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Library for ftpd clients.(libftp)
Copyright by Oleg Orel
All rights reserved.
This library is desined for free, non-commercial software creation.
It is changeable and can be improved. The author would greatly appreciate
any advises, new components and patches of the existing programs.
Commercial usage is also possible with participation of it's author.
#ifndef __FTPLIBRARY_H
#define __FTPLIBRARY_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/ftp.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <varargs.h>
#include <arpa/telnet.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifndef __FreeBSD__
extern char *sys_errlist[];
extern int errno;
#include <errno.h>
/* Standard Macros & Definitions */
#define EXIT(con,e) \
( con -> errno = e, \
((e==QUIT||e==LQUIT)&&(con->IO != NULL))?(*(con->IO))(con,e,sys_errlist[errno]):0,\
((con->error != NULL) && (e < 0) )?(*(con->error))(con,e,FtpMessage(e)):0,\
#define MAX_ANSWERS 10 /* Number of known goodest answers for reqest */
#define NFDS 64
#define LQUIT (-6)
#define QUIT (-5) /* Few time ago QUIT character been
equivalence to zero, changed for clear
conflicts with reading functions */
#define Ctrl(x) ((x) - '@')
#define FREE(x) memset ( &(x) , '\0' , sizeof (x) )
#define CUT(x) ((x)&0xff)
#define FtpError(x) ((x)<0)
#define FtpAssert(ftp,x) if (FtpError(x)) return EXIT((ftp),(ftp)->errno);
typedef int STATUS;
typedef char String[256];
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define INLINE inline
#define INLINE
/* Common Information Structure */
typedef struct/* All structure initialize from edited struct FtpInit */
FILE *sock; /* Command stream to server */
#define FTPDATA(x) ((x)->data)
#define FTPCMD(x) ((x)->sock)
FILE *data; /* Data stream to server */
char mode; /* Binary, Ascii, ......... */
int errno; /* Last error code */
int ch; /* Help character for ascii streams */
STATUS (*error)();
STATUS (*debug)();
STATUS (*hash)(); /* Call with reading/writing next "int" characters
from stream */
int seek; /*
Warning! If server not supported REST-command,
then seek variable automaticaly turn to zero
int flags; /* FTP_REST,
struct timeval timeout;
/* How long must be waiting next character
from server */
int port;
String title; /* Using for FtpLog, FtpConnect lets hostname */
unsigned long counter;
/* Using by FtpHash */
} FTP;
typedef struct
struct tm createtime;
unsigned long size;
String host;
String file;
enum {no,yes};
enum {off,on};
enum {false,true};
extern FTP FtpInit;
/* Options defines */
#define FtpSetFlag(ftp,flag) ((ftp)->flags|=(flag))
#define FtpClearFlag(ftp,flag) ((ftp)->flags &= (~(flag)) )
#define FtpTestFlag(ftp,flag) ((ftp)->flags&(flag)==flag)
#define FtpSetTimeout(ftp,tim) \
#define FtpSetPort(ftp,prt) ((ftp)->port=(prt))
/* Connect & disconnect */
STATUS FtpConnect(FTP **con,char *hostname);
#define FtpUser(ftp,user) FtpCommand(ftp,"USER %s",user,230,331,332,EOF)
#define FtpPassword(ftp,pas) FtpCommand(ftp,"PASS %s",pas,230,332,EOF)
#define FtpAccount(ftp,acc) FtpCommand(ftp,"ACCT %s",acc,230,EOF)
STATUS FtpLogin(FTP **con,char *host ,char *user,char *pass,char *acct);
STATUS FtpBye (FTP * con);
STATUS FtpQuickBye (FTP * con);
STATUS FtpAbort(FTP *ftp);
/* Set type of transfer */
STATUS FtpType(FTP *ftp,char type);
#define FtpAscii(ftp) FtpType(ftp,'A')
#define FtpBinary(ftp) FtpType(ftp,'I')
/* Send/Receive and handling Procedure(s) */
STATUS FtpCopy(FTP *ftp1, FTP *ftp2, char *in, char *out);
STATUS FtpPassiveTransfer(FTP *ftp1, FTP *ftp2, char *in, char *out);
STATUS FtpRetr(FTP *con, char *command,char *inp,char *out);
#define FtpGet(ftp,in,out) FtpRetr(ftp,"RETR %s",in,out)
#define FtpDirectory(ftp,pat,out) FtpRetr(ftp,"LIST %s",pat,out)
#define FtpDir(ftp,out) FtpRetr(ftp,"LIST","",out)
STATUS FtpStor(FTP *con ,char*command ,char *inp,char *out);
#define FtpPut(ftp,in,out) FtpStor(ftp,"STOR %s",in,out)
STATUS FtpData( FTP * con , char * command , char * param , char *mode);
STATUS FtpPort ( FTP *con ,int ,int ,int ,int ,int ,int );
#define FtpOpenRead(ftp,file) FtpData(ftp,"RETR %s",file,"r")
#define FtpOpenWrite(ftp,file) FtpData(ftp,"STOR %s",file,"w")
#define FtpOpenAppend(ftp,file) FtpData(ftp,"APPE %s",file,"r")
STATUS FtpOpenDir( FTP * con , char * files );
STATUS FtpClose ( FTP *);
/* Command for hand transfer */
STATUS FtpRead ( FTP * con);
STATUS FtpWrite ( FTP * con , char c);
int FtpGetc ( FTP * ftp, FILE *fp );
STATUS FtpPutc (FTP *ftp, FILE *fp, char c);
/* Manipulation commands for remote server */
STATUS FtpCommand ();
#define FtpChdir(ftp,dir) FtpCommand(ftp,"CWD %s",dir,200,250,EOF)
#define FtpMkdir(ftp,dir) FtpCommand(ftp,"MKD %s",dir,200,257,EOF)
#define FtpRm(ftp,dir) FtpCommand(ftp,"DELE %s",dir,200,250,EOF)
char *FtpPwd(FTP *con);
int FtpSize(FTP *con,char *filename);
STATUS FtpMove ( FTP *con,char * old,char *new);
/* Procedures for dialog with remote server */
STATUS FtpInitMessageList();
STATUS FtpSendMessage( FTP * con , char * Message );
int FtpGetMessage( FTP * con , char * Message);
char *FtpMessage(int Number);
int FtpNumber ( char * Message );
/* Debug */
#define FtpSetErrorHandler(con,f) (con)->error = f
#define FtpSetDebugHandler(con,f) (con)->debug = f
#define FtpSetIOHandler(con,f) (con)->IO =f
#define FtpSetHashHandler(con,f) (con)->hash =f
#define FtplibDebug(t) FtpDebug(&FtpInit)
STATUS FtpDebugDebug ( FTP *con, int errno, char * Message);
STATUS FtpDebugError ( FTP *con, int errno, char * Message);
STATUS FtpDebugIO ( FTP *con, int errno, char * Message);
STATUS FtpLog(char *progtitle, char *msg);
STATUS FtpHash ( FTP *con, unsigned long number_of_bytes );
void FtpDebug ( FTP * con );
STATUS FtpBadReply550 (char *message);
/* Other Procedures */
FTP *FtpCreateObject();
FILE *FtpFullOpen(char * file,char * mode );
STATUS FtpFullSyntax(String,String,String,String,String);
FILE *Ftpfopen(char *filename,char *mode);
STATUS Ftpfclose(FILE *);
STATUS FtpFullClose(FILE *);
STATUS FtpGood ();
STATUS FtpGood1 (int, int *);
struct hostent *FtpGetHost(char *host);
STATUS FtpFilenameChecher(char *input, char *output);
STATUS FtpLink(FTP *,FTP *);
int FtpArchie(char *what, ARCHIE *, int number);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* Additional definitions */
#ifdef _AIX
int accept (int, struct sockaddr_in*, int*);
char *bcopy (char*, char*, size_t);
int bind (int, const void*, int);
int connect (int, struct sockaddr_in*, int);
int gethostname (char*, size_t);
int getsockname (int, struct sockaddr_in*, int*);
int getpeername (int, struct sockaddr_in*, int*);
int getsockopt (int, int, int, void*, int*);
int listen(int, int);
int setsockopt (int, int, int, void*, int);
int socket (int, int, int);
void free (void*);
void *malloc (size_t);
#endif /* __FTPLIBRARYH_ */