"KMP_STATS_TIMER: clock_gettime failed, using gettimeofday.",
"KMP_STATS_TIMER: clock function unknown (ignoring value \"%1$s\").",
"Unknown scheduling type detected.",
"Too many threads to use analytical guided scheduling - switching to iterative guided scheduling.",
"ittnotify: Lookup of \"%1$s\"functionin\"%2$s\"libraryfailed.",
"ittnotify: Loading \"%1$s\"libraryfailed.",
"ittnotify: All itt notifications disabled.",
"ittnotify: Object state itt notifications disabled.",
"ittnotify: Mark itt notifications disabled.",
"ittnotify: Unloading \"%1$s\"libraryfailed.",
"Cannot form a team with %1$d threads, using %2$d instead.",
"Requested number of active parallel levels \"%1$d\"isnegative;ignored.",
"Requested number of active parallel levels \"%1$d\"exceedssupportedlimit;thefollowinglimitvaluewillbeused:\"%1$d\".",
"kmp_set_library must only be called from the top level serial thread; ignored.",
"Fatal system error detected.",
"Out of heap memory.",
"Clearing __KMP_REGISTERED_LIB env var failed.",
"Registering library with env var failed.",
"%1$s value \"%2$d\"willbeused.",
"%1$s value \"%2$u\"willbeused.",
"%1$s value \"%2$s\"willbeused.",
"%1$s value \"%2$s\"willbeused.",
"%1$s maximum value \"%2$d\"willbeused.",
"%1$s minimum value \"%2$d\"willbeused.",
"Memory allocation failed.",
"File name too long.",
"Lock table overflow.",
"Too many threads to use threadprivate directive.",
"%1$s: invalid mask.",
"Wrong definition.",
"Windows* OS: TLS Set Value failed.",
"Windows* OS: TLS out of indexes.",
"PDONE directive must be nested within a DO directive.",
"Cannot get number of available CPUs.",
"Assumed number of CPUs is 2.",
"Error initializing affinity - not using affinity.",
"Threads may migrate across all available OS procs (granularity setting too coarse).",
"Ignoring invalid OS proc ID %1$d.",
"No valid OS proc IDs specified - not using affinity.",
"%1$s - using \"flat\" OS <-> physical proc mapping.",
"%1$s: %2$s - using \"flat\" OS <-> physical proc mapping.",
"%1$s, line %2$d: %3$s - using \"flat\" OS <-> physical proc mapping.",
"%1$s: %2$s - exiting.",
"%1$s, line %2$d: %3$s - exiting.",
"Construct identifier invalid.",
"Thread identifier invalid.",
"runtime library not initialized.",
"Inconsistent THREADPRIVATE common block declarations are non-conforming and are unsupported. Either all threadprivate common blocks must be declared identically, or the largest instance of each threadprivate common block must be referenced first during the run.",
"Cannot set thread affinity mask.",
"Cannot set thread priority.",
"Cannot create thread.",
"Cannot create event.",
"Cannot set event.",
"Cannot close handle.",
"Unknown library type: %1$d.",
"Monitor did not reap properly.",
"Worker thread failed to join.",
"Cannot change thread affinity mask.",
"%1$s: Threads may migrate across %2$d innermost levels of machine",
"%1$s: decrease to %2$d threads",
"%1$s: increase to %2$d threads",
"%1$s: Internal thread %2$d bound to OS proc set %3$s",
"%1$s: Affinity capable, using cpuinfo file",
"%1$s: Affinity capable, using global cpuid info",
"%1$s: Affinity capable, using default \"flat\" topology",
"%1$s: Affinity not capable, using local cpuid info",
"%1$s: Affinity not capable, using cpuinfo file",
"%1$s: Affinity not capable, assumming \"flat\" topology",
"%1$s: Initial OS proc set respected: %2$s",
"%1$s: Initial OS proc set not respected: %2$s",
"%1$s: %2$d available OS procs",
"%1$s: Uniform topology",
"%1$s: Nonuniform topology",
"%1$s: %2$d packages x %3$d cores/pkg x %4$d threads/core (%5$d total cores)",
"%1$s: OS proc to physical thread map ([] => level not in map):",
"%1$s: OS proc <n> maps to <n>th package core 0",
"%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to package %3$d [core %4$d] [thread %5$d]",
"%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to [package %3$d] [core %4$d] [thread %5$d]",
"%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to [package %3$d] [core %4$d] thread %5$d",
"%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to [package %3$d] core %4$d [thread %5$d]",
"%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to package %3$d [core %4$d] [thread %5$d]",
"%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to [package %3$d] core %4$d thread %5$d",
"%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to package %3$d core %4$d [thread %5$d]",
"%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to package %3$d [core %4$d] thread %5$d",
"%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to package %3$d core %4$d thread %5$d",
"%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to %3$s",
"%1$s: Internal thread %2$d changed affinity mask from %3$s to %4$s",
"%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to package %3$d, CPU %4$d, TPU %5$d",
"%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to package %3$d, CPU %4$d",
"Please submit a bug report with this message, compile and run commands used, and machine configuration info including native compiler and operating system versions. Faster response will be obtained by including all program sources. For information on submitting this issue, please see https://bugs.llvm.org/.",
"Check NLSPATH environment variable, its value is \"%1$s\".",
"Please try changing the shell stack limit or adjusting the OMP_STACKSIZE environment variable.",
"Consider setting KMP_ALL_THREADPRIVATE to a value larger than %1$d.",
"This could also be due to a system-related limit on the number of threads.",
"This means that multiple copies of the OpenMP runtime have been linked into the program. That is dangerous, since it can degrade performance or cause incorrect results. The best thing to do is to ensure that only a single OpenMP runtime is linked into the process, e.g. by avoiding static linking of the OpenMP runtime in any library. As an unsafe, unsupported, undocumented workaround you can set the environment variable KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK=TRUE to allow the program to continue to execute, but that may cause crashes or silently produce incorrect results. For more information, please see http://openmp.llvm.org/",
"This name is specified in environment variable KMP_CPUINFO_FILE.",
"Seems application required too much memory.",
"Use \"0\", \"FALSE\". \".F.\", \"off\", \"no\" as false values, \"1\", \"TRUE\", \".T.\", \"on\", \"yes\" as true values.",
"Perhaps too many threads.",
"Decrease priority of application. This will allow the monitor thread run at higher priority than other threads.",
"Try changing KMP_MONITOR_STACKSIZE or the shell stack limit.",
"Try changing OMP_STACKSIZE and/or the shell stack limit.",
"Try increasing OMP_STACKSIZE or the shell stack limit.",
"Try decreasing OMP_STACKSIZE.",
"Try decreasing the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS.",
"Try increasing KMP_MONITOR_STACKSIZE.",
"Try decreasing KMP_MONITOR_STACKSIZE.",
"Try decreasing the number of threads in use simultaneously.",
"Will use default schedule type (%1$s).",
"It could be a result of using an older OMP library with a newer compiler or memory corruption. You may check the proper OMP library is linked to the application.",
"Check %1$s environment variable, its value is \"%2$s\".",
"You may want to use an %1$s library that supports %2$s interface with version %3$s.",
"You may want to use an %1$s library with version %2$s.",
"System error #193 is \"Bad format of EXE or DLL file\". Usually it means the file is found, but it is corrupted or a file for another architecture. Check whether \"%1$s\"isafilefor%2$sarchitecture.",