MFi386: revision
Sync with HEAD including support for reading any %crX register as well as some space savings.
This commit is contained in:
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ init.7: stosl # Set entry
#ifdef PAGING
or $0x80000001,%eax # mode and enable paging
or $0x01,%eax # mode
inc %ax # mode
mov %eax,%cr0 #
ljmp $SEL_SCODE,$init.8 # To 32-bit code
@ -473,12 +473,12 @@ intrtn.1: leal 0x10(%esi),%ebx # Saved exception frame
movb $0x4,%cl # Update seg regs
rep # in INT_V86
movsl # args
intrtn.2: movl %edx,%esi # Segment registers
intrtn.2: xchgl %edx,%esi # Segment registers
leal 0x28(%ebp),%edi # Set up seg
movb $0x4,%cl # regs for
rep # later
movsl # pop
movl %ebx,%esi # Restore exception
xchgl %ebx,%esi # Restore exception
movb $0x5,%cl # frame to
rep # supervisor
movsl # stack
@ -523,9 +523,7 @@ v86mon.3: cmpb $0xf,%al # Prefixed instruction?
je v86wrmsr # Yes
cmpb $0x32,(%esi) # Is it a RDMSR?
je v86rdmsr # Yes
cmpb $0x20,(%esi) # Is this a
jne v86mon.4 # MOV EAX,CR0
cmpb $0xc0,0x1(%esi) # instruction?
cmpb $0x20,(%esi) # Is this a MOV reg,CRx?
je v86mov # Yes
v86mon.4: cmpb $0xfa,%al # CLI?
je v86cli # Yes
@ -557,10 +555,24 @@ v86mon.7: subl %edi,%esi # From linear
leal 0x8(%esp,1),%esp # Discard int no, error
iret # To V86 mode
* Emulate MOV EAX,CR0.
* Emulate MOV reg,CRx.
v86mov: movl %cr0,%eax # CR0 to
movl %eax,0x1c(%ebp) # saved EAX
v86mov: movb 0x1(%esi),%bl # Fetch Mod R/M byte
testb $0x10,%bl # Read CR2 or CR3?
jnz v86mov.1 # Yes
movl %cr0,%eax # Read CR0
testb $0x20,%bl # Read CR4 instead?
jz v86mov.2 # No
movl %cr4,%eax # Read CR4
jmp v86mov.2
v86mov.1: movl %cr2,%eax # Read CR2
testb $0x08,%bl # Read CR3 instead?
jz v86mov.2 # No
movl %cr3,%eax # Read CR3
v86mov.2: andl $0x7,%ebx # Compute offset in
shl $2,%ebx # frame of destination
neg %ebx # register
movl %eax,0x1c(%ebp,%ebx,1) # Store CR to reg
incl %esi # Adjust IP
* Return from emulating a 0x0f prefixed instruction
@ -636,41 +648,28 @@ v86popf.1: movl (%ebx),%eax # Load flags
* reads count of words from saved %cx
* returns success by setting %ah to 0
int15_87: pushl %eax # Save
pushl %ebx # some information
pushl %esi # onto the stack.
pushl %edi
xorl %eax,%eax # clean EAX
xorl %ebx,%ebx # clean EBX
movl 0x4(%ebp),%esi # Get user's ESI
movl 0x3C(%ebp),%ebx # store ES
movw %si,%ax # store SI
shll $0x4,%ebx # Make it a seg.
addl %eax,%ebx # ebx=(es<<4)+si
movb 0x14(%ebx),%al # Grab the
movb 0x17(%ebx),%ah # necessary
shll $0x10,%eax # information
movw 0x12(%ebx),%ax # from
movl %eax,%esi # the
movb 0x1c(%ebx),%al # GDT in order to
movb 0x1f(%ebx),%ah # have %esi offset
shll $0x10,%eax # of source and %edi
movw 0x1a(%ebx),%ax # of destination.
movl %eax,%edi
int15_87: pushl %esi # Save
pushl %edi # registers
movl 0x3C(%ebp),%edi # Load ES
movzwl 0x4(%ebp),%eax # Load user's SI
shll $0x4,%edi # EDI = (ES << 4) +
addl %eax,%edi # SI
movl 0x11(%edi),%eax # Read base of
movb 0x17(%edi),%al # GDT entry
ror $8,%eax # for source
xchgl %eax,%esi # into %esi
movl 0x19(%edi),%eax # Read base of
movb 0x1f(%edi),%al # GDT entry for
ror $8,%eax # destination
xchgl %eax,%edi # into %edi
pushl %ds # Make:
popl %es # es = ds
pushl %ecx # stash ECX
xorl %ecx,%ecx # highw of ECX is clear
movw 0x18(%ebp),%cx # Get user's ECX
shll $0x1,%ecx # Convert from num words to num
# bytes
movzwl 0x18(%ebp),%ecx # Get user's CX
shll $0x1,%ecx # Convert count from words
rep # repeat...
movsb # perform copy.
popl %ecx # Restore
popl %edi
popl %esi # previous
popl %ebx # register
popl %eax # values.
popl %edi # Restore
popl %esi # registers
movb $0x0,0x1d(%ebp) # set ah = 0 to indicate
# success
andb $0xfe,%dl # clear CF
@ -689,23 +688,16 @@ v86intn: lodsb # Get int no
cmpb $0x19,%al # is it int 19?
je reboot # yes, reboot the machine
cmpb $0x15,%al # is it int 15?
jne v86intn.3 # no, skip parse
pushl %eax # stash EAX
movl 0x1c(%ebp),%eax # user's saved EAX
cmpb $0x87,%ah # is it the memcpy subfunction?
jne v86intn.1 # no, keep checking
popl %eax # get the stack straight
jmp int15_87 # it's our cue
v86intn.1: cmpw $0x4f53,%ax # is it the delete key callout?
jne v86intn.2 # no, handle the int normally
movb BDA_KEYFLAGS,%al # get the shift key state
andb $0x18,%al # mask off just Ctrl and Alt
cmpb $0x18,%al # are both Ctrl and Alt down?
jne v86intn.2 # no, handle the int normally
popl %eax # restore EAX
jmp reboot # reboot the machine
v86intn.2: popl %eax # restore EAX
v86intn.3: subl %edi,%esi # From
jne v86intn.1 # no, skip parse
cmpb $0x87,0x1d(%ebp) # is it the memcpy subfunction?
je int15_87 # yes
cmpw $0x4f53,0x1c(%ebp) # is it the delete key callout?
jne v86intn.1 # no, handle the int normally
movb BDA_KEYFLAGS,%ch # get the shift key state
andb $0x18,%ch # mask off just Ctrl and Alt
cmpb $0x18,%ch # are both Ctrl and Alt down?
je reboot # yes, reboot the machine
v86intn.1: subl %edi,%esi # From
shrl $0x4,%edi # linear
movw %dx,-0x2(%ebx) # Save flags
movw %di,-0x4(%ebx) # Save CS
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