structs with placeholders (in the latter case, IFLIB_MAX_TX_BYTES
etc. are also only ever used for these write-only members if at all,
so both these macros and members can just go). Using these spares
may render it possible to merge certain iflib(9) fixes to stable/12.
Otherwise, changes extending struct if_irq or struct if_shared_ctx
in any way would break KBI as instances of these are allocated by
the driver front-ends (by contrast, struct if_pkt_info as well as
struct if_softc_ctx instances are provided by iflib(9) and, thus,
may grow at least at the end without breaking KBI).
- Make the pvi_name in struct pci_vendor_info const char * as device
identifiers in hardware lookup tables aren't to be expected to ever
change at runtime.
- Similarly, make the pci_vendor_info_t of struct if_shared_ctx which
is used to point to the struct pci_vendor_info arrays provided by
the driver front-ends const.
- Remove the ETH_ADDR_LEN macro from iflib.h; this was duplicating
ETHER_ADDR_LEN of <net/ethernet.h> with iflib(9) actually only
consuming the latter macro.
- Make the name argument of iflib_io_tqg_attach(9) const, matching
the taskqgroup_attach_cpu(9) this function wraps as well as e. g.
- Remove the orphaned iflib_qset_lock_get() prototype.
- Remove some extraneous empty lines.