- Use SRCTOP-relative paths to other directories instead of .CURDIR-relative ones. This simplifies pathing in make/displayed output. - Also, use :H where possible/sensical to manipulate .CURDIR-relative paths - Remove superfluous bsd.own.mk .includes which are already handled via src.opts.mk .includes MFC after: 1 week Sponsored by: Dell EMC Isilon
22 lines
767 B
22 lines
767 B
# $FreeBSD$
.include <src.opts.mk>
SUBDIR= icons scripts
FILESDIR= ${SHAREDIR}/doc/ntp/drivers
.if ${MK_HTML} != "no"
FILES= driver1.html driver10.html driver11.html driver12.html driver16.html \
driver18.html driver19.html driver20.html driver22.html driver26.html \
driver27.html driver28.html driver29.html driver3.html driver30.html \
driver31.html driver32.html driver33.html driver34.html driver35.html \
driver36.html driver37.html driver38.html driver39.html driver4.html \
driver40.html driver42.html driver43.html driver44.html driver45.html \
driver46.html driver5.html driver6.html driver7.html driver8.html \
driver9.html mx4200data.html oncore-shmem.html tf582_4.html
.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/contrib/ntp/html/drivers
.include <bsd.prog.mk>