Add example for upcoming aarch64/arm64 targets.

This commit is contained in:
Sean Bruno 2015-02-16 20:55:37 +00:00
parent b4ae2f3c55
commit 13087ee99f

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@ -180,6 +180,17 @@ Look up and list the record for the
image activator:
.Dl # binmiscctl lookup llvmbc
Add QEMU bsd-user program as an image activator for ARM AARCH64 binaries:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
# binmiscctl add arm64 \e
--interpreter "/usr/local/bin/qemu-aarch64-static" \e
--magic "\ex7f\ex45\ex4c\ex46\ex02\ex01\ex01\ex00\ex00\ex00\e
\ex00\ex00\ex00\ex00\ex00\ex00\ex02\ex00\exb7\ex00" \e
--mask "\exff\exff\exff\exff\exff\exff\exff\ex00\exff\exff\e
\exff\exff\exff\exff\exff\exff\exfe\exff\exff\exff" \e
--size 20 --set-enabled
Add QEMU bsd-user program as an image activator for ARM little-endian binaries:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
# binmiscctl add armelf \e