Jung-uk Kim f622545b79 Enable devcryptoeng for OpenSSL.
Since OpenSSL 1.1.1, the good old BSD-specific cryptodev engine has been
deprecated in favor of this new engine.  However, this engine is not
throughly tested on FreeBSD because it was originally written for Linux.


Also, the author actually meant to enable it by default on BSD platforms but
he failed to do so because there was a bug in the Configure script.


Now they found that it was more generic issue.


Therefore, we need to enable this engine on head to give it more exposure.
2018-12-12 21:56:47 +00:00

535 lines
15 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
SUBDIR= engines
.include <bsd.own.mk>
LIB= crypto
VERSION_MAP= ${.CURDIR}/Version.map
.if exists(Makefile.man)
.include "Makefile.man"
.include "Makefile.inc"
SRCS= cpt_err.c cryptlib.c ctype.c cversion.c ex_data.c getenv.c init.c
SRCS+= mem.c mem_dbg.c mem_sec.c o_dir.c o_fips.c o_fopen.c o_init.c
SRCS+= o_str.c o_time.c threads_pthread.c uid.c
.if defined(ASM_aarch64)
SRCS+= arm64cpuid.S armcap.c
ACFLAGS.arm64cpuid.S= -march=armv8-a+crypto
.elif defined(ASM_amd64)
SRCS+= x86_64cpuid.S
.elif defined(ASM_arm)
SRCS+= armv4cpuid.S armcap.c
.elif defined(ASM_i386)
SRCS+= x86cpuid.S
SRCS+= mem_clr.c
# aes
SRCS+= aes_cfb.c aes_ecb.c aes_ige.c aes_misc.c aes_ofb.c aes_wrap.c
.if defined(ASM_aarch64)
SRCS+= aes_cbc.c aes_core.c aesv8-armx.S vpaes-armv8.S
ACFLAGS.aesv8-armx.S= -march=armv8-a+crypto
.elif defined(ASM_amd64)
SRCS+= aes-x86_64.S aesni-mb-x86_64.S aesni-sha1-x86_64.S
SRCS+= aesni-sha256-x86_64.S aesni-x86_64.S bsaes-x86_64.S vpaes-x86_64.S
.elif defined(ASM_arm)
SRCS+= aes-armv4.S aes_cbc.c aesv8-armx.S bsaes-armv7.S
.elif defined(ASM_i386)
SRCS+= aes-586.S aesni-x86.S vpaes-x86.S
SRCS+= aes_cbc.c aes_core.c
# aria
SRCS+= aria.c
# asn1
SRCS+= a_bitstr.c a_d2i_fp.c a_digest.c a_dup.c a_gentm.c a_i2d_fp.c
SRCS+= a_int.c a_mbstr.c a_object.c a_octet.c a_print.c a_sign.c a_strex.c
SRCS+= a_strnid.c a_time.c a_type.c a_utctm.c a_utf8.c a_verify.c
SRCS+= ameth_lib.c asn1_err.c asn1_gen.c asn1_item_list.c asn1_lib.c
SRCS+= asn1_par.c asn_mime.c asn_moid.c asn_mstbl.c asn_pack.c bio_asn1.c
SRCS+= bio_ndef.c d2i_pr.c d2i_pu.c evp_asn1.c f_int.c f_string.c i2d_pr.c
SRCS+= i2d_pu.c n_pkey.c nsseq.c p5_pbe.c p5_pbev2.c p5_scrypt.c p8_pkey.c
SRCS+= t_bitst.c t_pkey.c t_spki.c tasn_dec.c tasn_enc.c tasn_fre.c
SRCS+= tasn_new.c tasn_prn.c tasn_scn.c tasn_typ.c tasn_utl.c x_algor.c
SRCS+= x_bignum.c x_info.c x_int64.c x_long.c x_pkey.c x_sig.c x_spki.c
SRCS+= x_val.c
# async
SRCS+= async.c async_err.c async_posix.c async_wait.c
# bf
SRCS+= bf_cfb64.c bf_ecb.c bf_ofb64.c bf_skey.c
.if defined(ASM_i386)
SRCS+= bf-586.S
SRCS+= bf_enc.c
# bio
SRCS+= b_addr.c b_dump.c b_print.c b_sock.c b_sock2.c bf_buff.c bf_lbuf.c
SRCS+= bf_nbio.c bf_null.c bio_cb.c bio_err.c bio_lib.c bio_meth.c
SRCS+= bss_acpt.c bss_bio.c bss_conn.c bss_dgram.c bss_fd.c bss_file.c
SRCS+= bss_log.c bss_mem.c bss_null.c bss_sock.c
# blake2
SRCS+= blake2b.c blake2s.c m_blake2b.c m_blake2s.c
# bn
SRCS+= bn_add.c bn_blind.c bn_const.c bn_ctx.c bn_depr.c bn_dh.c bn_div.c
SRCS+= bn_err.c bn_exp.c bn_exp2.c bn_gcd.c bn_gf2m.c bn_intern.c bn_kron.c
SRCS+= bn_lib.c bn_mod.c bn_mont.c bn_mpi.c bn_mul.c bn_nist.c bn_prime.c
SRCS+= bn_print.c bn_rand.c bn_recp.c bn_shift.c bn_sqr.c bn_sqrt.c
SRCS+= bn_srp.c bn_word.c bn_x931p.c
.if defined(ASM_aarch64)
SRCS+= armv8-mont.S bn_asm.c
.elif defined(ASM_amd64)
SRCS+= rsaz-avx2.S rsaz-x86_64.S rsaz_exp.c x86_64-gcc.c x86_64-gf2m.S
SRCS+= x86_64-mont.S x86_64-mont5.S
.elif defined(ASM_arm)
SRCS+= armv4-gf2m.S armv4-mont.S bn_asm.c
.elif defined(ASM_i386)
SRCS+= bn-586.S co-586.S x86-gf2m.S x86-mont.S
SRCS+= bn_asm.c
# buffer
SRCS+= buf_err.c buffer.c
# camellia
SRCS+= cmll_cfb.c cmll_ctr.c cmll_ecb.c cmll_ofb.c
.if defined(ASM_amd64)
SRCS+= cmll-x86_64.S cmll_misc.c
.elif defined(ASM_i386)
SRCS+= cmll-x86.S
SRCS+= camellia.c cmll_cbc.c cmll_misc.c
# cast
SRCS+= c_cfb64.c c_ecb.c c_enc.c c_ofb64.c c_skey.c
# chacha
.if defined(ASM_aarch64)
SRCS+= chacha-armv8.S
.elif defined(ASM_amd64)
SRCS+= chacha-x86_64.S
.elif defined(ASM_arm)
SRCS+= chacha-armv4.S
.elif defined(ASM_i386)
SRCS+= chacha-x86.S
SRCS+= chacha_enc.c
# cmac
SRCS+= cm_ameth.c cm_pmeth.c cmac.c
# cms
SRCS+= cms_asn1.c cms_att.c cms_dd.c cms_enc.c cms_env.c cms_err.c
SRCS+= cms_ess.c cms_io.c cms_kari.c cms_lib.c cms_pwri.c cms_sd.c
SRCS+= cms_smime.c
# comp
SRCS+= c_zlib.c comp_err.c comp_lib.c
# conf
SRCS+= conf_api.c conf_def.c conf_err.c conf_lib.c conf_mall.c conf_mod.c
SRCS+= conf_sap.c conf_ssl.c
# ct
SRCS+= ct_b64.c ct_err.c ct_log.c ct_oct.c ct_policy.c ct_prn.c ct_sct.c
SRCS+= ct_sct_ctx.c ct_vfy.c ct_x509v3.c
# des
SRCS+= cbc_cksm.c cbc_enc.c cfb64ede.c cfb64enc.c cfb_enc.c ecb3_enc.c
SRCS+= ecb_enc.c fcrypt.c ofb64ede.c ofb64enc.c ofb_enc.c pcbc_enc.c
SRCS+= qud_cksm.c rand_key.c set_key.c str2key.c xcbc_enc.c
.if defined(ASM_i386)
SRCS+= crypt586.S des-586.S
SRCS+= des_enc.c fcrypt_b.c
# dh
SRCS+= dh_ameth.c dh_asn1.c dh_check.c dh_depr.c dh_err.c dh_gen.c dh_kdf.c
SRCS+= dh_key.c dh_lib.c dh_meth.c dh_pmeth.c dh_prn.c dh_rfc5114.c
SRCS+= dh_rfc7919.c
# dsa
SRCS+= dsa_ameth.c dsa_asn1.c dsa_depr.c dsa_err.c dsa_gen.c dsa_key.c
SRCS+= dsa_lib.c dsa_meth.c dsa_ossl.c dsa_pmeth.c dsa_prn.c dsa_sign.c
SRCS+= dsa_vrf.c
# dso
SRCS+= dso_dlfcn.c dso_err.c dso_lib.c
# ec
SRCS+= curve25519.c curve448.c curve448_tables.c ec2_oct.c ec2_smpl.c
SRCS+= ec_ameth.c ec_asn1.c ec_check.c ec_curve.c ec_cvt.c ec_err.c
SRCS+= ec_key.c ec_kmeth.c ec_lib.c ec_mult.c ec_oct.c ec_pmeth.c
SRCS+= ec_print.c ecdh_kdf.c ecdh_ossl.c ecdsa_ossl.c ecdsa_sign.c
SRCS+= ecdsa_vrf.c eck_prn.c ecp_mont.c ecp_nist.c ecp_oct.c ecp_smpl.c
SRCS+= ecx_meth.c eddsa.c f_generic.c f_impl.c scalar.c
.if defined(ASM_aarch64)
SRCS+= ecp_nistz256-armv8.S ecp_nistz256.c
.elif defined(ASM_amd64)
SRCS+= ecp_nistz256-x86_64.S ecp_nistz256.c x25519-x86_64.S
.elif defined(ASM_arm)
SRCS+= ecp_nistz256-armv4.S ecp_nistz256.c
.elif defined(ASM_i386)
SRCS+= ecp_nistz256-x86.S ecp_nistz256.c
# engine
SRCS+= eng_all.c eng_cnf.c eng_ctrl.c eng_devcrypto.c eng_dyn.c eng_err.c
SRCS+= eng_fat.c eng_init.c eng_lib.c eng_list.c eng_openssl.c eng_pkey.c
SRCS+= eng_rdrand.c eng_table.c tb_asnmth.c tb_cipher.c tb_dh.c tb_digest.c
SRCS+= tb_dsa.c tb_eckey.c tb_pkmeth.c tb_rand.c tb_rsa.c
# err
SRCS+= err.c err_all.c err_prn.c
# evp
SRCS+= bio_b64.c bio_enc.c bio_md.c bio_ok.c c_allc.c c_alld.c cmeth_lib.c
SRCS+= digest.c e_aes.c e_aes_cbc_hmac_sha1.c e_aes_cbc_hmac_sha256.c
SRCS+= e_aria.c e_bf.c e_camellia.c e_cast.c e_chacha20_poly1305.c e_des.c
SRCS+= e_des3.c e_idea.c e_null.c e_old.c e_rc2.c e_rc4.c e_rc4_hmac_md5.c
SRCS+= e_rc5.c e_seed.c e_sm4.c e_xcbc_d.c encode.c evp_cnf.c evp_enc.c
SRCS+= evp_err.c evp_key.c evp_lib.c evp_pbe.c evp_pkey.c m_md4.c m_md5.c
SRCS+= m_md5_sha1.c m_mdc2.c m_null.c m_ripemd.c m_sha1.c m_sha3.c
SRCS+= m_sigver.c m_wp.c names.c p5_crpt.c p5_crpt2.c p_dec.c p_enc.c
SRCS+= p_lib.c p_open.c p_seal.c p_sign.c p_verify.c pbe_scrypt.c
SRCS+= pmeth_fn.c pmeth_gn.c pmeth_lib.c
# hmac
SRCS+= hm_ameth.c hm_pmeth.c hmac.c
# idea
SRCS+= i_cbc.c i_cfb64.c i_ecb.c i_ofb64.c i_skey.c
# kdf
SRCS+= hkdf.c kdf_err.c scrypt.c tls1_prf.c
# lhash
SRCS+= lh_stats.c lhash.c
# md4
SRCS+= md4_dgst.c md4_one.c
# md5
SRCS+= md5_dgst.c md5_one.c
.if defined(ASM_amd64)
SRCS+= md5-x86_64.S
.elif defined(ASM_i386)
SRCS+= md5-586.S
# mdc2
SRCS+= mdc2_one.c mdc2dgst.c
# modes
SRCS+= cbc128.c ccm128.c cfb128.c ctr128.c cts128.c gcm128.c ocb128.c
SRCS+= ofb128.c wrap128.c xts128.c
.if defined(ASM_aarch64)
SRCS+= ghashv8-armx.S
ACFLAGS.ghashv8-armx.S= -march=armv8-a+crypto
.elif defined(ASM_amd64)
SRCS+= aesni-gcm-x86_64.S ghash-x86_64.S
.elif defined(ASM_arm)
SRCS+= ghash-armv4.S ghashv8-armx.S
.elif defined(ASM_i386)
SRCS+= ghash-x86.S
# objects
SRCS+= o_names.c obj_dat.c obj_err.c obj_lib.c obj_xref.c
# ocsp
SRCS+= ocsp_asn.c ocsp_cl.c ocsp_err.c ocsp_ext.c ocsp_ht.c ocsp_lib.c
SRCS+= ocsp_prn.c ocsp_srv.c ocsp_vfy.c v3_ocsp.c
# pem
SRCS+= pem_all.c pem_err.c pem_info.c pem_lib.c pem_oth.c pem_pk8.c
SRCS+= pem_pkey.c pem_sign.c pem_x509.c pem_xaux.c pvkfmt.c
# pkcs12
SRCS+= p12_add.c p12_asn.c p12_attr.c p12_crpt.c p12_crt.c p12_decr.c
SRCS+= p12_init.c p12_key.c p12_kiss.c p12_mutl.c p12_npas.c p12_p8d.c
SRCS+= p12_p8e.c p12_sbag.c p12_utl.c pk12err.c
# pkcs7
SRCS+= bio_pk7.c pk7_asn1.c pk7_attr.c pk7_doit.c pk7_lib.c pk7_mime.c
SRCS+= pk7_smime.c pkcs7err.c
# poly1305
SRCS+= poly1305.c poly1305_ameth.c poly1305_pmeth.c
.if defined(ASM_aarch64)
SRCS+= poly1305-armv8.S
.elif defined(ASM_amd64)
SRCS+= poly1305-x86_64.S
.elif defined(ASM_arm)
SRCS+= poly1305-armv4.S
.elif defined(ASM_i386)
SRCS+= poly1305-x86.S
# rand
SRCS+= drbg_ctr.c drbg_lib.c rand_err.c rand_lib.c rand_unix.c randfile.c
# rc2
SRCS+= rc2_cbc.c rc2_ecb.c rc2_skey.c rc2cfb64.c rc2ofb64.c
# rc4
.if defined(ASM_amd64)
SRCS+= rc4-md5-x86_64.S rc4-x86_64.S
.elif defined(ASM_i386)
SRCS+= rc4-586.S
SRCS+= rc4_enc.c rc4_skey.c
# rc5
SRCS+= rc5_ecb.c rc5_skey.c rc5cfb64.c rc5ofb64.c
.if defined(ASM_i386)
SRCS+= rc5-586.S
SRCS+= rc5_enc.c
# ripemd
SRCS+= rmd_dgst.c rmd_one.c
.if defined(ASM_i386)
SRCS+= rmd-586.S
# rsa
SRCS+= rsa_ameth.c rsa_asn1.c rsa_chk.c rsa_crpt.c rsa_depr.c rsa_err.c
SRCS+= rsa_gen.c rsa_lib.c rsa_meth.c rsa_mp.c rsa_none.c rsa_oaep.c
SRCS+= rsa_ossl.c rsa_pk1.c rsa_pmeth.c rsa_prn.c rsa_pss.c rsa_saos.c
SRCS+= rsa_sign.c rsa_ssl.c rsa_x931.c rsa_x931g.c
# seed
SRCS+= seed.c seed_cbc.c seed_cfb.c seed_ecb.c seed_ofb.c
# sha
SRCS+= sha1_one.c sha1dgst.c sha256.c sha512.c
.if defined(ASM_aarch64)
SRCS+= keccak1600-armv8.S sha1-armv8.S sha256-armv8.S sha512-armv8.S
.elif defined(ASM_amd64)
SRCS+= keccak1600-x86_64.S sha1-mb-x86_64.S sha1-x86_64.S
SRCS+= sha256-mb-x86_64.S sha256-x86_64.S sha512-x86_64.S
.elif defined(ASM_arm)
SRCS+= keccak1600-armv4.S sha1-armv4-large.S sha256-armv4.S sha512-armv4.S
.elif defined(ASM_i386)
SRCS+= keccak1600.c sha1-586.S sha256-586.S sha512-586.S
SRCS+= keccak1600.c
# siphash
SRCS+= siphash.c siphash_ameth.c siphash_pmeth.c
# sm2
SRCS+= sm2_crypt.c sm2_err.c sm2_pmeth.c sm2_sign.c
# sm3
SRCS+= m_sm3.c sm3.c
# sm4
SRCS+= sm4.c
# srp
SRCS+= srp_lib.c srp_vfy.c
# stack
SRCS+= stack.c
# store
SRCS+= loader_file.c store_err.c store_init.c store_lib.c store_register.c
SRCS+= store_strings.c
# ts
SRCS+= ts_asn1.c ts_conf.c ts_err.c ts_lib.c ts_req_print.c ts_req_utils.c
SRCS+= ts_rsp_print.c ts_rsp_sign.c ts_rsp_utils.c ts_rsp_verify.c
SRCS+= ts_verify_ctx.c
# txt_db
SRCS+= txt_db.c
# ui
SRCS+= ui_err.c ui_lib.c ui_null.c ui_openssl.c ui_util.c
# whrlpool
SRCS+= wp_dgst.c
.if defined(ASM_amd64)
SRCS+= wp-x86_64.S
.elif defined(ASM_i386)
SRCS+= wp-mmx.S wp_block.c
SRCS+= wp_block.c
# x509
SRCS+= by_dir.c by_file.c t_crl.c t_req.c t_x509.c x509_att.c x509_cmp.c
SRCS+= x509_d2.c x509_def.c x509_err.c x509_ext.c x509_lu.c x509_meth.c
SRCS+= x509_obj.c x509_r2x.c x509_req.c x509_set.c x509_trs.c x509_txt.c
SRCS+= x509_v3.c x509_vfy.c x509_vpm.c x509cset.c x509name.c x509rset.c
SRCS+= x509spki.c x509type.c x_all.c x_attrib.c x_crl.c x_exten.c x_name.c
SRCS+= x_pubkey.c x_req.c x_x509.c x_x509a.c
# x509v3
SRCS+= pcy_cache.c pcy_data.c pcy_lib.c pcy_map.c pcy_node.c pcy_tree.c
SRCS+= v3_addr.c v3_admis.c v3_akey.c v3_akeya.c v3_alt.c v3_asid.c
SRCS+= v3_bcons.c v3_bitst.c v3_conf.c v3_cpols.c v3_crld.c v3_enum.c
SRCS+= v3_extku.c v3_genn.c v3_ia5.c v3_info.c v3_int.c v3_lib.c v3_ncons.c
SRCS+= v3_pci.c v3_pcia.c v3_pcons.c v3_pku.c v3_pmaps.c v3_prn.c v3_purp.c
SRCS+= v3_skey.c v3_sxnet.c v3_tlsf.c v3_utl.c v3err.c
INCS= aes.h asn1.h asn1_mac.h asn1err.h asn1t.h async.h asyncerr.h bio.h
INCS+= bioerr.h blowfish.h bn.h bnerr.h buffer.h buffererr.h camellia.h
INCS+= cast.h cmac.h cms.h cmserr.h comp.h comperr.h conf.h conf_api.h
INCS+= conferr.h crypto.h cryptoerr.h ct.h cterr.h des.h dh.h dherr.h dsa.h
INCS+= dsaerr.h dtls1.h e_os2.h ebcdic.h ec.h ecdh.h ecdsa.h ecerr.h
INCS+= engine.h engineerr.h err.h evp.h evperr.h hmac.h idea.h kdf.h
INCS+= kdferr.h lhash.h md2.h md4.h md5.h mdc2.h modes.h obj_mac.h
INCS+= objects.h objectserr.h ocsp.h ocsperr.h opensslconf.h opensslv.h
INCS+= ossl_typ.h pem.h pem2.h pemerr.h pkcs12.h pkcs12err.h pkcs7.h
INCS+= pkcs7err.h rand.h rand_drbg.h randerr.h rc2.h rc4.h rc5.h ripemd.h
INCS+= rsa.h rsaerr.h safestack.h seed.h sha.h srp.h srtp.h ssl.h ssl2.h
INCS+= ssl3.h sslerr.h stack.h store.h storeerr.h symhacks.h tls1.h ts.h
INCS+= tserr.h txt_db.h ui.h uierr.h whrlpool.h x509.h x509_vfy.h x509err.h
INCS+= x509v3.h x509v3err.h
LIBADD= pthread
CFLAGS+= -I${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/ec/curve448
CFLAGS+= -I${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/ec/curve448/arch_32
CFLAGS+= -I${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/modes
.if !empty(SRCS:M*.S)
ACFLAGS+= -Wa,--noexecstack
SRCS+= buildinf.h
CLEANDIRS= openssl
CLEANFILES= buildinf.h opensslconf.h opensslconf.h.tmp
buildinf.h: Makefile
( echo "/*"; \
echo " * WARNING: do not edit!"; \
echo " * Generated by ${.ALLSRC}"; \
echo " */"; \
echo "#define PLATFORM \"platform: FreeBSD-${MACHINE_ARCH}\""; \
echo "#define DATE \"built on: reproducible build, date unspecified\""; \
echo "static const char compiler_flags[] = \"compiler: ${COMPILER_TYPE}\";" ) \
> ${.TARGET}
beforedepend: openssl_opensslconf.h
beforebuild: openssl_opensslconf.h
openssl_opensslconf.h: opensslconf.h
mkdir -p openssl
ln -fs ${.OBJDIR}/${.ALLSRC} openssl/${.ALLSRC}
opensslconf.h: opensslconf.h.in
.if defined(ASM_${MACHINE_CPUARCH})
sed 's/%%ASM%%//; /%%NO_ASM%%/d' ${.ALLSRC} > ${.TARGET}.tmp
sed '/%%ASM%%/d; s/%%NO_ASM%%//' ${.ALLSRC} > ${.TARGET}.tmp
mv -f ${.TARGET}.tmp ${.TARGET}
.include <bsd.lib.mk>
.if defined(ASM_${MACHINE_CPUARCH})
.if defined(ASM_amd64)
.PATH: ${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/bn/asm
.PATH: ${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/aes \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/aria \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/asn1 \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/async \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/async/arch \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/bf \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/bio \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/blake2 \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/bn \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/buffer \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/camellia \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/cast \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/chacha \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/cmac \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/cms \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/comp \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/conf \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/ct \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/des \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/dh \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/dsa \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/dso \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/ec \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/ec/curve448 \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/ec/curve448/arch_32 \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/engine \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/err \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/evp \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/hmac \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/idea \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/kdf \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/lhash \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/md4 \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/md5 \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/mdc2 \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/modes \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/objects \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/ocsp \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/pem \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/pkcs12 \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/pkcs7 \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/poly1305 \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/rand \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/rc2 \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/rc4 \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/rc5 \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/ripemd \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/rsa \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/seed \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/sha \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/siphash \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/sm2 \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/sm3 \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/sm4 \
${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/srp \
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${LCRYPTO_SRC}/crypto/ui \
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