load f/w images > 0x7fff words), set ISP_FW_ATTR_SCCLUN. We explicitly
don't believe we can find attributes if f/w is < 1.17.0, so we have to
set SCCLUN for the 1.15.37 f/w we're using manually- otherwise every
target will replicate itself across all 16 supported luns for non-SCCLUN
Correctly set things up for 23XX and either fast posting or ZIO. The
23XX, it turns out, does not support RIO. If you put a non-zero value
in xfwoptions, this will disable fast posting. If you put ICBXOPT_ZIO
in xfwoptions, then the 23XX will do interrupt delays but post to the
response queue- apparently QLogic *now* believes that reading multiple
handles from registers is less of a win than writing (and delaying)
multiple 64 byte responses to the response queue.
At the end of taking a a good f/w crash dump, send the ISPASYNC_FW_DUMPED
event to the outer layers (who can then do things like wake a user
daemon to *fetch* the crash image, etc.).