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To run the tests:
$ make check
Note that if your /bin/sh doesn't support shell functions, you'll
have to try something like this, where "/bin/sh5" is replaced by the
pathname of a shell which handles normal shell functions:
$ make SHELL=/bin/sh5 check
2000-10-02 06:33:59 +00:00
Also note that you must be logged in as a regular user, not root.
WARNING: This test can take quite a while to run, esp. if your
disks are slow or over-loaded.
The tests work in /tmp/cvs-sanity (which the tests create) by default.
If for some reason you want them to work in a different directory, you
can set the TESTDIR environment variable to the desired location
before running them.
2000-10-02 06:33:59 +00:00
The tests use a number of tools (awk, expr, id, tr, etc.) that are not
required for running CVS itself. In most cases, the standard vendor-
supplied versions of these tools work just fine, but there are some
exceptions -- expr in particular is heavily used and many vendor
versions are deficient in one way or another. Note that some vendors
provide multiple versions of tools (typically an ancient, traditional
version and a new, standards-conforming version), so you may already
have a usable version even if the default version isn't. If you don't
have a suitable tool, you can probably get one from the GNU Project (see At this writting, expr and id are both part of the
GNU shellutils package, tr is part of the GNU textutils package, and awk
is part of the GNU gawk package. The test script tries to verify that
the tools exist and are usable; if not, it tries to find the GNU
versions and use them instead. If it can't find the GNU versions
either, it will print an error message and, depending on the severity of
the deficiency, it may exit. There are environment variables you can
set to use a particular version of a tool -- see the test script
(src/ for details.
Some of the tests use fairly long command lines -- this usually isn't a
problem, but if you have a very short command line length limit (or a
lot of environment variables), you may run into trouble. Also, some of
the tests expect your local timezone to be an integral number of hours
from UTC -- if you usually use a fractional timezone, use a different
(integral) timezone when running the tests to avoid spurious failures.
If running the tests produces the output "FAIL:" followed by the name
of the test that failed, then the details on the failure are in the
file check.log. If it says "exit status is " followed by a number,
then the exit status of the command under test was not what the test
expected. If it says "** expected:" followed by a regular expression
followed by "** got:" followed by some text, then the regular
expression is the output which the test expected, and the text is the
output which the command under test actually produced. In some cases
you'll have to look closely to see how they differ.
If output from "make remotecheck" is out of order compared to what is
expected (for example,
cvs foo: this is a demo
is expected and
cvs foo: this is a demo
is output), this is probably a well-known bug in the CVS server
(search for "out-of-order" in src/server.c for a comment explaining
the cause). It is a real pain in running the testsuite, but if you
are lucky and/or your machine is fast and/or lightly loaded, you won't
run into it. Running the tests again might succeed if the first run
failed in this manner.
For more information on what goes in check.log, and how the tests are
run in general, you'll have to read Depending on just what
you are looking for, and how familiar you are with the Bourne shell
and regular expressions, it will range from relatively straightforward
to obscure.
If you choose to submit a bug report based on tests failing, be
aware that, as with all bug reports, you may or may not get a
response, and your odds might be better if you include enough
information to reproduce the bug, an analysis of what is going
wrong (if you have the time to provide one), etc. The check.log
file is the first place to look.
The test framework combines stdout and stderr and for tests
to pass requires that output appear in the given order. Some people
suggest that ordering between stdout and stderr should not be
required, or to put it another way, that the out-of-order bug referred
to above, and similar behaviors, should be considered features, or at
least tolerable. The reasoning behind the current behavior is that
having the output appear in a certain order is the correct behavior
for users using CVS interactively--that users get confused if the
order is unpredictable.
People periodically suggest using dejagnu or some other test
framework. A quick look at should make it clear that there
are indeed reasons to be dissatisfied with the status quo. Ideally a
replacement framework would achieve the following:
1. Widely portable, including to a wide variety of unices, NT, Win95,
OS/2, VMS, probably DOS and Win3, etc.
2. Nicely match extended regular expressions of unlimited length.
3. Be freely redistributable, and if possible already the kind of
thing people might have already installed. The harder it is to get
and install the framework, the less people will run the tests.
The various contenders are:
* Bourne shell and GNU expr (the status quo). Falls short on #1
(we've only tried unix and NT, although MKS might help with other DOS
mutants). #3 is pretty good (the main dependency is GNU expr which is
fairly widely available).
* Bourne shell with a new regexp matcher we would distribute with
CVS. This means maintaining a regexp matcher and the makefiles which
go with it. Not clearly a win over Bourne shell and GNU expr.
* Bourne shell, and use sed to remove variable portions of output, and
thus produce a form that can be compared with cmp or diff (this
sidesteps the need for a full regular expression matcher as mentioned
in #2 above). The C News tests are said to work this way. This would
appear to rely on variable portions of output having a certain syntax
and might spuriously recognize them out of context (this issue needs
more investigation; it isn't clear how big a problem it is in
practice). Same portability issues as the other choices based on the
Bourne shell.
* Dejagnu. This is overkill; most of dejagnu is either unnecessary
(e.g. libraries for communicating with target boards) or undesirable
(e.g. the code which stats every file in sight to find the tests). On
the plus side, dejagnu is probably closer than any of the other
choices to having everything which is needed already there.
* Write our own small framework directly in tcl and distribute with
CVS. The tests would look much like dejagnu tests, but we'd avoid the
unnecessary baggage. The only dependency would be on tcl (that is,
* perl or python or <any other serious contenders here?>
It is worth thinking about how to:
a. include spaces in arguments which we pass to the program under
test ( dotest cannot do this; see test rcs-9 for a
b. pass stdin to the program under test (, again, handles
this by bypassing dotest).
c. have a send-expect type dialog with the program under test
(e.g. see server-7 or pserver-4 which want to talk the CVS
protocol, or the many tests which need to answer the prompt of "cvs
release", e.g. deep-5).
As stated in the HACKING file, patches are not accepted without documentation
and tests. Many people seem to be scared off by the large size of the script, but it is not really very complicated.
You can probably ignore most of the begining of the script. This section
just sets some environment variables and finds the tools the script needs to
There is one main loop you can find by grepping for "The big loop". This loop
repeatedly calls a case statement where the individual cases are of the form:
If you add a complete new test be sure to add it into the default list of tests
(grep for 'tests=' near the begining of the script) as well as the case
statement. During debugging, be aware that the usage allows for a '-f
testname' option to continue through the default list "from" a particular test
as well as interpreting everything in argv past the required options as test
names to run individual tests.
Within each major test section, individual tests usually look like:
dotest testname-subtestname "shell command" "optionally multiline regexp"
Tests should always start in $testdir and create a subdirectory to operate in
and remove their cruft and end back in $testdir. The dotest functions output
failure messages and exit if the shell command exits with the wrong exit code or
its stdin/stderr output doesn't match the regexp. There are a few dotest
variations, most notably dotest_fail for expected non-zero exit codes.
Other than that the script is mostly vanilla Bourne shell. There are a few
constructs used for versatility and portability. You can grep for the ones I
miss, but here are a few important ones. I'm leaving off long explanations
after the first few since it probably gives you the idea and the data is in
2004-04-15 01:01:56 +00:00
Note that the boolean variables contain shell commands which return true or
false when executed and are intended to be used like,
"if $remote; then ... ; else ... ; fi"
2008-01-13 05:49:32 +00:00
* $testdir = the directory this test is taking place in
(CVSROOT=$testdir/cvsroot or
* $testcvs = full path to the cvs executable we are testing
* $PLUS = expr dependant uninterpreted '+' since this can vary
* $DOTSTAR = expr dependant _interpreted_ .* since some exprs don't
match EOL
* $username = the username of the user running the tests
* $username8 = the first 8 characters of $username, output by some
system and CVS commands
* $anyusername = regexp to match any valid system or CVS username
* $hostname = regexp to match a hostname
* $PROG = regexp to match progname in CVS error messages
* $remote = ':' (true) or 'false', depending on whether the script is
running with a remote CVSROOT
* $keep = ':' (true) or 'false'. When set, the first test run will
leave any files and directories it created in $testdir and
exit when complete.
And, of course, some characters like '.' in regexps need to be '\' escaped when
you mean them literally. Some characters may be interpreted by the shell,
e.g. backquotes and '$', are usually either escaped or replaced with '.'.
dotest adds the final '$' anchor to the regexp itself and all the expr
implementations I know of implicitly supply the start anchor ('^').
If you only make a few mistakes, the work is, of course, still usable, though we
may send the patch back to you for repair. :)