>]+)/)
X {
X push (@Recipients, $2);
X }
X elsif (/^E(<)?([^>]+)/)
X {
X push (@Errors_To, $2);
X }
X elsif (/^M(.*)/)
X {
X $Status_Message = $1;
X }
X elsif (/^P(\d+)$/)
X {
X $Priority = $1;
X }
X elsif (/^H(.*)/)
X {
X $Header = $1;
X while (<Control>)
X {
X chop;
X last if (/^[A-Z]/);
X $Header .= "\n$_";
X };
X push (@Headers, $Header);
X redo PARSE if ($_);
X last if (eof);
X };
X };
X };
X # If the file was empty scream bloody murder
X return (0, "empty control file") if (! $Not_Empty);
X # Yell if we could not find a required field
X while (($Var, $Control) = splice (@REQUIRED_INFO, 0, 2))
X {
X eval "return (0, 'required control field $Control not found')
X if (! $Var)";
X return (0, "error checking \$Var: $@") if ($@);
X };
X # Everything went AOK
X return (1);
chmod 0444 libs/mqueue.pl ||
echo 'restore of libs/mqueue.pl failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'libs/mqueue.pl'`"
test 6908 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
echo 'libs/mqueue.pl: original size 6908, current size' "$Wc_c"
# ============= libs/newgetopts.pl ==============
if test -f 'libs/newgetopts.pl' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
echo 'x - skipping libs/newgetopts.pl (File already exists)'
echo 'x - extracting libs/newgetopts.pl (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'libs/newgetopts.pl' &&
;# newgetopts.pl - a better newgetopt (which is a better getopts which is
;# a better getopt ;-)
;# Mike Muegel (mmuegel@mot.com)
;# mmuegel
;# /usr/local/ustart/src/mail-tools/dist/foo/libs/newgetopts.pl,v 1.1 1993/07/28 08:07:19 mmuegel Exp
;# New_Getopts
;# Does not care about order of switches, options, and arguments like
;# getopts.pl. Thus all non-switches/options will be kept in ARGV even if they
;# are not at the end. If $Pass_Invalid is set all unkown options will be
;# passed back to the caller by keeping them in @ARGV. This is useful when
;# parsing a command line for your script while ignoring options that you
;# may pass to another script. If this is set New_Getopts tries to maintain
;# the switch clustering on the unkown switches.
;# Accepts the special argument -usage to print the Usage string. Also accepts
;# the special option -version which prints the contents of the string
;# $VERSION. $VERSION may or may not have an embeded \n in it. If -usage
;# or -version are specified a status of -1 is returned. Note that the usage
;# option is only accepted if the usage string is not null.
;# $Switches is just like the formal arguemnt of getopts.pl. $Usage is a usage
;# string with or without a trailing \n. *Switch_To_Order is an optional
;# pointer to the name of an associative array which will contain a mapping of
;# switch names to the order in which (if at all) the argument was entered.
;# For example, if @ARGV contains -v, -x, test:
;# $Switch_To_Order {"v"} = 1;
;# $Switch_To_Order {"x"} = 2;
;# Note that in the case of multiple occurances of an option $Switch_To_Order
;# will store each occurance of the argument via a string that emulates
;# an array. This is done by using join ($;, ...). You can retrieve the
;# array by using split (/$;/, ...).
;# *Split_ARGV is an optional pointer to an array which will conatin the
;# original switches along with their values. For the example used above
;# Split_ARGV would contain:
;# @Split_ARGV = ("v", "", "x", "test");
;# Another exciting ;-) feature that newgetopts has. Along with creating the
;# normal $opt_ scalars for the last value of an argument the list @opt_ is
;# created. It is an array which contains all the values of arguments to the
;# basename of the variable. They are stored in the order which they occured
;# on the command line starting with $[. Note that blank arguments are stored
;# as "". Along with providing support for multiple options on the command
;# line this also provides a method of counting the number of times an option
;# was specified via $#opt_.
;# Automatically resets all $opt_, @opt_, %Switch_To_Order, and @Split_ARGV
;# variables so that New_Getopts may be called more than once from within
;# the same program. Thus, if $opt_v is set upon entry to New_Getopts and
;# -v is not in @ARGV $opt_v will not be set upon exit.
;# Arguments:
;# $Switches, $Usage, $Pass_Invalid, *Switch_To_Order, *Split_ARGV
;# Returns:
;# -1, 0, or 1 depending on status (printed Usage/Version, OK, not OK)
sub New_Getopts
X local($taint_argumentative, $Usage, $Pass_Invalid, *Switch_To_Order,
X *Split_ARGV) = @_;
X local(@args,$_,$first,$rest,$errs, @leftovers, @current_leftovers,
X %Switch_Found);
X local($[, $*, $Script_Name, $argumentative);
X # Untaint the argument cluster so that we can use this with taintperl
X $taint_argumentative =~ /^(.*)$/;
X $argumentative = $1;
X # Clear anything that might still be set from a previous New_Getopts
X # call.
X @Split_ARGV = ();
X # Get the basename of the calling script
X ($Script_Name = $0) =~ s/.*\///;
X # Make Usage have a trailing \n
X $Usage .= "\n" if ($Usage !~ /\n$/);
X @args = split( / */, $argumentative );
X # Clear anything that might still be set from a previous New_Getopts call.
X foreach $first (@args)
X {
X next if ($first eq ":");
X delete $Switch_Found {$first};
X delete $Switch_To_Order {$first};
X eval "undef \@opt_$first; undef \$opt_$first;";
X };
X while (@ARGV)
X {
X # Let usage through
X if (($ARGV[0] eq "-usage") && ($Usage ne "\n"))
X {
X print $Usage;
X exit (-1);
X }
X elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-version")
X {
X {
X print $VERSION;
X print "\n" if ($VERSION !~ /\n$/);
X }
X else
X {
X warn "${Script_Name}: no version information available, sorry\n";
X }
X exit (-1);
X }
X elsif (($_ = $ARGV[0]) =~ /^-(.)(.*)/)
X {
X ($first,$rest) = ($1,$2);
X $pos = index($argumentative,$first);
X $Switch_To_Order {$first} = join ($;, split (/$;/, $Switch_To_Order {$first}), ++$Order);
X if($pos >= $[)
X {
X if($args[$pos+1] eq ':')
X {
X shift(@ARGV);
X if($rest eq '')
X {
X $rest = shift(@ARGV);
X }
X eval "\$opt_$first = \$rest;";
X eval "push (\@opt_$first, \$rest);";
X push (@Split_ARGV, $first, $rest);
X }
X else
X {
X eval "\$opt_$first = 1";
X eval "push (\@opt_$first, '');";
X push (@Split_ARGV, $first, "");
X if($rest eq '')
X {
X shift(@ARGV);
X }
X else
X {
X $ARGV[0] = "-$rest";
X }
X }
X }
X else
X {
X # Save any other switches if $Pass_Valid
X if ($Pass_Invalid)
X {
X push (@current_leftovers, $first);
X }
X else
X {
X warn "${Script_Name}: unknown option: $first\n";
X ++$errs;
X };
X if($rest ne '')
X {
X $ARGV[0] = "-$rest";
X }
X else
X {
X shift(@ARGV);
X }
X }
X }
X else
X {
X push (@leftovers, shift (@ARGV));
X };
X # Save any other switches if $Pass_Valid
X if ((@current_leftovers) && ($rest eq ''))
X {
X push (@leftovers, "-" . join ("", @current_leftovers));
X @current_leftovers = ();
X };
X };
X # Automatically print Usage if a warning was given
X @ARGV = @leftovers;
X if ($errs != 0)
X {
X warn $Usage;
X return (0);
X }
X else
X {
X return (1);
X }
chmod 0444 libs/newgetopts.pl ||
echo 'restore of libs/newgetopts.pl failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'libs/newgetopts.pl'`"
test 7024 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
echo 'libs/newgetopts.pl: original size 7024, current size' "$Wc_c"
# ============= libs/strings1.pl ==============
if test -f 'libs/strings1.pl' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
echo 'x - skipping libs/strings1.pl (File already exists)'
echo 'x - extracting libs/strings1.pl (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'libs/strings1.pl' &&
;# strings1.pl - FUN with strings #1
;# I wrote Format_Text_Block when I just started programming Perl so
;# it is probably not very Perlish code. Center is more like it :-).
;# Michael S. Muegel (mmuegel@mot.com)
;# mmuegel
;# /usr/local/ustart/src/mail-tools/dist/foo/libs/strings1.pl,v 1.1 1993/07/28 08:07:19 mmuegel Exp
package strings1;
;###############################################################################;# Center
;# Center $Text assuming the output should be $Columns wide. $Text can span
;# multiple lines, of course :-). Lines within $Text that contain only
;# whitespace are not centered and are instead collapsed. This may save time
;# when printing them later.
;# Arguments:
;# $Text, $Columns
;# Returns:
;# $Centered_Text
sub main'Center
X local ($_, $Columns) = @_;
X local ($*) = 1;
X s@^(.*)$@" " x (($Columns - length ($1)) / 2) . $1@eg;
X s/^[\t ]*$//g;
X return ($_);
;# Format_Text_Block
;# Formats a text string to be printed to the display or other similar device.
;# Text in $String will be fomratted such that the following hold:
;# + $String contains the (possibly) multi-line text to print. It is
;# automatically word-wrapped to fit in $Columns.
;# + \n'd are maintained and are not folded.
;# + $Offset is pre-pended before each separate line of text.
;# + If $Offset_Once is $TRUE $Offset will only appear on the first line.
;# All other lines will be indented to match the amount of whitespace of
;# $Offset.
;# + If $Bullet_Indent is $TRUE $Offset will only be applied to the begining
;# of lines as they occured in the original $String. Lines that are created
;# by this routine will always be indented by blank spaces.
;# + If $Columns is 0 no word-wrap is done. This might be useful to still
;# to offset each line in a buffer.
;# + If $Split_Expr is supplied the string is split on it. If not supplied
;# the string is split on " \t\/\-\,\." by default.
;# + If $Offset_Blank is $TRUE then empty lines will have $Offset pre-pended
;# to them. Otherwise, they will still empty.
;# This is a realy workhorse routine that I use in many places because of its
;# veratility.
;# Arguments:
;# $String, $Offset, $Offset_Once, $Bullet_Indent, $Columns, $Split_Expr,
;# $Offset_Blank
;# Returns:
;# $Buffer
sub main'Format_Text_Block
X local ($String, $Real_Offset, $Offset_Once, $Bullet_Indent, $Columns,
X $Split_Expr, $Offset_Blank) = @_;
X local ($New_Line, $Line, $Chars_Per_Line, $Space_Offset, $Buffer,
X $Next_New_Line, $Num_Lines, $Num_Offsets, $Offset);
X local ($*) = 0;
X local ($BLANK_TAG) = "__FORMAT_BLANK__";
X local ($Blank_Offset) = $Real_Offset if ($Offset_Blank);
X # What should we split on?
X $Split_Expr = " \\t\\/\\-\\,\\." if (! $Split_Expr);
X # Pre-process the string - convert blank lines to __FORMAT_BLANK__ sequence
X $String =~ s/\n\n/\n$BLANK_TAG\n/g;
X $String =~ s/^\n/$BLANK_TAG\n/g;
X $String =~ s/\n$/\n$BLANK_TAG/g;
X # If bad $Columns/$Offset combo or no $Columns make a VERRRYYY wide $Column
X $Offset = $Real_Offset;
X $Chars_Per_Line = 16000 if (($Chars_Per_Line = $Columns - length ($Offset)) <= 0);
X $Space_Offset = " " x length ($Offset);
X # Get a buffer
X foreach $Line (split ("\n", $String))
X {
X $Offset = $Real_Offset if ($Bullet_Indent);
X # Find where to split the line
X if ($Line ne $BLANK_TAG)
X {
X $New_Line = "";
X while ($Line =~ /^([$Split_Expr]*)([^$Split_Expr]+)/)
X {
X if (length ("$New_Line$&") >= $Chars_Per_Line)
X {
X $Next_New_Line = $+;
X $New_Line = "$Offset$New_Line$1";
X $Buffer .= "\n" if ($Num_Lines++);
X $Buffer .= $New_Line;
X $Offset = $Space_Offset if (($Offset) && ($Offset_Once));
X $New_Line = $Next_New_Line;
X ++$Num_Lines;
X }
X else
X {
X $New_Line .= $&;
X };
X $Line = $';
X };
X $Buffer .= "\n" if ($Num_Lines++);
X $Buffer .= "$Offset$New_Line$Line";
X $Offset = $Space_Offset if (($Offset) && ($Offset_Once));
X }
X else
X {
X $Buffer .= "\n$Blank_Offset";
X };
X };
X return ($Buffer);
chmod 0444 libs/strings1.pl ||
echo 'restore of libs/strings1.pl failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'libs/strings1.pl'`"
test 4687 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
echo 'libs/strings1.pl: original size 4687, current size' "$Wc_c"
# ============= libs/timespec.pl ==============
if test -f 'libs/timespec.pl' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
echo 'x - skipping libs/timespec.pl (File already exists)'
echo 'x - extracting libs/timespec.pl (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'libs/timespec.pl' &&
;# timespec.pl - convert a pre-defined time specifyer to seconds
;# Michael S. Muegel (mmuegel@mot.com)
;# mmuegel
;# /usr/local/ustart/src/mail-tools/dist/foo/libs/timespec.pl,v 1.1 1993/07/28 08:07:19 mmuegel Exp
package timespec;
X "m", 60,
X "h", 60 * 60,
X "d", 60 * 60 * 24
X );
$VALID_TIME_SPEC_EXPR = "[" . join ("", keys (%TIME_SPEC_TO_SECONDS)) . "]";
;# Time_Spec_To_Seconds
;# Converts a string of the form:
;# (<number>(s|m|h|d))+
;# to seconds. The second part of the time spec specifies seconds, minutes,
;# hours, or days, respectfully. The first part is the number of those untis.
;# There can be any number of such specifiers. As an example, 1h30m means 1
;# hour and 30 minutes.
;# If the parsing went OK then $Status is 1, $Msg is undefined, and $Seconds
;# is $Time_Spec converted to seconds. If something went wrong then $Status
;# is 0 and $Msg explains what went wrong.
;# Arguments:
;# $Time_Spec
;# Returns:
;# $Status, $Msg, $Seconds
sub main'Time_Spec_To_Seconds
X $Time_Spec = $_[0];
X $Seconds = 0;
X while ($Time_Spec =~ /^(\d+)($VALID_TIME_SPEC_EXPR)/)
X {
X $Seconds += $1 * $TIME_SPEC_TO_SECONDS {$2};
X $Time_Spec = $';
X };
X return (0, "error parsing time spec: $Time_Spec") if ($Time_Spec ne "");
X return (1, "", $Seconds);
chmod 0444 libs/timespec.pl ||
echo 'restore of libs/timespec.pl failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'libs/timespec.pl'`"
test 1609 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
echo 'libs/timespec.pl: original size 1609, current size' "$Wc_c"
# ============= man/cqueue.1 ==============
if test ! -d 'man'; then
echo 'x - creating directory man'
mkdir 'man'
if test -f 'man/cqueue.1' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
echo 'x - skipping man/cqueue.1 (File already exists)'
echo 'x - extracting man/cqueue.1 (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'man/cqueue.1' &&
\" mmuegel
\" /usr/local/ustart/src/mail-tools/dist/foo/man/cqueue.1,v 1.1 1993/07/28 08:08:25 mmuegel Exp
.ds mp \fBcqueue\fR
.de IB
.IP \(bu 2
\*(mp - check sendmail queue for problems
.IP \*(mp 7
[ \fB-abdms\fR ] [ \fB-q\fR \fIqueue-dir\fI ] [ \fB-t\fR \fItime\fR ]
[ \fB-u\fR \fIusers\fR ] [ \fB-w\fR \fIwidth\fR ]
Reports on problems in the sendmail queue. With no options this simply
means listing messages that have been in the queue longer than a default
period along with a summary of queue mail by host and status message.
.IP \fB-a\fR 14
Report on all messages in the queue. This is equivalent to saying \fB-t\fR 0s.
You may like this command so much that you use it as a replacement for
\fBmqueue\fR. For example:
.sp 1
\fBalias mqueue cqueue -a\fR
.IP \fB-b\fR 14
Also report on bogus queue files. Those are files that
have data files and no control files or vice versa.
.IP \fB-d\fR
Print a detailed report of mail messages that have been queued longer than
the specified or default time. Information that is presented includes:
Sendmail queue identifier.
Date the message was first queued.
Sender of the message.
One or more recipients of the message.
An optional status of the message. This usually indicates why the message
has not been delivered.
.IP \fB-m\fR 14
Mail off the results if any problems were found.
Normaly results are printed to stdout. If this option
is specified they are mailed to one or more users. Results
are not printed to stdout in this case. Results are \fBonly\fR
mailed if \*(mp found something wrong.
.IP "\fB-q\fR \fIqueue-dir\fI"
The sendmail mail queue directory. Default is \fB/usr/spool/mqueue\fR or
some other site configured value.
.IP "\fB-t\fR \fItime\fR"
List messages that have been in the queue longer than
\fItime\fR. Time should of the form:
.sp 1
.sp 1
.RS 14
The second portion of the above definition
specifies seconds, minutes, hours, or
days, respectfully. The first portion is the number of
those units. There can be any number of such specifiers.
As an example, 1h30m means 1 hour and 30 minutes.
.sp 1
The default is 2 hours.
.IP \fB-s\fR 14
Print a summary of messages that have been queued longer than
the specified or default time. Two separate types of summaries are printed.
The first summarizes the queue messages by destination host. The host name
is gleaned from the recipient addresses for each message.
Thus the actual host names for this summary should be taken with a grain
of salt since ruleset 0 has not been applied to the address the host was
taken from nor were MX records consulted. It would be possible to add
this; however, the execution time of the script would increase
dramatically. The second summary is by status message.
.IP "\fB-u\fR \fIusers\fR"
Specify list of users to send a mail report to other than
the invoker. This option is only valid when \fB-m\fR has been
specified. Multiple recipients may be separated by spaces.
.IP "\fB-w\fR \fIwidth\fR"
Specify the page width to which the output should tailored. \fIwidth\fR
should be an integer representing some character position. The default is
80 or some other site configured value. Output is folded neatly to match
% \fBdate\fR
Tue Jan 19 12:07:20 CST 1993
% \fBcqueue -t 21h45m -w 70\fR
Summary of messages in queue longer than 21:45:00 by destination
X Number of
X Messages Destination Host
X --------- ----------------
X 2 cigseg.rtsg.mot.com
X 1 mnesouth.corp.mot.com
X ---------
X 3
Summary of messages in queue longer than 21:45:00 by status message:
X Number of
X Messages Status Message
X --------- --------------
X 1 Deferred: Connection refused by mnesouth.corp.mot.com
X 2 Deferred: Host Name Lookup Failure
X ---------
X 3
Detail of messages in queue longer than 21:45:00 sorted by creation
X ID: AA20573
X Date: 02:09:27 PM 01/18/93
X Sender: melrose-place-owner@ferkel.ucsb.edu
X Recipient: pbaker@cigseg.rtsg.mot.com
X Status: Deferred: Host Name Lookup Failure
X ID: AA20757
X Date: 02:11:30 PM 01/18/93
X Sender: 90210-owner@ferkel.ucsb.edu
X Recipient: pbaker@cigseg.rtsg.mot.com
X Status: Deferred: Host Name Lookup Failure
X ID: AA21110
X Date: 02:17:01 PM 01/18/93
X Sender: rd_lap_wg@mdd.comm.mot.com
X Recipient: jim_mathis@mnesouth.corp.mot.com
X Status: Deferred: Connection refused by mnesouth.corp.mot.com
Michael S. Muegel (mmuegel@mot.com)
UNIX Applications Startup Group
Corporate Information Office, Schaumburg, IL
Motorola, Inc.
Copyright 1993, Motorola, Inc.
.sp 1
Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute without charge this
software, documentation, etc. is granted, provided that this
comment and the author's name is retained. The author nor Motorola assume any
responsibility for problems resulting from the use of this software.
\fISendmail Installation and Operation Guide\fR.
chmod 0444 man/cqueue.1 ||
echo 'restore of man/cqueue.1 failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'man/cqueue.1'`"
test 5212 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
echo 'man/cqueue.1: original size 5212, current size' "$Wc_c"
# ============= man/postclip.1 ==============
if test -f 'man/postclip.1' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
echo 'x - skipping man/postclip.1 (File already exists)'
echo 'x - extracting man/postclip.1 (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'man/postclip.1' &&
\" mmuegel
\" /usr/local/ustart/src/mail-tools/dist/foo/man/postclip.1,v 1.1 1993/07/28 08:08:25 mmuegel Exp
.ds mp \fBpostclip\fR
\*(mp - send only the headers to Postmaster
\*(mp [ \fB-v\fR ] [ \fIto\fR ... ]
\*(mp will forward non-delivery reports to a postmaster after deleting the body
of the message. This keeps bounced mail private and helps to avoid disk space problems. \*(mp tries its best to keep as much of the header trail as possible.
Hopefully only the original body of the message will be filtered. Only messages
that have a subject that begins with 'Returned mail:' are filtered. This
ensures that other mail is not accidently mucked with. Finally, note that
\fBsendmail\fR is used to deliver the message after it has been (possibly)
filtered. All of the original headers will remain intact.
.sp 1
You can use this with any \fBsendmail\fR by modifying the Postmaster alias.
If you use IDA \fBsendmail\fR you could add the following to <machine>.m4:
.sp 1
define(POSTMASTERBOUNCE, mailer-errors)
.sp 1
In the aliases file, add a line similar to the following:
.sp 1
mailer-errors: "|/usr/local/bin/postclip postmaster"
.IP \fB-v\fR
Be verbose about delivery. Probably only useful when debugging \*(mp.
.IP \fIto\fR
A list of one or more e-mail ids to send the modified
Postmaster messages to. If none are specified postmaster
is used.
Michael S. Muegel (mmuegel@mot.com)
UNIX Applications Startup Group
Corporate Information Office, Schaumburg, IL
Motorola, Inc.
The original idea to filter Postmaster mail was taken from a script by
Christopher Davis <ckd@eff.org>.
Copyright 1992, Motorola, Inc.
.sp 1
Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute without charge this
software, documentation, etc. is granted, provided that this
comment and the author's name is retained. The author nor Motorola assume any
responsibility for problems resulting from the use of this software.
chmod 0444 man/postclip.1 ||
echo 'restore of man/postclip.1 failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'man/postclip.1'`"
test 2078 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
echo 'man/postclip.1: original size 2078, current size' "$Wc_c"
# ============= src/cqueue ==============
if test ! -d 'src'; then
echo 'x - creating directory src'
mkdir 'src'
if test -f 'src/cqueue' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
echo 'x - skipping src/cqueue (File already exists)'
echo 'x - extracting src/cqueue (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'src/cqueue' &&
# cqueue - check sendmail queue for problems
# Type cqueue -usage
# Michael S. Muegel <mmuegel@mot.com>
# mmuegel
# /usr/local/ustart/src/mail-tools/dist/foo/src/cqueue,v 1.1 1993/07/28 08:09:02 mmuegel Exp
# So that date.pl does not yell (Domain/OS version does a ``)
$ENV{'PATH'} = "";
# A better getopts routine
require "newgetopts.pl";
require "timespec.pl";
require "mail.pl";
require "date.pl";
require "mqueue.pl";
require "strings1.pl";
require "elapsed.pl";
($Script_Name = $0) =~ s/.*\///;
# Some defaults you may want to change
$DEF_TIME = "2h";
$DEF_QUEUE = "/usr/spool/mqueue";
$DATE_FORMAT = "%r %D";
# Constants that probably should not be changed
$USAGE = "Usage: $Script_Name [ -abdms ] [ -q queue-dir ] [ -t time ] [ -u user ] [ -w width ]\n";
$VERSION = "${Script_Name} by mmuegel; 1.1 of 1993/07/28 08:09:02";
$SWITCHES = "abdmst:u:q:w:";
$SPLIT_EXPR = '\s,\.@!%:';
$ADDR_PART_EXPR = '[^!@%]+';
# Let getopts parse for switches
$Status = &New_Getopts ($SWITCHES, $USAGE);
exit (0) if ($Status == -1);
exit (1) if (! $Status);
# Check args
die "${Script_Name}: -u only valid with -m\n" if (($opt_u) && (! $opt_m));
die "${Script_Name}: -a not valid with -t option\n" if ($opt_a && $opt_t);
$opt_u = getlogin || (getpwuid ($<))[0] || $ENV{"USER"} || die "${Script_Name}: can not determine who you are!\n" if (! $opt_u);
# Set defaults
$opt_t = "0s" if ($opt_a);
$opt_t = $DEF_TIME if ($opt_t eq "");
$opt_w = $DEF_COLUMNS if ($opt_w eq "");
$opt_q = $DEF_QUEUE if ($opt_q eq "");
$opt_s = $opt_d = 1 if (! ($opt_s || $opt_d));
# Untaint the users to mail to
$opt_u =~ /^(.*)$/;
$Users = $1;
# Convert time option to seconds and seconds to elapsed form
die "${Script_Name}: $Msg\n" if (! (($Status, $Msg, $Seconds) = &Time_Spec_To_Seconds ($opt_t))[0]);
$Elapsed = &Seconds_To_Elapsed ($Seconds, 1);
$Time_Info = " longer than $Elapsed" if ($Seconds);
# Get the current time
$Current_Time = time;
$Current_Date = &date ($Current_Time, $DATE_FORMAT);
($Status, $Msg, @Queue_IDs) = &Get_Queue_IDs ($opt_q, 1, @Missing_Control_IDs,
X @Missing_Data_IDs);
die "$Script_Name: $Msg\n" if (! $Status);
# Yell about missing data/control files?
if ($opt_b)
X $Report = "\nMessages missing control files:\n\n " .
X join ("\n ", @Missing_Control_IDs) .
X "\n"
X if (@Missing_Control_IDs);
X $Report .= "\nMessages missing data files:\n\n " .
X join ("\n ", @Missing_Data_IDs) .
X "\n"
X if (@Missing_Data_IDs);
# See if any mail messages are older than $Seconds
foreach $Queue_ID (@Queue_IDs)
X # Get lots of info about this sendmail message via the control file
X ($Status, $Msg) = &Parse_Control_File ($opt_q, $Queue_ID, *Sender,
X *Recipients, *Errors_To, *Creation_Time, *Priority, *Status_Message,
X *Headers);
X next if ($Status == -1);
X if (! $Status)
X {
X warn "$Script_Name: $Queue_ID: $Msg\n";
X next;
X };
X # Report on message if it is older than $Seconds
X if ($Current_Time - $Creation_Time >= $Seconds)
X {
X # Build summary by host information. Keep track of each host destination
X # encountered.
X if ($opt_s)
X {
X %Host_Map = ();
X foreach (@Recipients)
X {
X {
X ($Host = $1) =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
X $Host_Map {$Host} = 1;
X }
X else
X {
X warn "$Script_Name: could not find host part from $_; contact author\n";
X };
X };
X # For each unique target host add to its stats
X grep ($Host_Queued {$_}++, keys (%Host_Map));
X # Build summary by message information.
X $Message_Queued {$Status_Message}++ if ($Status_Message);
X };
X # Build long report information for this creation time (there may be
X # more than one message created at the same time)
X if ($opt_d)
X {
X $Creation_Date = &date ($Creation_Time, $DATE_FORMAT);
X $Recipient_Info = &Format_Text_Block (join (", ", @Recipients),
X " Recipient: ", 1, 0, $opt_w, $SPLIT_EXPR);
X $Time_To_Report {$Creation_Time} .= <<"EOS";
X ID: $Queue_ID
X Date: $Creation_Date
X Sender: $Sender
X # Add the status message if available to long report
X if ($Status_Message)
X {
X $Time_To_Report {$Creation_Time} .= &Format_Text_Block ($Status_Message,
X " Status: ", 1, 0, $opt_w, $SPLIT_EXPR) . "\n";
X };
X };
X };
# Add the summary report by target host?
if ($opt_s)
X foreach $Host (sort (keys (%Host_Queued)))
X {
X $Host_Report .= &Format_Text_Block ($Host,
X sprintf (" %-9d ", $Host_Queued{$Host}), 1, 0, $opt_w,
X $SPLIT_EXPR) . "\n";
X $Num_Hosts += $Host_Queued{$Host};
X };
X if ($Host_Report)
X {
X chop ($Host_Report);
X $Report .= &Format_Text_Block("\nSummary of messages in queue$Time_Info by destination host:\n", "", 0, 0, $opt_w);
X $Report .= <<"EOS";
X Number of
X Messages Destination Host
X --------- ----------------
X ---------
X $Num_Hosts
X };
# Add the summary by message report?
if ($opt_s)
X foreach $Message (sort (keys (%Message_Queued)))
X {
X $Message_Report .= &Format_Text_Block ($Message,
X sprintf (" %-9d ", $Message_Queued{$Message}), 1, 0, $opt_w,
X $SPLIT_EXPR) . "\n";
X $Num_Messages += $Message_Queued{$Message};
X };
X if ($Message_Report)
X {
X chop ($Message_Report);
X $Report .= &Format_Text_Block ("\nSummary of messages in queue$Time_Info by status message:\n", "", 0, 0, $opt_w);
X $Report .= <<"EOS";
X Number of
X Messages Status Message
X --------- --------------
X ---------
X $Num_Messages
X };
# Add the detailed message reports?
if ($opt_d)
X foreach $Time (sort { $a <=> $b} (keys (%Time_To_Report)))
X {
X $Report .= &Format_Text_Block ("\nDetail of messages in queue$Time_Info sorted by creation date:\n","", 0, 0, $opt_w) if (! $Detailed_Header++);
X $Report .= $Time_To_Report {$Time};
X };
# Now mail or print the report
if ($Report)
X $Report .= "\n";
X if ($opt_m)
X {
X ($Status, $Msg) = &Send_Mail ($Users, "sendmail queue report for $Current_Date", $Report, 0);
X die "${Script_Name}: $Msg" if (! $Status);
X }
X else
X {
X print $Report;
X };
# I am outta here...
exit (0);
chmod 0555 src/cqueue ||
echo 'restore of src/cqueue failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'src/cqueue'`"
test 6647 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
echo 'src/cqueue: original size 6647, current size' "$Wc_c"
# ============= src/postclip ==============
if test -f 'src/postclip' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
echo 'x - skipping src/postclip (File already exists)'
echo 'x - extracting src/postclip (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'src/postclip' &&
# postclip - send only the headers to Postmaster
# postclip [ -v ] [ to ... ]
# Michael S. Muegel <mmuegel@mot.com>
# /usr/local/ustart/src/mail-tools/dist/foo/src/postclip,v
# 1.1 of 1993/07/28 08:09:02
# We use this to send off the mail
require "newgetopts.pl";
require "mail.pl";
# Get the basename of the script
($Script_Name = $0) =~ s/.*\///;
# Some famous constants
$USAGE = "Usage: $Script_Name [ -v ] [ to ... ]\n";
$VERSION = "${Script_Name} by mmuegel; 1.1 of 1993/07/28 08:09:02";
$SWITCHES = "v";
# Let getopts parse for switches
$Status = &New_Getopts ($SWITCHES, $USAGE);
exit (0) if ($Status == -1);
exit (1) if (! $Status);
# Who should we send the modified mail to?
@ARGV = ("postmaster") if (! @ARGV);
$Users = join (" ", @ARGV);
@ARGV = ();
# Suck in the original header and save a few interesting lines
while (<>)
X $Buffer .= $_ if (! /^From /);
X $Subject = $1 if (/^Subject:\s+(.*)$/);
X $From = $1 if (/^From:\s+(.*)$/);
X last if (/^$/);
# Do not filter the message unless it has a subject and the subject indicates
# it is an NDN
if ($Subject && ($Subject =~ /^returned mail/i))
X # Slurp input by paragraph. Keep track of the last time we saw what
X # appeared to be NDN text. We keep this.
X $/ = "\n\n";
X $* = 1;
X while (<>)
X {
X push (@Paragraphs, $_);
X $Last_Error_Para = $#Paragraphs
X if (/unsent message follows/i || /was not delivered because/);
X };
X # Now save the NDN text into $Buffer
X $Buffer .= join ("", @Paragraphs [0..$Last_Error_Para]);
X undef $/;
X $Buffer .= <>;
# Send off the (possibly) modified mail
($Status, $Msg) = &Send_Mail ($Users, "", $Buffer, 0, $opt_v, 1);
die "$Script_Name: $Msg\n" if (! $Status);
chmod 0555 src/postclip ||
echo 'restore of src/postclip failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'src/postclip'`"
test 1836 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
echo 'src/postclip: original size 1836, current size' "$Wc_c"
exit 0
| Michael S. Muegel | Internet E-Mail: mmuegel@mot.com |
| UNIX Applications Startup Group | Moto Dist E-Mail: X10090 |
| Corporate Information Office | Voice: (708) 576-0507 |
| Motorola | Fax: (708) 576-4153 |
"I'm disturbed, I'm depressed, I'm inadequate -- I've got it all!"
-- George from _Seinfeld_