- Implement -3 option (show previous, this and next month) option.

- Add -A option (months after this month).
- Add -B option (months before this month).
- Fix highlighting of today in year overview.
- Fix aligning of "foreign" characters.

MFC after:	2 weeks
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Groothuis 2010-03-04 07:04:27 +00:00
parent 9fcd9ccb86
commit 0851fbdf3b
3 changed files with 281 additions and 221 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ PROG= ncal
LDADD= -lcalendar -ltermcap
LINKS= ${BINDIR}/ncal ${BINDIR}/cal
MLINKS= ncal.1 cal.1

View File

@ -109,6 +109,22 @@ Britain and her colonies switched to the Gregorian Calendar.
Print the number of the week below each week column.
.It Fl y
Display a calendar for the specified year.
.It Fl b
Switch to backwards compatibility mode (for debugging).
.It Fl d Ar yyyy-mm-dd
.Ar yyyy-mm-dd
as the current date (for debugging of highlighting).
.It Fl 3
Display the previous, current and next month surrounding today.
.It Fl A Ar number
Display the
.Ar number
of months after the current month.
.It Fl B Ar number
Display the
.Ar number
of months before the current month.
A single parameter specifies the year (1\(en9999) to be displayed;
@ -116,12 +132,13 @@ note the year must be fully specified:
.Dq Li cal 89
.Em not
display a calendar for 1989.
Two parameters denote the month and year; the month is either a number between
1 and 12, or a full or abbreviated name as specified by the current locale.
Month and year default to those of the current system clock and time zone (so
display a calendar for 1989. Two parameters denote the month and
year; the month is either a number between 1 and 12, or a full or
abbreviated name as specified by the current locale. Month and
year default to those of the current system clock and time zone (so
.Dq Li cal -m 8
will display a calendar for the month of August in the current year).
will display a calendar for the month of August in the current
A year starts on January 1.
@ -142,5 +159,5 @@ The
command and manual were written by
.An Wolfgang Helbig Aq helbig@FreeBSD.org .
The assignment of Julian\(enGregorian switching dates to
country codes is historically naive for many countries.
The assignment of Julian\(enGregorian switching dates to country
codes is historically naive for many countries.

View File

@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ static const char rcsid[] =
#include <term.h>
#undef lines /* term.h defines this */
/* Width of one month with backward compatibility */
/* Width of one month with backward compatibility and in regular mode*/
#define MONTH_WIDTH_B_J 27
#define MONTH_WIDTH_B 20
#define MONTH_WIDTH_J 24
#define MONTH_WIDTH 18
#define MONTH_WIDTH_R_J 24
#define MONTH_WIDTH_R 18
#define MAX_WIDTH 64
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ struct monthlines {
wchar_t name[MAX_WIDTH + 1];
char lines[7][MAX_WIDTH + 1];
char weeks[MAX_WIDTH + 1];
unsigned int linelen[7];
struct weekdays {
@ -164,25 +165,22 @@ int nswitchb; /* switch date for backward compatibility */
const char *term_so, *term_se;
int today;
char *center(char *s, char *t, int w);
char *center(char *s, char *t, int w);
wchar_t *wcenter(wchar_t *s, wchar_t *t, int w);
void mkmonth(int year, int month, int jd_flag, struct monthlines * monthl);
void mkmonthb(int year, int month, int jd_flag, struct monthlines * monthl);
void mkweekdays(struct weekdays * wds);
int parsemonth(const char *s, int *m, int *y);
void printcc(void);
void printeaster(int year, int julian, int orthodox);
void printmonth(int year, int month, int jd_flag);
void printmonthb(int year, int month, int jd_flag);
void printyear(int year, int jd_flag);
void printyearb(int year, int jd_flag);
void mkmonthr(int year, int month, int jd_flag, struct monthlines * monthl);
void mkmonthb(int year, int month, int jd_flag, struct monthlines * monthl);
void mkweekdays(struct weekdays * wds);
int parsemonth(const char *s, int *m, int *y);
void printcc(void);
void printeaster(int year, int julian, int orthodox);
int firstday(int y, int m);
date *sdate(int ndays, struct date * d);
date *sdateb(int ndays, struct date * d);
int sndays(struct date * d);
int sndaysb(struct date * d);
static void usage(void);
int weekdayb(int nd);
date *sdater(int ndays, struct date * d);
date *sdateb(int ndays, struct date * d);
int sndaysr(struct date * d);
int sndaysb(struct date * d);
static void usage(void);
void monthranger(int year, int jd_flag, int m, int before, int after);
void monthrangeb(int year, int jd_flag, int m, int before, int after);
main(int argc, char *argv[])
@ -190,6 +188,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct djswitch *p, *q; /* to search user defined switch date */
date never = {10000, 1, 1}; /* outside valid range of dates */
date ukswitch = {1752, 9, 2};/* switch date for Great Britain */
date dt;
int ch; /* holds the option character */
int m = 0; /* month */
int y = 0; /* year */
@ -202,26 +201,17 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
int flag_easter = 0; /* use wants easter date */
char *cp; /* character pointer */
char *flag_month = NULL; /* requested month as string */
char *flag_highlightdate = NULL;
int before, after;
const char *locale; /* locale to get country code */
char tbuf[1024], cbuf[512], *b;
time_t t;
struct tm *tm1;
/* On how to highlight on this terminal */
term_se = term_so = NULL;
today = 0;
if (isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) && tgetent(tbuf, NULL) == 1) {
date dt; /* handy date */
b = cbuf;
term_so = tgetstr("so", &b);
term_se = tgetstr("se", &b);
t = time(NULL);
tm1 = localtime(&t);
dt.y = tm1->tm_year + 1900;
dt.m = tm1->tm_mon + 1;
dt.d = tm1->tm_mday;
today = sndaysb(&dt);
@ -263,14 +253,35 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (flag_backward)
nswitchb = ndaysj(&ukswitch);
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "Jehjm:ops:wy")) != -1)
before = after = -1;
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "A:B:3Jbd:ehjm:ops:wy")) != -1)
switch (ch) {
case '3':
before = after = 1;
case 'A':
after = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10);
if (after < 0)
errx(1, "Argument to -A must be positive");
case 'B':
before = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10);
if (before < 0)
errx(1, "Argument to -B must be positive");
case 'J':
if (flag_backward)
nswitch = ndaysj(&never);
flag_julian_cal = 1;
case 'b':
flag_backward = 1;
case 'd':
flag_highlightdate = optarg;
case 'h':
term_so = term_se = NULL;
@ -335,6 +346,9 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
y = atoi(*argv++);
if (y < 1 || y > 9999)
errx(EX_USAGE, "year %d not in range 1..9999", y);
before = 0;
after = 11;
m = 1;
case 0:
@ -345,6 +359,10 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
tm = localtime(&t);
y = tm->tm_year + 1900;
m = tm->tm_mon + 1;
if (before == -1)
before = 0;
if (after == -1)
after = 0;
@ -359,21 +377,29 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (flag_highlightdate != NULL) {
dt.y = strtol(flag_highlightdate, NULL, 10);
dt.m = strtol(flag_highlightdate + 5, NULL, 10);
dt.d = strtol(flag_highlightdate + 8, NULL, 10);
} else {
time_t t;
struct tm *tm1;
t = time(NULL);
tm1 = localtime(&t);
dt.y = tm1->tm_year + 1900;
dt.m = tm1->tm_mon + 1;
dt.d = tm1->tm_mday;
today = sndaysb(&dt);
if (flag_easter)
printeaster(y, flag_julian_cal, flag_orthodox);
else if (argc == 1 || flag_hole_year) {
/* disable the highlight for now */
today = 0;
if (flag_backward)
printyearb(y, flag_julian_day);
monthrangeb(y, flag_julian_day, m, before, after);
printyear(y, flag_julian_day);
} else
if (flag_backward)
printmonthb(y, m, flag_julian_day);
printmonth(y, m, flag_julian_day);
monthranger(y, flag_julian_day, m, before, after);
return (0);
@ -385,7 +411,9 @@ usage(void)
"usage: cal [-hjy] [[month] year]\n"
" cal [-hj] [-m month] [year]\n"
" ncal [-hJjpwy] [-s country_code] [[month] year]\n"
" ncal [-hJeo] [year]\n", stderr);
" ncal [-hJeo] [year]\n"
"for debug the highlighting: [-b] [-d yyyy-mm-dd]\n",
@ -416,7 +444,7 @@ printeaster(int y, int julian, int orthodox)
date dt;
struct tm tm;
char buf[80];
char buf[MAX_WIDTH];
static int d_first = -1;
if (d_first < 0)
@ -441,183 +469,196 @@ printeaster(int y, int julian, int orthodox)
printf("%s\n", buf);
printmonth(int y, int m, int jd_flag)
struct monthlines month;
struct weekdays wds;
int i, len;
mkmonth(y, m - 1, jd_flag, &month);
printf(" %ls %d\n", month.name, y);
for (i = 0; i != 7; i++) {
len = wcslen(wds.names[i]);
if (wcswidth(wds.names[i], len) == len)
wprintf(L"%.2ls%s\n", wds.names[i], month.lines[i]);
wprintf(L"%.1ls%s\n", wds.names[i], month.lines[i]);
if (flag_weeks)
printf(" %s\n", month.weeks);
#define MW(mw, ms, ml) \
strlen(ms) > (ml) ? (mw) + 9 : (mw)
#define DECREASEMONTH(m, y) \
if (--m == 0) { \
m = 12; \
y--; \
#define INCREASEMONTH(m, y) \
if (++(m) == 13) { \
(m) = 1; \
(y)++; \
#define M2Y(m) ((m) / 12)
#define M2M(m) (1 + (m) % 12)
printmonthb(int y, int m, int jd_flag)
struct monthlines month;
struct weekdays wds;
wchar_t s[MAX_WIDTH], t[MAX_WIDTH];
int i;
int mw;
mkmonthb(y, m - 1, jd_flag, &month);
mw = jd_flag ? MONTH_WIDTH_B_J : MONTH_WIDTH_B;
swprintf(s, MAX_WIDTH, L"%ls %d", month.name, y);
wprintf(L"%ls\n", wcenter(t, s, mw));
if (jd_flag)
wprintf(L" %ls %ls %ls %ls %ls %ls %.2ls\n",
wds.names[6], wds.names[0],
wds.names[1], wds.names[2], wds.names[3],
wds.names[4], wds.names[5]);
wprintf(L"%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls%.2ls\n", wds.names[6],
wds.names[0], wds.names[1], wds.names[2], wds.names[3],
wds.names[4], wds.names[5]);
for (i = 0; i != 6; i++)
printf("%s\n", month.lines[i]+1);
printyear(int y, int jd_flag)
monthrangeb(int y, int jd_flag, int m, int before, int after)
struct monthlines year[12];
struct weekdays wds;
char s[80], t[80];
char s[MAX_WIDTH], t[MAX_WIDTH];
wchar_t ws[MAX_WIDTH], ws1[MAX_WIDTH];
const char *wdss;
int i, j;
int mpl;
int mw;
int m1, m2;
int printyearheader;
int prevyear = -1;
for (i = 0; i != 12; i++)
mkmonth(y, i, jd_flag, year + i);
mpl = jd_flag ? 3 : 4;
mw = jd_flag ? MONTH_WIDTH_J : MONTH_WIDTH;
sprintf(s, "%d", y);
printf("%s\n", center(t, s, mpl * mw));
for (j = 0; j != 12; j += mpl) {
wprintf(L" %-*ls%-*ls",
mw, year[j].name,
mw, year[j + 1].name);
if (mpl == 3)
printf("%ls\n", year[j + 2].name);
mw, year[j + 2].name,
year[j + 3].name);
for (i = 0; i != 7; i++) {
mw, year[j].lines[i],
mw, year[j + 1].lines[i]);
if (mpl == 3)
printf("%s\n", year[j + 2].lines[i]);
mw, year[j + 2].lines[i],
year[j + 3].lines[i]);
if (flag_weeks) {
if (mpl == 3)
printf(" %-*s%-*s%-s\n",
mw, year[j].weeks,
mw, year[j + 1].weeks,
year[j + 2].weeks);
printf(" %-*s%-*s%-*s%-s\n",
mw, year[j].weeks,
mw, year[j + 1].weeks,
mw, year[j + 2].weeks,
year[j + 3].weeks);
printyearb(int y, int jd_flag)
struct monthlines year[12];
struct weekdays wds;
char s[80], t[80];
wchar_t ws[80], wt[80];
int i, j;
int mpl;
int mw;
for (i = 0; i != 12; i++)
mkmonthb(y, i, jd_flag, year + i);
mpl = jd_flag ? 2 : 3;
mw = jd_flag ? MONTH_WIDTH_B_J : MONTH_WIDTH_B;
wdss = (mpl == 2) ? " " : "";
sprintf(s, "%d", y);
printf("%s\n\n", center(t, s, mw * mpl + mpl));
while (before != 0) {
m1 = y * 12 + m - 1;
m2 = m1 + after;
for (j = 0; j != 12; j += mpl) {
wprintf(L"%-*ls ", mw, wcenter(ws, year[j].name, mw));
if (mpl == 2)
printf("%ls\n", wcenter(ws, year[j + 1].name, mw));
wprintf(L"%-*ls %ls\n", mw,
wcenter(ws, year[j + 1].name, mw),
wcenter(wt, year[j + 2].name, mw));
if (mpl == 2)
wprintf(L" %ls %ls %ls %ls %ls %ls %ls "
" %ls %ls %ls %ls %ls %ls %.2ls\n",
wds.names[6], wds.names[0], wds.names[1],
wds.names[2], wds.names[3], wds.names[4],
wds.names[6], wds.names[0], wds.names[1],
wds.names[2], wds.names[3], wds.names[4],
wprintf(L"%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls "
"%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls "
wds.names[6], wds.names[0], wds.names[1],
wds.names[2], wds.names[3], wds.names[4],
wds.names[6], wds.names[0], wds.names[1],
wds.names[2], wds.names[3], wds.names[4],
wds.names[6], wds.names[0], wds.names[1],
wds.names[2], wds.names[3], wds.names[4],
for (i = 0; i != 6; i++) {
if (mpl == 2)
printf("%-*s %s\n",
mw, year[j].lines[i]+1,
year[j + 1].lines[i]+1);
printf("%-*s %-*s %s\n",
mw, year[j].lines[i]+1,
mw, year[j + 1].lines[i]+1,
year[j + 2].lines[i]+1);
* The year header is printed when there are more than 'mpl' months
* and if the first month is a multitude of 'mpl'.
* If not, it will print the year behind every month.
printyearheader = (after >= mpl - 1) && (M2M(m1) - 1) % mpl == 0;
m = m1;
while (m <= m2) {
int count = 0;
for (i = 0; i != mpl && m + i <= m2; i++) {
mkmonthb(M2Y(m + i), M2M(m + i) - 1, jd_flag, year + i);
/* Empty line between two rows of months */
if (m != m1)
/* Year at the top */
if (printyearheader && M2Y(m) != prevyear) {
sprintf(s, "%d", M2Y(m));
printf("%s\n", center(t, s, mpl * mw));
prevyear = M2Y(m);
/* Month names */
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (printyearheader)
wprintf(L"%-*ls ",
mw, wcenter(ws, year[i].name, mw));
else {
swprintf(ws, sizeof(ws), L"%-ls %d",
year[i].name, M2Y(m + i));
wprintf(L"%-*ls ", mw, wcenter(ws1, ws, mw));
/* Day of the week names */
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
wprintf(L"%s%ls%s%ls%s%ls%s%ls%s%ls%s%ls%s%ls ",
wdss, wds.names[6], wdss, wds.names[0],
wdss, wds.names[1], wdss, wds.names[2],
wdss, wds.names[3], wdss, wds.names[4],
wdss, wds.names[5]);
for (i = 0; i != 6; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < count; j++)
printf("%-*s ", mw, year[j].lines[i]+1);
m += mpl;
mkmonth(int y, int m, int jd_flag, struct monthlines *mlines)
monthranger(int y, int jd_flag, int m, int before, int after)
struct monthlines year[12];
struct weekdays wds;
char s[MAX_WIDTH], t[MAX_WIDTH];
int i, j;
int mpl;
int mw;
int m1, m2;
int prevyear = -1;
int printyearheader;
mpl = jd_flag ? 3 : 4;
mw = jd_flag ? MONTH_WIDTH_R_J : MONTH_WIDTH_R;
while (before != 0) {
m1 = y * 12 + m - 1;
m2 = m1 + after;
* The year header is printed when there are more than 'mpl' months
* and if the first month is a multitude of 'mpl'.
* If not, it will print the year behind every month.
printyearheader = (after >= mpl - 1) && (M2M(m1) - 1) % mpl == 0;
m = m1;
while (m <= m2) {
int count = 0;
for (i = 0; i != mpl && m + i <= m2; i++) {
mkmonthr(M2Y(m + i), M2M(m + i) - 1, jd_flag, year + i);
/* Empty line between two rows of months */
if (m != m1)
/* Year at the top */
if (printyearheader && M2Y(m) != prevyear) {
sprintf(s, "%d", M2Y(m));
printf("%s\n", center(t, s, mpl * mw));
prevyear = M2Y(m);
/* Month names */
wprintf(L" ");
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (printyearheader)
wprintf(L"%-*ls", mw, year[i].name);
wprintf(L"%-ls %-*d", year[i].name,
mw - wcslen(year[i].name) - 1, M2Y(m + i));
for (i = 0; i != 7; i++) {
/* Week day */
wprintf(L"%.2ls", wds.names[i]);
/* Full months */
for (j = 0; j < count; j++)
MW(mw, year[j].lines[i],
year[j].linelen[i]), year[j].lines[i]);
if (flag_weeks) {
printf(" ");
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
printf("%-*s", mw, year[i].weeks);
m += mpl;
mkmonthr(int y, int m, int jd_flag, struct monthlines *mlines)
struct tm tm; /* for strftime printing local names of
@ -676,7 +717,8 @@ mkmonth(int y, int m, int jd_flag, struct monthlines *mlines)
for (i = 0; i != 7; i++) {
l = 0;
for (j = firstm + i, k = 0; j < last; j += 7, k += dw) {
if (j == today && (term_so != NULL && term_se != NULL)) {
if (j == today &&
(term_so != NULL && term_se != NULL)) {
l = strlen(term_so);
if (jd_flag)
dt.d = j - jan1 + 1;
@ -699,14 +741,14 @@ mkmonth(int y, int m, int jd_flag, struct monthlines *mlines)
if (jd_flag)
dt.d = j - jan1 + 1;
sdate(j, &dt);
sdater(j, &dt);
memcpy(mlines->lines[i] + k + l,
ds + dt.d * dw, dw);
} else
memcpy(mlines->lines[i] + k + l, " ", dw);
mlines->lines[i][k + l] = '\0';
mlines->linelen[i] = k;
/* fill the weeknumbers */
@ -795,7 +837,8 @@ mkmonthb(int y, int m, int jd_flag, struct monthlines *mlines)
l = 0;
for (j = firsts + 7 * i, k = 0; j < last && k != dw * 7;
j++, k += dw) {
if (j == today && (term_so != NULL && term_se != NULL)) {
if (j == today &&
(term_so != NULL && term_se != NULL)) {
l = strlen(term_so);
if (jd_flag)
dt.d = j - jan1 + 1;
@ -870,9 +913,9 @@ firstday(int y, int m)
dt.y = y;
dt.m = m;
dt.d = 1;
nd = sndays(&dt);
nd = sndaysr(&dt);
for (;;) {
sdate(nd, &dt);
sdater(nd, &dt);
if ((dt.m >= m && dt.y == y) || dt.y > y)
return (nd);
@ -886,7 +929,7 @@ firstday(int y, int m)
* Julian to Gregorian if specified by the user.
sndays(struct date *d)
sndaysr(struct date *d)
if (nswitch != 0)
@ -914,7 +957,7 @@ sndaysb(struct date *d)
/* Inverse of sndays */
struct date *
sdate(int nd, struct date *d)
sdater(int nd, struct date *d)
if (nswitch < nd)
@ -938,7 +981,7 @@ sdateb(int nd, struct date *d)
char *
center(char *s, char *t, int w)
char blanks[80];
char blanks[MAX_WIDTH];
memset(blanks, ' ', sizeof(blanks));
sprintf(s, "%.*s%s", (int)(w - strlen(t)) / 2, blanks, t);
@ -949,7 +992,7 @@ center(char *s, char *t, int w)
wchar_t *
wcenter(wchar_t *s, wchar_t *t, int w)
char blanks[80];
char blanks[MAX_WIDTH];
memset(blanks, ' ', sizeof(blanks));
swprintf(s, MAX_WIDTH, L"%.*s%ls", (int)(w - wcslen(t)) / 2, blanks, t);