1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
The Unix system family tree / BSD history chart
First Edition (V1)
Second Edition (V2)
Third Edition (V3)
Fourth Edition (V4)
Fifth Edition (V5)
Sixth Edition (V6) -----*
| |
| |
| |
Seventh Edition (V7) |
| \ |
| \ 1BSD
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
| 32V |
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
| \ 2BSD---------------*
Eight Edition \ / |
| \ / |
| \/ |
| 3BSD |
| | |
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
| 4.0BSD 2.7.9BSD
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
Ninth Edition | |
| 4.1BSD --------------> 2.8BSD
| | |
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
| | 2.8.1BSD
| | |
| 4.1aBSD -----------\ |
| | \ |
4.1bBSD \ |
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
| | \ |
| 4.1cBSD --------------> 2.9BSD
| | |
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
| | 2.9BSD-Seismo
| | |
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
| 4.2BSD 2.9.1BSD
| | |
| 4.3BSD -------------> 2.10BSD
| | / |
| | / 2.10.1BSD
| 4.3BSD Tahoe-----+ |
| | \ |
| | \ |
| | 2.11BSD
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
Tenth Edition | |
| 2.11BSD rev #366
4.3BSD NET/1 |
| v
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
4.3BSD Reno
*---------- 4.3BSD NET/2 -------------------+-------------*
| | | |
386BSD 0.0 | | |
| | | |
386BSD 0.1 ------------>+ | BSDI 1.0
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
| \ | 4.4BSD Alpha |
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
| 386BSD 1.0 | | |
| | 4.4BSD |
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
| | / | |
| | 4.4BSD-Encumbered | |
| | | |
| | | |
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
FreeBSD 1.0 NetBSD 0.8 | |
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
| | ------ 4.4BSD Lite --> BSDI 2.0
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
FreeBSD 1.1 NetBSD 0.9 / | |
1997-07-02 14:06:45 +00:00
| | / | BSDI 2.0.1
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
FreeBSD 1.1.5 | / | |
1997-07-02 14:06:45 +00:00
| | / 4.4BSD Lite2 -> BSDI 2.1
FreeBSD | / | |
| | / | |
| | / +---------> BSDI 3.0
FreeBSD 2.0 <---------------+ | |
| | / | v
FreeBSD 2.0.5 NetBSD 1.0 |
| | |
| | |
FreeBSD 2.1 <---------+-*----+-----------------*
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
| | | | |
| FreeBSD 2.1.5 | \ |
| | | | |
| FreeBSD 2.1.6 | NetBSD 1.1 ------*
| | | | |
| FreeBSD | | OpenBSD
| | | NetBSD 1.2 |
| FreeBSD 2.1.7 | | OpenBSD 2.0
| | | NetBSD 1.2.1 |
1997-12-09 22:53:06 +00:00
| FreeBSD | | |
| | | OpenBSD 2.1
| | NetBSD 1.3 |
*-FreeBSD 2.2 | | OpenBSD 2.2
| | | v |
| FreeBSD 2.2.1 | v
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
| | |
1997-07-02 14:06:45 +00:00
| FreeBSD 2.2.2 |
| | |
1997-12-09 22:53:06 +00:00
| FreeBSD 2.2.5 |
| | |
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
| v |
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
| |
| |
| |
FreeBSD 3.0 <---------*
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
Time tolerance +/- 6 month, depend on which book/article you read; if
it was the announcement in Usenet or if it was available as tape.
[44B] McKusick, Marshall Kirk, Keith Bostic, Michael J Karels,
and John Quarterman. The Design and Implementation of
the 4.4BSD Operating System.
[QCU] Salus, Peter H. A quarter century of UNIX.
[U25] Peter H. Salus. Unix at 25.
[USE] Usenet announcement.
[KSJ] Michael J. Karels, Carl F. Smith, and William F. Jolitz.
Changes in the Kernel in 2.9BSD. Second Berkeley Software
Distribution UNIX Version 2.9, July, 1983.
[KB] Keith Bostic. BSD2.10 available from Usenix. comp.unix.sources,
Volume 11, Info 4, April, 1987.
[KKK] Mike Karels, Kirk McKusick, and Keith Bostic. tahoe announcement.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes, June 15, 1988.
[SMS] Steven M. Schultz. 2.11BSD, UNIX for the PDP-11.
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
Multics 1965
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
Unix Summer 1969
First Edition 1971-11-03 [QCU]
DEC PDP-11/20, Assembler
Second Edition 1972-06-12 [QCU]
10 Unix installations
Third Edition 1973-02-xx [QCU]
Pipes, 16 installations
Fourth Edition 1973-11-xx [QCU]
rewriting in C effected,
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
above 30 installations
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
Fifth Edition 1974-06-xx [QCU]
above 50 installations
Sixth Edition 1975-05-xx [QCU]
port to DEC Vax
Seventh Edition 1979-01-xx [QCU]
first portable Unix
Eight Edition 1985-02-xx [QCU]
Ninth Edition 1986-09-xx [QCU]
Tenth Edition 1989-10-xx [QCU]
1BSD late 1977
1978-03-09 [QCU]
PDP-11, Pascal, ex(1)
30 free copies of 1BSD sent out
35 tapes sold for 50 USD [QCU]
2BSD mid 1978 [QCU]
75 2BSD tapes shipped
2.7.9BSD ?? [SMS]
2.8BSD 1981-07-xx [KSJ]
2.8.1BSD 1982-01-xx [QCU]
set of performance improvements
2.9BSD 1983-07-xx [KSJ]
2.9.1BSD 1983-11-xx
2.9BSD-Seismo 1985-08-xx [SMS]
2.10BSD 1987-04-xx [KKK]
2.10.1BSD 1989-01-xx [SMS]
2.11BSD 1992-02-xx [SMS]
2.11BSD rev #366 1997-02-xx [SMS]
32V 1978-1[01]-xx [QCU]
3BSD late 1979 [QCU]
virtual memory, page replacement,
demand paging
4.0BSD 1980-10-xx
4.1BSD 1981-06-xx
4.1aBSD 1982-04-xx
alpha release, 100 sites, networking [44B]
4.1bBSD internal release, fast filesystem [44B]
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
4.1cBSD late 1982
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
beta release, IPC [44B]
4.2BSD 1983-09-xx [QCU]
4.3BSD 1986-06-xx [QCU]
1986-04-xx [KB]
4.3BSD Tahoe 1988-06-xx [QCU]
4.3BSD NET/1 1988-11-xx [QCU]
4.3BSD Reno 1990-06-xx [QCU], [DOC]
4.3BSD NET/2 1991-06-xx [QCU]
386BSD 0.0 1992-02-xx [DOC]
386BSD 0.1 1992-07-xx [DOC]
386BSD 1.0 1994-11-12 [USE]
4.4BSD Alpha 1992-07-07
4.4BSD 1993-06-01 [USE]
4.4BSD Lite 1994-03-01 [USE]
1994-06-xx [U25]
4.4BSD Lite Release 2 1995-06-xx [44B]
the true final distribution from the CSRG
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
Leffler, Samuel J., Marshall Kirk McKusick, Michael J Karels and John
Quarterman. The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating
System. Reading, Mass. Addison-Wesley, 1989. ISBN 0-201-06196-1
Salus, Peter H. A quarter century of UNIX. Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, Inc., 1994. ISBN 0-201-54777-5
McKusick, Marshall Kirk, Keith Bostic, Michael J Karels, and John
Quarterman. The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating
System. Reading, Mass. Addison-Wesley, 1996. ISBN 0-201-54979-4
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
Doug McIlroy. Research Unix Reader.
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
Michael G. Brown. The Role of BSD in the Development of Unix.
Presented to the Tasmanian Unix Special Interest Group of the
Australian Computer Society, Hobart, August 1993.
URL: http://www.dpac.tas.gov.au/~mgb/papers/bsdrole.html
Peter H. Salus. Unix at 25. Byte Magazin, October 1994.
URL: http://www.byte.com/art/9410/sec8/art3.htm
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
Andreas Klemm, Lars K<>ller. If you're going to San Francisco ...
Die freien BSD-Varianten von Unix. c't April 1997, page 368ff.
URL: http://www.heise.de
BSD Release Announcements collection.
URL: http://www.de.FreeBSD.ORG/de/ftp/releases/
1997-12-09 22:53:06 +00:00
BSD Hypertext Man Pages
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
Josh Gilliam for suggestions, bugfixes, and finding very old
original BSD announcements from Usenet or tapes.
1997-12-09 22:53:06 +00:00
Steven M. Schultz for providing 2.8BSD, 2.10BSD, 2.11BSD manual pages.
1997-04-19 20:25:36 +00:00
1997-03-31 00:06:03 +00:00
Copyright (c) 1997 Wolfram Schneider <wosch@FreeBSD.ORG>
URL: http://www.de.freebsd.org/de/ftp/unix-stammbaum
1997-12-09 22:53:06 +00:00
$Date: 1997/12/06 23:36:58 $ $Revision: 1.26 $