313 lines
22 KiB
313 lines
22 KiB
The following are examples of the results of running js_calls.d
A JavaScript program that behaves like a clock is frequently used by these
examples, since it can be left running in the background without browser
input. Browser input, such as hitting the reload button or using menus,
triggers many other JavaScript events since much of the browser uses
With Code/JavaScript/func_clock.html loaded, we trace one second of activity:
# js_calls.d
Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.
func_clock.html exec . 1
func_clock.html func func_a 1
func_clock.html func func_b 1
func_clock.html func func_c 1
func_clock.html func setTimeout 1
func_clock.html func start 1
func_clock.html obj-new Date 1
func_clock.html func getElementById 4
This shows the type of calls made, 1 exec, one obj-new, several func; a more
descriptive name of each call; and a count of how many times a particular call
was made.
The following demonstrates what happens when a different program -
Code/JavaScript/func_slow.html is reloaded by hitting the reload button on the
browser. Apart from the func_slow.html JavaScript events, all those events
from the browser caused by moving the mouse pointer over the screen etc. have
been traced as well.
# js_calls.d
Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.
<null> obj-free BarProp 1
<null> obj-free CSSStyleDeclaration 1
<null> obj-free Global Scope Polluter 1
<null> obj-free HTMLCollection 1
<null> obj-free HTMLDocument 1
<null> obj-free HTMLHtmlElement 1
<null> obj-free KeyboardEvent 1
<null> obj-free Location 1
<null> obj-free NodeList 1
<null> obj-free StyleSheetList 1
<null> obj-free TreeSelection 1
<null> obj-free Window 1
<null> obj-free XULCommandDispatcher 1
<null> obj-free chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbar.xml#scrollbar 8c35ec2 1
<null> obj-free nsXPCComponents_Classes 1
<null> obj-free xpcTempGlobalClass 1
<null> obj-new BarProp 1
<null> obj-new CSSStyleDeclaration 1
<null> obj-new Global Scope Polluter 1
<null> obj-new HTMLCollection 1
<null> obj-new HTMLDocument 1
<null> obj-new HTMLHtmlElement 1
<null> obj-new KeyboardEvent 1
<null> obj-new NodeList 1
<null> obj-new StyleSheetList 1
<null> obj-new TreeSelection 1
<null> obj-new Window 1
<null> obj-new XULCommandDispatcher 1
<null> obj-new chrome://global/content/bindings/popup.xml#popup 8befc22 1
<null> obj-new chrome://global/content/bindings/popup.xml#popup 8befcea 1
<null> obj-new chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbar.xml#scrollbar 8ce1c1a 1
<null> obj-new nsXPCComponents_Classes 1
<null> obj-new xpcTempGlobalClass 1
autocomplete.xml func apply 1
autocomplete.xml func attachController 1
autocomplete.xml func detachController 1
autocomplete.xml func fireEvent 1
autocomplete.xml func getPreventDefault 1
autocomplete.xml func handleEnter 1
autocomplete.xml func onKeyPress 1
autocomplete.xml obj-new Object 1
browser.js func BrowserLoadURL 1
browser.js func SetPageProxyState 1
browser.js func URLBarFocusHandler 1
browser.js func UpdateBackForwardButtons 1
browser.js func addEventListener 1
browser.js func addToUrlbarHistory 1
browser.js func canonizeUrl 1
browser.js func charsetLoadListener 1
browser.js func checkForDirectoryListing 1
browser.js func contentAreaClick 1
browser.js func createExposableURI 1
browser.js func createFixupURI 1
browser.js func getShortcutOrURI 1
browser.js func getWebNavigation 1
browser.js func handleURLBarCommand 1
browser.js func isSuccessCode 1
browser.js func markPageAsTyped 1
browser.js func resolveKeyword 1
browser.js func search 1
browser.js func test 1
browser.js func updateLastVisitedDate 1
browser.js obj-new Object 1
browser.js obj-new XPC_WN_NoMods_Proto_JSClass 1
browser.js obj-new nsJSCID 1
browser.xml func attachFormFill 1
browser.xml func getAttribute 1
browser.xml func getBoolPref 1
consoleAPI.js obj-new Call 1
findBar.js func getElementById 1
firebug.js func addEventListener 1
firebug.js obj-new Constructor 1
firebug.js obj-new Location 1
firebug.js obj-new Object 1
firebug.js obj-new XPC_WN_ModsAllowed_Proto_JSClass 1
func_slow.html exec . 1
func_slow.html func func_a 1
func_slow.html func func_b 1
func_slow.html func func_c 1
func_slow.html obj-new Function 1
preferences.js obj-new nsJSCID 1
reporterOverlay.js func getElementById 1
reporterOverlay.js func setAttribute 1
tabbox.xml func getAttribute 1
tabbrowser.xml func QueryInterface 1
tabbrowser.xml func getAnonymousElementByAttribute 1
tabbrowser.xml func getBrowserIndexForDocument 1
tabbrowser.xml func indexOf 1
tabbrowser.xml func push 1
tabbrowser.xml func setIcon 1
tabbrowser.xml func setTabTitle 1
tabbrowser.xml func shouldLoadFavIcon 1
tabbrowser.xml func updateTitlebar 1
tabbrowser.xml func useDefaultIcon 1
tabbrowser.xml obj-new Array 1
tabbrowser.xml obj-new String 1
textbox.xml func hasAttribute 1
textbox.xml func setAttribute 1
webdeveloper.js func getAttribute 1
webdeveloper.js func hasAttribute 1
webdeveloper.js func toLowerCase 1
webdeveloper.js func webdeveloper_changeOptions 1
webdeveloper.js func webdeveloper_configureElement 1
webdeveloper.js func webdeveloper_openToolbarButton 1
webdeveloper.js func webdeveloper_updateMetaRedirects 1
webdeveloper.js func webdeveloper_updateRenderMode 1
webdeveloper.js obj-new Array 1
webdeveloper.js obj-new String 1
<null> obj-free BoxObject 2
<null> obj-free HTMLBodyElement 2
<null> obj-free JSOptions 2
<null> obj-free JavaArray 2
<null> obj-free JavaClass 2
<null> obj-free JavaMember 2
<null> obj-free JavaObject 2
<null> obj-free PageTransitionEvent 2
<null> obj-free nsJSCID 2
<null> obj-new BoxObject 2
<null> obj-new HTMLBodyElement 2
<null> obj-new JSOptions 2
<null> obj-new JavaArray 2
<null> obj-new JavaClass 2
<null> obj-new JavaMember 2
<null> obj-new JavaObject 2
<null> obj-new PageTransitionEvent 2
autocomplete.xml func ensureRowIsVisible 2
autocomplete.xml func initSearchNames 2
autocomplete.xml func select 2
autocomplete.xml obj-new Function 2
browser.js func PageProxyClearIcon 2
browser.js func PageProxySetIcon 2
browser.js func URLBarClickHandler 2
browser.js func URLBarMouseDownHandler 2
browser.js func XPCNativeWrapper function wrapper 2
browser.js func getService 2
browser.js func loadURI 2
browser.js func notifyObservers 2
css.js func <null> 2
dom.js func <null> 2
events.js func <null> 2
firebug.js func appendChild 2
firebug.js obj-new XPC_WN_NoMods_Proto_JSClass 2
general.xml func getAttribute 2
layout.js func <null> 2
preferences.js func webdeveloper_getStringPreference 2
progressmeter.xml func createEvent 2
progressmeter.xml func dispatchEvent 2
progressmeter.xml func initEvent 2
progressmeter.xml func setAttribute 2
reporterOverlay.js obj-new Function 2
scrollbar.xml func indexOf 2
source.js func <null> 2
style.js func <null> 2
tabbox.xml func setAttribute 2
tabbrowser.xml func getBoolPref 2
tabbrowser.xml func getBrowserAtIndex 2
tabbrowser.xml func schemeIs 2
tabbrowser.xml func setAttribute 2
textbox.xml func setSelectionRange 2
toolbar.xml func updateStatusText 2
tree.xml obj-new Function 2
webdeveloper.js func getElementsByTagName 2
webdeveloper.js func removeAttribute 2
<null> obj-free DOM Constructor.prototype 3
<null> obj-free With 3
<null> obj-free nsXPCComponents 3
<null> obj-new Array 3
<null> obj-new DOM Constructor.prototype 3
<null> obj-new With 3
<null> obj-new XPC_WN_NoMods_Proto_JSClass 3
<null> obj-new nsXPCComponents 3
autocomplete.xml func getAttribute 3
browser.js func QueryInterface 3
func_slow.html func write 3
globalOverlay.js obj-new Function 3
progressmeter.xml func getAttribute 3
progressmeter.xml func round 3
scrollbar.xml obj-new String 3
tabbrowser.xml func <null> 3
tabbrowser.xml func hasAttribute 3
tabbrowser.xml func updateIcon 3
text.xml func setAttribute 3
textbox.xml func removeAttribute 3
utils.js func join 3
utils.js func splice 3
utils.js func toLowerCase 3
utils.js obj-new Array 3
utils.js obj-new String 3
autocomplete.xml func closePopup 4
browser.js func indexOf 4
browser.js obj-new Call 4
browser.xml func getInterface 4
preferences.js func webdeveloper_getBooleanPreference 4
tabbrowser.xml func getAttribute 4
tabbrowser.xml func removeAttribute 4
utilityOverlay.js func goUpdateGlobalEditMenuItems 4
utils.js func isElement 4
<null> obj-free Call 5
view.js func <null> 5
<null> obj-free XPCNativeWrapper 6
<null> obj-free XPC_WN_NoMods_Proto_JSClass 6
<null> obj-new XPCNativeWrapper 6
XStringBundle func GetStringFromName 6
XStringBundle func getString 6
autocomplete.xml func createEvent 6
autocomplete.xml func dispatchEvent 6
autocomplete.xml func initEvent 6
browser.js func getBrowser 6
browser.js func setTimeout 6
browser.js obj-new String 6
preferences.js func getBranch 6
preferences.js func getService 6
preferences.js func prefHasUserValue 6
preferences.js func webdeveloper_isPreferenceSet 6
tabbrowser.xml func getBrowserForTab 6
utils.js func <null> 6
webdeveloper.js obj-new Function 6
<null> obj-new Object 7
firebug.js func removeAttribute 7
tabbrowser.xml obj-new Function 7
tree.xml func QueryInterface 7
<null> obj-free Array 8
browser.js func hasAttribute 8
globalOverlay.js func removeAttribute 8
reporterOverlay.js func <null> 8
browser.js func getElementById 9
browser.js func setAttribute 9
browser.xml obj-new Function 9
webdeveloper.js func getElementById 9
<null> obj-free Constructor 10
<null> obj-free Object 10
<null> obj-free XPC_WN_ModsAllowed_Proto_JSClass 10
<null> obj-new Constructor 10
<null> obj-new XPC_WN_ModsAllowed_Proto_JSClass 10
browser.js func removeAttribute 10
firebug.js obj-new Function 10
text.xml obj-new String 12
webdeveloper.js func item 14
firebug.js func getElementById 15
<null> obj-free XULElement 16
button.xml func hasAttribute 16
<null> obj-free Event 17
browser.js func <null> 17
<null> obj-new Event 18
text.xml func getAttribute 19
firebug.js func getAttribute 20
globalOverlay.js func setAttribute 20
<null> obj-free MouseEvent 22
<null> obj-new MouseEvent 22
globalOverlay.js func isCommandEnabled 22
webdeveloper.js func setAttribute 22
<null> obj-free String 26
firebug.js func setAttribute 26
<null> obj-free RegExp 28
<null> obj-new RegExp 28
globalOverlay.js func getControllerForCommand 28
globalOverlay.js func getElementById 28
globalOverlay.js func goSetCommandEnabled 28
globalOverlay.js func goUpdateCommand 28
text.xml func test 28
browser.js obj-new Function 30
<null> obj-free XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper 32
<null> obj-new XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper 32
consoleAPI.js obj-new Function 33
browser.xml func QueryInterface 38
<null> obj-free JavaPackage 41
<null> obj-new JavaPackage 41
scrollbar.xml obj-new Function 61
firebug.js func <null> 62
text.xml exec . 84
<null> obj-new XULElement 85
<null> obj-new Function 172
<null> obj-free Function 310