77 lines
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# -*- Perl -*-
%reg_ctry = ();
%ctry_files = ();
%file_descrs = ();
while(<>) {
next if(!/^\# ZONE-DESCR/);
shift(@_); shift(@_); # get rid of # ZONE-DESCR
# Now $_[0] is region, $_[1] is filename, $_[2] is country,
# and @_[3 .. $#_] is the description
$reg = $_[0];
$file = $_[1];
$ctry = $_[2];
$descr = join(' ', @_[3 .. $#_]);
if($reg_ctry{$reg} =~ /$ctry/) {
# do nothing
} else {
$reg_ctry{$reg} = $ctry . "," . $reg_ctry{$reg};
$ctry_files{$ctry} .= ",$reg/$file";
$file_descrs{"$reg/$file"} = $descr;
print "/* This file automatically generated. */\n";
print "#include \"tzsetup.h\"\n";
foreach $ctry (sort keys %ctry_files) {
print "const char *files_$ctry\[\] = {\n";
$ctry_files{$ctry} =~ s/^,//;
foreach $file (sort {$file_descrs{$a} cmp $file_descrs{$b}}
split(/,/, $ctry_files{$ctry})) {
print "\t\"$file\",\n";
print "\t0 };\n";
print "const char *menu_$ctry\[\] = {\n";
$i = 0;
foreach $file (sort {$file_descrs{$a} cmp $file_descrs{$b}}
split(/,/, $ctry_files{$ctry})) {
print "\t\"$i\", \"$file_descrs{$file}\",\n";
print "\t0, 0 };\n";
print "struct country $ctry = { files_$ctry, menu_$ctry, $i };\n";
foreach $reg (sort keys %reg_ctry) {
print "\nstruct country *menu_$reg\[\] = {\n";
$reg_ctry{$reg} =~ s/,$//;
foreach $ctry (sort split(/,/, $reg_ctry{$reg})) {
print "\t&$ctry,\n";
print "\t0 };\n";
print "const char *name_$reg\[\] = {\n";
$i = 0;
foreach $ctry (sort split(/,/, $reg_ctry{$reg})) {
$ctry =~ s/_/ /g;
print "\t\"$i\", \"$ctry\",\n";
print "\t0, 0 };\n";
print "struct region $reg = { menu_$reg, name_$reg, $i };\n";
exit 0;